Cata Classic is dead

I regret posting in this thread now. You all need to touch grass.

Berny proposes a solution to improve cata at least a little bit - increase deserter debuff from 30 min to 2 hours.

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You first!

How is Cata btw ? I heard more than half servers are ghost towns. Is that so?

Ye mop remix did not happen literaly at the same time as cata release did.
Now off you go! Btw Legion bad.

Ironforge numbers are (for EU)

Cataclysm All Selected Realms in EU : 78514 players
Classic Era All Selected Realms in EU : 7346 players
Classic SoD All Selected Realms in EU : 41204 players

If Cata is dead, then Classic and SoD are also dead.

Btw there are raids/RBGs and people searching for dungeons everyday on my server. How can this be called “dead”

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MOP Remix? You say a MOD from Retail ruined the entire Cataclsym Classic release? A MOD? HAHAHAHAH . Man, you literally just said Cata Bad.

Nope! Not even close. - Score 7.6 - Legion Score 5.8 - Cataclysm

Cata Bad , Legion Good.

Well…yea, they are. 41k players for SOD vs 230k at peak, yup! Dead or barely living. Much like Cataclysm Classic.

Classic is … literally dead lol.

Did something terrible happen to you 14years ago when OG cata released, or why are you so obsessed with it? If you dislike it, dont play it. I dislike retail and SoD, but instead of crying about it 24/7 on the forums I just dont play it, you should try that.

Obsessed? Wtf ?

Which I am doing just that.

24/7 ? “Dude”, what are you smoking? 1-2 replies per day, is 24/7 for you?

And yes, I will continue to bash Cata as much as I can because its really bad. They released this pathetic of an expansion but they didn’t added permanent Wotlk servers which literally was the best and most played from all Classics?

But your name says everything, so it’s fine! You like bad expansions. To each his own.

Yes, I do think its weird to go to a forum of a game you dislike and dont play daily just so you can tell everyone how much you dislike it

well, to each their own

Because warmane exists, blizzard knows they cant compete with that. If you wanna kill the lichking for the 6000th time you can do it there

Thats an ironic name, I know bfa is bad. I could also name myself Legionclassic but that would be too much

As long as my sub still on I will access this forums much like you and post about what I like and what I dislike.

“Dude”, wtf? I will ask you again, what are you smoking? So you are literally sending me to a private server which they are against Blizzard rules? Man … you must be new here. And no! I won’t play on a private server, with many bugs, p2w, etc. And what do you man Blizzard can’t compete with that?!

Even Cataclysm Classic is more popular than any warman or whiteman servers combined. Are you ok?

And Wotlk Classic was super popular on Blizzard servers.

BfA bad, Legion good!



less bugs than wotlk classic

Yes, not much different from the WoW token though.

Technically, they could. They wont, because that means they have to put work into it. Warmane has actual staff working for them, on top of developers. There is no one working on classic since 1-2 weeks after the wotlk classic launch.

Because classic is filled with boomers like you who think the CIA knocks on their door as soon as they play on a privatserver. The ONLY good think about wotlk classic was that it was an official version of the game which lead to many people playing it, however when it comes to quality literally everything was worse compared to privatservers

Better than BFA, shadowlands, dragonstuff and war within, worse than vanilla, tbc, wotlk, cata, mop, wod

Implying Blizzards classic servers are not buggy and pay to win… :joy: Honestly just as bad, if not worse, than the private servers I played on pre 2019. But somehow I doubt you are even playing the game, so you wouldn’t know.

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How do you know? Have you played their illegal private servers ?

NOT even close LOL. They literally sell items, BiS items. Gtfo!

Delusional much?

So first you said private servers = better because Blizzard can’t compete with them ( whatever that means ) and now you flex your idiocracy with CIA ( ?!? ) And then criticize Classic stating that private servers are better yet here you are?

Serious, what are you keep smoking LOL …

I know is late for kids to read the forums at this hour, but … where did I said that Blizzard Classic servers are not buggy nor are not P2W?!

They are, but not as bad as private servers. As I said above to the other Cata Lover, they sell BiS items with real money. ANY item not just BOE items. Raid Items, Heroic Items, you name it.


Please go play on the private servers if you love them so much lol …

…what game? I told you Cata Lovers a “hundred” times that I don’t play your pathetic expansion. :man_facepalming:

What would you know about that if you never played on a private server?

I don’t, necessarily. But before classic WoW release in 2019, you had no option if you wanted to play older expansions.

Well, Blizzards classic WoW. It’s not like previous expansions, TBC and WotLK, were bug-free either. But yes, it is a problem that Cata is not getting the dev resources it needs and deserves. My theory is that Blizzards classic WoW team simply don’t have enough manpower to maintain all the different versions of WoW that currently exist.

Yes, I think you dont know what illegal means though

They do. And on classic I could simply buy a few tokens and then join one of the countless GDKPs to buy my BiS gear or even raid and arena carries for achievements. There is nothing you cant buy for gold (and you can buy gold directly from blizzard with the token) in classic/retail.

So you think blizzard did a good job supporting their own game? I guess we have different opinions on that then.

I said blizzard cant compete with warmane when it comes to ERA servers. Warmane exists for almost 15 years and has a stable population of several thousand players online at the same time (not just raid logging once a week). Just like I said, warmane has their own support staff and developers.
Just look how much blizzard cares about cata classic, do you think theyd care more about wotlk era servers? Ofc not.

Unlike you I dont dislike cata, so why shouldnt I be here? I dislike how blizzard treats cata, but that is a different story.

Your theory sucks.

Cata Classic is just a …filler expansion. That’s it. And of course, they will not add more “manpower” because its useless. It reached a peak of … 1/3 of Wotlk. That’s pathetic, and its going down faster than light.

I think you don’t know what illegal private server means. They are…illegal. So … you play on an illegal server. Want me to draw to you so you can understand better?

That’s indirectly . A big difference. And GDKPs are not the “main thing” on all servers.

A…yes? Classic, TBC and Wotlk, yes. They did a pretty good job supporting their own game. A LOT better than the private servers.

Nope! You didn’t specified ERA servers. Wtf? Dude, seriously, what are you smoking? That’s a good one. Please tell …

Which is a fraction of Cataclysm Classic players, let alone when we had Wotlk Classic. Your point is? Because I fail to really understand what you really want. I don’t care what your private server has/had/etc, Is poopoo. I know because I …tried it. Lots of bugs, “custom fixes” , 40 mins ques , or more, massive P2W, etc. You…want that? Well … go ahead and play on their server. Bye!

I’m SO glad they do not added more manpower on this pathetic expansion. As I said its a filler expansion. At least say thanks that you can play it. If I was Blizzard I would never release this expansion and jump straight to … MOP ( maybe? ) and then Legion and …stay there with “Classic”.

I mean…why not go play your beloved private servers?

I did not mean Cata specifically. It goes for all of the different game modes we have today. Of course it is going to make a difference if you have x amount of people going from working on one mode to several.

But it’s not just Blizzard that is a victim of less people doing more. I started working at my current company in 2017 (in a completely different industry than gaming, but still within media), since then our workload has increased more than double on the same amount of people. I would not be surprised if the exact same thing is happening over at Blizzard HQ. I know the people in power will tell you this doesn’t affect the product, but it does.

Yes, such a big difference. On pservers you pay the host so they give you the gear, on official servers you pay the host so he gives you a currency that then buys you the exact same gear you bought on the privateserver. Dont do that debate bro stuff please.

You mentioned permanent Wotlk servers, which I replied to saying that they cant compete THERe. Permanent servers are literally era servers.

Yet still enough to do everything you wanna do. 5-10k players online at the same time on the same server is something you cant compare to 100k logged raiders. Also you are comparing the amount of players across round about 30 realms worldwide (so players that cant play together) to the 2 (or 3, not sure) linked warmane realms.

Then again you didnt play on the popular ones or youre just lying.

I dont love pservers, but when it comes to wotlk (not vanilla, not cata, not mop) pservers offer a better package.

I think we can stop our discussion here, because just like I said above we have fundamentally different opininions on that matter, which is fine. Enjoy your daily posts about cata till legion classic (which will pop off because its a great expansion and blizzard is doing a great job in classic).


Finally! Go back to pservers which you clearly like them, or to your beloved Cata.

Yet here you are! :man_facepalming:

“Dude” you so against Blizzard and Classic(s) that I wonder, wtf are you still here? I’m here because I want Wotlk permanent servers and waiting for MOP and Legion.


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Have a good night, my friend