Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Im not a native and still know the difference. But yes, it is one and the same in many languages that is correct. Which is why i pointed it out.

Just thought there could be a store Goose mount that lays :egg: Golden Eggs :egg: - your friends can pick them up for a chance of in game gold!

Right I am to pitch that to Bobby… just need some friends now.

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These extremist are so heated they just pick the tip of the iceberg, not knowing what the actual joke is about.

The reference in WoW is about the movie Ace Ventura, that had no related issues or jokes about trans people. Maybe watch the movie, that was made before your birth, probably, and then try to conclude, instead of being baited by other master baiters that are extremists from your own community :confused:

It is getting pretty old and pretty tireing, and when people are gonna feed up with extremists’s nonsense, don’t act surprise of the outcome.

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Everything is transphobic/racist/homophobic/ableist/ageist/sexist etc these days.


So, first it was fire and fury about racism, cancelling everything and everyone that got the stamp “racist”.

Then we moved to the “gay” indignation, anyone that didnt attend the gay parade in Berlin (or the in their local town) was a homophobe and had to be destroyed.

Now we go for the “trans” crusade, were if you even dare to think that men dont dont give birth to babies, you are a vile transphobe and we need to be deported to mars.

Whats next?
Pedophiles are the victims of the majority that dont understand them?

Just because people have other preferences they arent discriminating you.
Heteros arent homophobes by default, some are, some arent.
Same goes for racism.

If people live and let live and accept your preferences and dont try to impose theirs, they arent phobes or racists or whatever.

All this crap is made to divide us and alot, really alot are falling for it.
Meanwhile, the mega rich of this world, keep on laughing while going to bank to cash in, more and more.


We had that. We have one on the forums that identifies with said group. Still loved it when i sent him on a vacation.

Sex can be used as the term for procreation as well as the description of Male and Female, however there can be many derivatives of Gender within the concept of Sex. So basically there are two sexes within which there are a number of Genders.

Oh no. You just gave the “omg pay2win!!1!shiftone” crowd an argument against its inclusion. I can already see the ground tremors from that pandaren.

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One question that was asked and not answered, which I think is pertinent is was the OP offended by Ace Ventura when he/she first saw it, or is it just something that they have decided to rage about now? Also the same with the NPC’s, has tge OP always been offended by them, or is it just now?

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You mean like the definition of offense for the character OP referenced?

Like OP mentioned support themselves and did so more than you have for those of us on these forums? :thinking:

Which, even after mentioning it to you you continue to do so out of spite with the misgendering. :thinking:

Except, even the original director stated they were a character to depict trans people.

*I’m afraid it is the case.

Once again quite ironic. I have yet come across any of our conversations where you made a solid point. It always ended up in you using libel.

I would advise you to do your research, they are.

They have, actually. I was there for it.

Wrong, as stated by someone that actually worked on said movie not someone that was in no way related to said film. Were you not the one that went on about if you’re not part of something you’re not allowed to talk about it? :3

By forum rules, you have. Along with me. Since it means intentionally doing something to upset someone, in one of the definitions for the forum CoC among many various other tactics you always do.

Yes, you did.

In which I corrected you, in showing that it’s a masculine leaning pronoun and therefore is not actually gender neutral. Neither of them are considered, by the trans community (If you participated in it, you would know) as gender neutral as a result.

Ye it does actually, it’s respectful to refer to someone in a gender neutral pronoun or by name online if you don’t actually know. Plus, when you get corrected you’re supposed to correct said behavior. You never do.

Weird since you’ve continued to do it despite how many times I’ve given you my pronouns and my stance on it but you continue to do otherwise because you prefer to be transphobic the same way Milo was always homophobic while you try to use your status as a shield that you’re ‘not being’.

Aren’t rabbits charming and lovable though? I mean even the virmen are.

… now I have to visit Pandaria again.


Thanks! And as for pronouns; I don’t care.

My character is female, so referring to Tahra or Tah as she is fine.
The person behind the computer is male, so referring to Tahra or Tah as he is fine.

I don’t know, I leave this thread with loving thoughts of ducks and orange sauce, and come back to see the usual suspect spouting drivel, can’t I leave you kids alone for just 5 mins?

Edit…duck and apple does work!

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My bag of tricks is very limited :frowning:

Rabbit stew - What we need is a few good taters

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What’s taters precious?

Not referring to you as concerns drivel, though I do refuse to ever eat bunny :rofl:

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