Cata Classic is dead

Of course. While i enjoy cata i’m not ignorant. However i have not seen a good argument yet.

What do you mean I even asked if i understand what you mean correctly however you refused to answer So if we’re talking about different things i believe its cos you refused to elaborate.

OK, what I mean is that the two of us are on different planets, inhabiting different spheres of reality.

In other words my problems of Cata, of which I have many, are not your problems with Cata because we both view the game in an entirely different manner.

Thus I could argue that the game is the beginning of retail due to …XYZ… all I wish but you’d never see it because when you look at the game you see it in a way that reflects your own priorities, and my priorities are not important to you - and vice versa.

If you’re anything like the bulk of people who use these forums and I ask you to describe your mental picture of WoW it’s likely to be something like:

“Where I raid, and I can get the biggest parses I can, ensure I’m thoroughly min/maxing my character, and ensuring I’m following the current meta to the highest extent possible”

But if I was asked the same question it would be:

“A world where I create a character to have an adventure, exploring the world, doing quests and levelling up”

Consequently we inhabit different universes. All of my issues pertain to early game, the open world, the quests, the levelling and the removal of all of the RPG mechanics - things which I would assume hold no interest for you. You’re almost certainly evaluating Cata on the strength of it’s end game content.


Yes you’re right i dont care about leveling experience since i hate leveling and i actually found cataclysm leveling way more enjoyable than pre cata. When i compare wotlk to cata both are basically the same when it comes to endgame therefore i would argue wotlk and cata are designed in pretty much same way. Yes the biggest difference between these two is updated world and while i personally dont mind it i’m aware there are many people who prefered old world and if leveling is your thing then i can see why you would hate it and yes i believe its a valid point. However if i personally had to rate expansion i would rate it as a whole game so i would take into consideration multiple aspects such as class design, raids, content overall, pvp, even leveling and other stuff. For example i hated Legion and quit it multiple times however even tho i hated it, it did a lot of stuff right which i can’t ignore so overall i wouldnt say its a bad expansion even tho the stuff i care about was trash.

What i’m trying to say is i dont think you can judge whole expansion simply by 1 activity you do while ignoring all the good stuff. And yes as i said i can see why you hate reworked locations and if you call cata leveling worse/bad compared to wrath then thats completely fine with me and there’s nothing i can say about that.

Oh no, i dont have to kill 10000 boars and collect 10000 things over a timespan of 150 hours to reach maxlvl anymore, cata bad

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That was the nail in the coffin for me back in the day.

Squids from space was pushing it

But kung fu panda’s ?!!?!!?

They where everywhere it was likea zoo :frowning:

Not for this Gnome :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Retail reminds me of those where’s wally books for some reason, It’s like hmm where are the original races…what the hell are these things?


use kill gnome breakfeast pvp made littel chair hide still killing gnome littel pest

But is that not precisely what you’re doing? You’re literally doing one activity, raiding, and so you deem the expansion ‘good’ because you like that one activity.

But regardless, as I said earlier, we’re arguing from different positions, and from different universes, so none of it is valid or relevant as we’re both making two entirely different arguments about two entirely different things.


are you aware you can do that on retail version? You should try it and stay away from classic versions since they are obviously not for you

Something about Gnomes eating your breakfast and hiding your chairs

We can be mischievous I grant you that, you’ll find those chairs eventually.

We didn’t swap them with your Orc neighbor for some Tauren cardigans

We swear

Although it is cold working outside Ironforge even in summer

( well, not any more… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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Orgrimmar is just as busy on Gehennas as it is on Warmane. Granted, Dalaran is a lot busier on Warmane but it’s still impressive for an official server. Especially compared to retail where you’re lucky if you even see 2-3 players in the capital hub most of the time (obviously busier now with the new expansion but that will soon go back to the normal 2-3 players).

No thanks, maybe you should try to accept that tbc and wotlk classic is over. You dont have to play cata CLASSIC if you dislike it, but commenting in every single thread how bad the game is makes you look kinda desperate, move on with your life

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I cleared raids like 5 times this expansion, i would never raid if i was not forced actually.

Ironforge update: The raider/pvp population dropped from 152050 to 143516.

Firelands is going live on PTR, so I expect the decline to stop in a couple of weeks and then we will see the usual new-phase-bump.

Then with all due respect, I’m not clear on what you’re getting out of WoW. Raidings got boring for you, you dislike levelling alts - PvP perhaps?

You are literally losing time with that one.

I gave this guy all the data and info he needs that the majority of players find WoW Cata bad and his next reply ? “Cata is better in every aspect than Vanilla, TBC, Wotlk, Legion”. Literally all time best expansions, he things Cata is better than all of them.

Imagine who you are dealing with, if he says Cata is …the better expansion out of the ones I mentioned above.

Who does that? LOL …

I mean there are people saying the last Matrix movie is amazing, when actually it was trash and the worst from all 4. Literally the same with this guy and his Cataclysm expansion.

Matrix 4 was indeed horse manure and a box office bomb.

Just saw WCL claiming that they have 11 million Ulduar logs over in China. Honestly, instead of crapping on Cata here on these forums on a daily basis, see if you can connect to the chinese realms. Perhaps you’d need some translation, though… :smiley:

A little bit of everything actually. Dont get me wrong i dont hate pve. I dont mind doing raid Once in a while. What i hate about pve is fixed schedule mostly. You can’t simply ditch raid when you dont feel like raiding. I want to do whatever i want whenever i want.
So i’m getting everything there is out of wow except roleplay. Also having friends is key. With friends even leveling is bearable.

I’m doing the polar opposite - we couldn’t be any more worlds apart if we tried.

I’ve re-subbed recently after initially quitting when it was announced they’d be no Wrath era servers, because I need to scratch my itch to do some low level content again, but Classic Era is my only option.

No guild, as it wouldn’t be fair to commit to a guild when I’m only planning on playing for a month or two and then cancelling again. No group content, save occasional help with a group quest and I’m literally treating it like a single player game where the objective is to level to 60 and then game over. I’ll unsub again and probably won’t touch WoW for another six months if not longer.

Of course if they announced a TBC or Wrath server I’d re-commit totally, take the yearly sub option, and it would be my ‘forever game.’ Would probably even open a second account so I could have more alts.


I find it surprising that they didn’t even consider having a Wotlk Era server, like sending some polls and such to the community. I mean literally, Wotlk Classic had the most users and it was the most played out of all Classics yet, they release Cataclysm, one of the worst expansion ever but they didn’t add 1 Era Wotlk PvP and 1 PvE server?

Pf …

Why wouldn’t I ? If they added Wotlk Era Servers, I wouldn’t even be on this …Cata forums.

I mean, at least say thanks as there are like 3-4 threads in 24 hours which have replies on this forums and usually there are like … the same 10-15 players always lol, including me and you. So yea, amazing expansion

I know, I know … people are playing instead of lurking the forums.

…sure buddy! :rofl: