Cata Classic is dead

This is hilarious. Arena tournament 13 years ago or even when it was called abyssal wow worked better than whole classic wotlk.

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Just to clarify, hosting a private server is illegal (copyright infringement) whereas playing in one is not

Go play warmane you pathetic zombie wotlk andie, btw wotlk is the worst exp ever.

This is hilarious? Are you implying that private servers are doing a better job and yet all you pserver lovers are here? Please! :slight_smile:

------> pservers that way

You don’t have to …clarify to me what an illegal private server means. You should quote that other guy not me. Of course playing on a pserver is not illegal, but it doesn’t change the fact that the pserver you are playing on, is illegal.

Go play warmane? Are you idiot ? Your supporters are praising pservers not me.

And no, Wotlk is the best expansion ever.

If you say its the worst, then you are that type of guy who says poopoo is better then …banana.

Oh well, to each his own.

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Out of curiosity, what makes wotlk the best expansion for you?

Really? So limitless printing of gold, characters and gear and Light knows what else (ratings, cheat items and GM-like items, stat boosts maybe) directly from RMT to pirate server administration is better for of gaming experience than WoW token? Yes it created F2P mode without making WoW officially F2P, but the gold goes to GDKPs that have to legitimately use their skill to get random items, just like every other guild raid, even more so, they have to carry leeching alts and ungeared whales.

As for bots and their gold farming, yes it exists and pirate servers are usually more radical with them, banning anyone suspicious immediately, but that doesn’t make them better as they take bot’s owner’s customers and print gold out of thin air for them instead.

One could argue, that Blizzard has also copied this approach and prints gold when whales want sell WoW token for gold, yet there is low demand at specific moment, yet nobody can claim that Blizzard prints items as pirates do.

Its neither better nor worse, because even though you could define both as p2w, it doesnt affect me or anyone else. If there is someone sitting in full bis PvE gear in stormwind/orgrimmar to flex even though he got grey logs and cant turn his character without his arrow keys, why should I care. All im saying is that its not much different (ofc with the small distinction that on official servers and GDKP, you dont DIRECTLY buy the item, youre basically buying infinite lotto tickets with a 10-20% weekly chance of winning on that item you want, without putting in any work for it).

It would affect me if “cheat items and GM-like items / stat boosts” where an actual thing on those pservers, but they arent. Maybe on 10-50player Servers where the owners wanna feel like gods giving them insane stats.

Btw as someone who played on a decent rating in tbc and wotlk classic, scripts (aka cheats) were also super common on the official classic servers so not much difference to the pservers again.

Yes AT worked way better than classic wotlk. Youre the one who’s praising wrath not me why should i play that trash expansion?

I wonder, how do you know AT worked way better ?

So did you played that trash expansion? If yes, why? If no, then you wouldn’t know.


You are wasting time with this guys.

They love and praise pservers yet they all here.

Pservers are made like 80% for people who can’t afford a subscription or are cheap, so you wouldn’t see them here no matter what. 10% of guys like the ones who are plovers on this thread…and 10% who loves P2W.

Aka pservers are usually…poopoo. Lots of P2W, GMs interference , bugs, etc. If you complain about a bug or a custom “feature” , their next reply is : At least say thanks that you play free!!!

Scripts , aka cheats … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey! Let me give you an advice : GO PLAY PSERVERS !

Pservers this, pservers, that. Geez!

You dont even know what im talking about because you probably didnt play a single arena match in your life

I sometimes wonder how some peole here got thousands of posts, but after our little “argument” I think I figured it out, this is just your twitter replacement.

You realize i’m talking about 2009-2012 and you could not choose to play different expansion.


Cataclysm Raiders/PVP population:

The population fell by a whopping 20k almost. On 17/9/2024 the population fell from 143.516 to 124.670. This is the same population Wrath had 5 weeks before its end. Firemaw, Faerlina, Mankirk, and Benediction have fallen below 10k. Gehennas just barely above 10k. Tier 11 has experienced the sharpest decline in raider population compared to any other tier in Classic.

Firelands will likely be released in 4 weeks. I wonder if the population drops below 100k by then. The feedback on Firelands is mixed. Some think it’s too easy and want Blizzard to make it harder while others think the difficulty is fine and do not want it to become harder.

There’s no real content without a new raid and it was 4 months since start of xpack. We also had new expansion launch and new SoD phase recently. No wonder numbers are dropping since people are fully geared and wait for the next raid to open.

SoD has seen its raider/pvp population also decline. So players are not moving to that.

Maybe they’re moving to TWW and other games as well.

But, I cannot emphasize this enough: Cataclysm has seen a 70% decline since its peak. This is more than the long Ulduar phase in Wrath. This is unprecedent for classic.

My bet that many left during buggy start of Cata Classic that was undoubtedly comparable to low quality launch of a pirate server. Blizzard just threw everything they had left to TWW and basically got as many players to WoW side projects like Classic Era, Cata and SoD to have a chance to lure em to TWW or at least show Microsoft suscription number growth. Now many things are fixed and game is playable, but they player numbers only consists of people who wished to play Cata or are waiting for MoP Classic. I doubt that Classic project 2019 would survive Draenor Classic however.

4 months of same raid while new retail expansion and new SoD phase dropped of course Cata is going to bleed players. Going to shoot back up when Firelands is here.

You don’t understand. Cata re-release is simply the worst thing to hit humanity since WWII. CATA BAD LOL!

/Jagarde, probably

What troubles me that Firelands would be only around 2,5 months, since Dragon soul launches in January, but latter might be 3-4 months depending how much time they would need to launch MoP Classic. Why not extend best part of Cataclysm? Why did we need T11 for longer period, than Firelands?



You guys are amazing. How many excuses can you come up with to not accept the reality that Cataclysm Expansion IS a pathetic expansion?! The numbers never lie.

“…but is because it has bugs” , “…but is because Pandaria Remix” , “…but is because no real content” , “…but the expansion is the best ever” … :man_facepalming:


I swear that I wrote the above before reading this one ( aka “…but its because it has bugs” ) .


Who left?! Most didn’t even tried Cataclysm Classic, because it had the worst population ever at the launch of the expansion and STILL has the worst population from all classics.

Since WW2? Pf.

But yes, CATA BAD LOL.

Not defending whole Cataclysm here, because it has Dragon soul patch in it, however it is still on the way to MoP, so I’ll stay during it I guess, but only raiding on main with our guild.

However Cata so far is doing better than same period of WoD, for example. And in Wrath first patch had only 2 solo boss raids and rerecycled Naxx that even with 20% buff felt easy, underwhelming and boring, so people left to Dragonflight ASAP or finished playing Classic at the start of Wrath.