Celebrate World of Warcraft® During the 20th Anniversary!

Not a word about fishing… sigh… so disappointed :imp:!

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WoW is so back!!

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Really like all the sets that you remade… as a hunter main tho, wish we’d have a bit more 3D bits on hunter armor, perhaps one of those rubies on chest-piece can be turned into a 3D bit, instead of painted on, to make it look less 2D compared to the rest of the sets? And maybe those straps on legs too? Other than that, really like the vibe and keep on cooking!

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OMG LOL exactly what i predicted yesterday XDD

Next step ! HD for T3 !! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


with the arrival of the earthen and the dracs getting more classes, will we get more character slots as well?? (please?)


That’s just personal opinion :smiley:

It’s all nice and all, but…

It is the patch.

It is the whole patch.

11.0.5 is the celebration of WoW’s 20th anniversary.

And that’s all it is.

And that irks me a bit. Because none of this anniversary stuff does anything for The War Within in itself. And fair be it, there are some nice-looking rewards in the anniversary content, but a lot of it is also content I’ve done before.

So eh. Cool anniversary, but at the cost of a regular patch? Eh…

That is a stupendous amount of content - especially for a .5 patch.

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Ooh that would also be very nice!

Classic TW,old Zul’Gurub(wish) with old drops :smiley: I would spam day and night :slight_smile:


All praise gabriela! The clairvoyant! Bringer og mogs!

Here a brief video about our feast for her


emagerd blizz y u timegate this for 20 years!?

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Except the hunter one, of course.

Will have to wait until the 30th anniversary, probably.

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I don’t think there’s any way to make that set looks good tho.

T1 & 2 for hunter was always a bit awful


Read that as Remix :frowning: lol still cool though teir 2 fun :slight_smile:

0.5 patches have mostly been lack luster but one good thing about this is , you can earn the currency needed by playing TWW content as well, lots of players been asking for the stuff they have been putting in.
Tbh i think you are just burnt out and bored of the game and every little thing they do atm seems to endlessly annoy you.

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I hope to be alive in november-december to get those t2 hd set. I ve head surgery in hospital, I hope the surgeon will not miss the tumor and zerg my brain. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


On the contrary, I think the expansion is very enjoyable - as far as I am into it right now.

I do think main patches should add to the most recent expansion, so that it expands further. That’s the way it’s usually been.

And I think patches should add stuff with permanency to the game, so people can experience it at their own leisure.

This anniversary, cool as it is, should ideally be a bonus and not a replacement.
And as cool as it is, it is only temporary. When it’s over, it’s over. And if you weren’t there for it, you’ll effectively have gotten nothing from the patch.

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I agree for .1 and .2 but one good part is the Classic TW will be in to stay after and i hope Koraks Revenge is worked on this year before it go live.
Also i hope they TW bosses will be present at each anniverssary from now on , i am hoping for a massive 0.1 ny hope is large for TWW .