Celebrate World of Warcraft® During the 20th Anniversary!

… be clear. Are we feeding her a witch or burning her up as a witch to feed to the populace? And are you secretly a forsaken?

As a demanding movie theater I know that I ve the monty python movies on my BiS list to watch. :popcorn: :elf:

By the way I m not okay to be fed and also burned :dracthyr_uwu:

I m not a pet or a witch :smiley: I m a High Priest, Oracle of the great Teamawga, and a Blood Elve Throne pretender

Kneel before me

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It will go fine. They would not do the surgery if there is no high change of victory.

Yes yes we are burning her to appease the populace!
Ehm… no no im not a forsaken. Zug zug!

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In WoW 30th anniversary it is.

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DH looks bad as usual. Thanks for nothing you useless designer!

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Monks sets always were one demensional too, but their set looks good. DKs have variety of specs themes to support their tier sets art direction so theirs is good as well. Glad Evokers had source material to work with in line with t2 sets. DHs sets just stuck in Legion armor design forever. Masks, fel marks, half bare torso and fel gems all over again and again…

Hunter T2 remake is hands down one of the best things I have saw this year.

Best wishes to you.

errrrr not at all. its a pity hunters are so neglected

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Okay… the fact that you’re using the name of the Legendary Best Hunter In The World, is already treading dangerous territory, but with remarks like this, you are simply crossing a line!!!

It’s beautiful, even with my Tauren hunter in cata I go around with T2 as transmog and the arcanite ripper.

you know? my hunter is the only char which i cant find many mogs i like it. pallys and locks are simple. but hunters? not at all.
But im happy you find it very nice.

There is the shadowlands one for the second raid that is wonderful (especially the mythic one), from night well (the raid with gul dan)

Also T5 is cool too.

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Hunter tier sets have become a meme for a reason.
I don’t understand how the devs don’t understand what people think of when they hear ‘hunter’.

It sure isn’t ‘a knight with a bow’, or ‘brightly coloured monster’. It’s just not.

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the incredible thing is shammies have some of the most beautiful mogs ingame. I had to chose one mail for my warband and i was dropping my BM for mog reason. Unfortunately im terrible to play with elemental so i changed my mind.

Thankfully they’re doing more and more universally usable transmog sets, so the choice is becoming better and better. But hunter tier sets remain, overal, very disappointing.

The upcoming TWW season 1 set has a few okay parts for individual use, but overal again ‘meh’ (although it’s better than the majority of hunter tier sets - at least it looks more hunter-ish).

The issue I have with it mainly is the stupid coloured glow. This makes those parts almost impossible to use consistently in combination with other parts. It would have been much better without glow - or at the very least OPTIONAL glow.

Also: Why do they give so many belts flaps? Blizz… Stahp!

What do you mean they ripped it off? I am looking at both right now and it’s very different. Yes, they look similar, as they both are remakes of T2… Apart from that almost all details are completely different.

I have always thought my hunter with her mighty pets would feel better in leather

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I still think WoW’s armor types are deeply flawed. They should simplify it by just having ‘light’, ‘medium’ and ‘heavy’ armor. Hunters of course belong in the medium category then along with classes like rogues, druids and such. Give me those juicy non-class sets… :drooling_face: