Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Gose liver pate!

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As long as their are Ganders as well we need equal representation. Also Swans… white and black ones. … A Swan flying mount would be lovely.

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a swan!

edit : beat me to it xD

Sex is act of love most times I hope.
And gender is for male and female in humans.

And why this thread is not locked already.

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First geese, now swans? What is it with you and aggressive malevolent beasts?

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and ducks

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Foie Gras!


Peacock mount (male not female) …oh the colours :slight_smile: :peacock:

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Bird meat does tend to be tasty, so I’ll give you that one, they have some use.

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Ermergerd! yes! that would be awesome!


Depends on the language and the context. Sex in this case is not describing the act of procreation.

What does it even mean then.

How would you know? You’re not one, that was the claim you made.

You mean like OP’s group of people as well in the first place, including those like me since you tried to play your defense shield that they can’t speak on it because they’re not ‘part of the same group’ as you specifically?

Despite, the character they talked about having TONS of articles written about it given the way the character was played in the film which has widely been criticized since release as being transphobic?

What’s that? Your initial posts in this thread along with the data thereafter have all been whataboutism?

You’re right, not even a competition every time since your points get debunked and blown away.

False, go search on google to educate yourself on the matter.

You are indeed wrong, again, as usual. Even got their preferred wrong too, yikes.

Read above.

Have, if you read the forum CoC as evading the filters counts in there. Nice strawman and gish gallops though!

Ah, there you are doing the intentional misgenders again. CS time!

Nah, I didn’t.

Yep! Sure can actually. Whether you know beforehand doesn’t prevent you from misgendering since you’re supposed to use true gender neutrals or names beforehand. You can argue you’re not doing it intentionally but… You did it intentionally to me multiple times already and always continue to do so we know that it is intentional. :3

No thanks, I won’t be the one that gets a ‘day off’ so to speak.

That’s correct, there is. :3 You made the initial claim that there is less, so back it up. Though, quite a few are guilty of just throwing many of the others under an umbrella term like ‘intersex’ for those that are not.

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In many languages it is one and the same, it gets a bit confusing when you have native English speakers saying its different thing.

This game is rated T- for Teen…its old enough to have maturity in it and poor humour / bad language. Blizzard pruning all this might as well ask PEGI to re-evaluate age rating at this pace since they’re so determined to inject real world political BS into the game.

different colorations of duck mounts would be great


It still wouldn’t drop lower due to the torture, brutality and murder. Things the fruitbowl developers are perfectly fine with.

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Big Purple Fluffy Duck - Void Ducks :slight_smile:


Definitely got my vote for voiducks.

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By the definition of racism and her actions. Also, as i said, i supported people that fell into said category.

And if you would have followed the topic i said that if he were to support people in their stead then hes fine to do so. However he didnt state this to be the case and relied to a strawman.

The character itself is not trans. Thats how it is. Also comparing actual trans people to said character is insulting by itself.

Im afraid that isnt the case.

Once again quite ironic. I have yet come across any of our conversations where you made a solid point. It always ended up in you using libel.

I would advise you to do the same. The character is not trans.

Tahra has not stated me her pronouns as of yet and as such what i said earlier applies. Tahra is however still correct here while you are not.

I havent trolled the OP. Learn what trolling is. I havent evaded the filters as i used completely different words. The core message remained intact.

I knew you would jump on that. And you did that in prior threads. Where i told you a lot of times that Mate as well as Dude are regarded as gender neutral since quite a while. Mate longer as dude.

Believe what you want.

Let me rephrase it then: “Cant intentionally misgender one”. Emphasis on the word intentionally.

Ye that doesnt work im afraid. If you dont state your preferred pronouns i cant magically know them. Get misgendered (or not) and then state your prefered pronouns and then you can nag if uses the opposite pronouns.

Learn what intentional is. Mate, as stated again, is a neutral term. Youre not worth my time to intentionally misgender you and pay attention to it all the time which is why you just get called mate or pickpawkit. The only one where i actually pay attention to it is Deastra.

Anyway, i wish you the best of fun with Tahra. Tahra is probably more willing to waste time on you than i am.

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