Change yards to meters

No it isn’t, I made the mistake first :stuck_out_tongue:

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Americans would use anything for scale, but metric system, as the saying goes.


In fairness. They are 100% correct. They ain’t the one talking out of their bottom.

This started out funny, but took a weird turn. Why are some people so bent out of shape that different methods are used in different countries to handle things? It is a bit weird to be honest. If I go to a foreign country, I expect to have to understand their different currency, and how they measure things. I don’t automatically know their bizarre system of doing things (To me) I have no idea how tall I am in Centimetres, but I know how tall I am in Feet and Inches. I am however not arrogant enough to assume that the world has to bend to my will and use what I think is right, Chap tried that once, then Waterloo happened. Packaging in the UK -Does- use both metric and imperial measures for your information. We’re quite au fait with both when it comes to some things, but we choose to use our own measurement system in others.

I would say get off your high horse and actually ask Brit’s but then we’d have to have a discussion about how high the horse was in centimetres or inches and then mind blowingly ‘hands’ as that is how you measure a horse’s height.

Get over it. Different countries are different.

With the greatest respect sir and/or madam, that claim is utter twaddle.


The UK uses a mixture of imperial and metric and will do so until the old imperial system has disappeared from living memory, which won’t be for a few decades yet.

To say that no one in the UK uses metric systems is ridiculous and wrong, we have to use a metric currency, food labelling has to be in metric and most industries use metric as a standard unit of measurement.

I’ve lived in the UK for over 60 years so I do have some experience of using both the old, imperial system and the current metric one. Most people here have adapted and in time we will most likely be 100% metric.

There are no high horses involved in this (except perhaps yours), it’s simple facts. As for ‘asking Brits’ , I am British and (unlike you it would seem) I do know what I’m talking about.

I’d be interested to see where I said anything about imposing anything on to anyone with regard to this, or is that allegation just you spouting BS to create an argument ?

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Did you miss the bit where I said we are quite au fait with using both?

No I didn’t, nor did I miss the bit where you said the guy stating that no one in the UK uses metric was 100% correct.

So which statement did you intend to be the false one ?

OK then not LITERALLY ‘no one’, but I’ve never met anyone who uses metrics. Damn you people sometimes need to accept every-day speech and not everything is meant exactly as it says-- “I’m gonna kill you.” doesn’t often lead to murder does it…

It is for-all-intents universal that people here use Imperial measures.

Hi there! I’m a Brit who uses metric and gets annoyed by the fact that everyone around me uses Imperial measurements for things like height and weight! When I lost weight a few years ago, I’d proudly proclaim my losses in kilograms and would just get blank stares from friends and family who still use stones and pounds…

In my lifetime (I’m 31), I’ve seen metric become increasingly common for things like recipes. I remember my mum’s cookbooks were either imperial only or listed grams in brackets as a secondary measurement. As a teen, I was given recipe books which listed metric first and then imperial in brackets. Now I buy recipe books which only list metric. To my great delight, the metric system appears to be taking over, at least in some areas.

I don’t know anyone who uses yards, but conversely we all use miles (although I measure my runs in kilometres!). Like many things in the UK, we’re full of contradictions and it’s both ridiculous and frustrating!


Ireland switched to Kms some years ago but that is still a transition in progress. Most people (over the age of 40 anyhow) would give distances in miles.
All new road-signs are in Kms but you’ll still see some older signs out in the country (that haven’t been stolen and put on a pub wall in the UK) are still in miles.
I don’t see pints of beer in pubs ever going to litres but maybe. Anyone over 40 weighs themselves in Stones and Pounds and measures heigh in Feet and Inches. But those under 40 do the opposite. So things are changing.

I heard an old woman on the radio a few years ago saying she voted for Brexit because she hates the metric system, LOL, even though the EU has nothing to do with the metric system but I guess it’s as good a reason to vote for it as any of the other nonsense reasons people did…

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I work with a team in Ireland and always feel odd when I describe something as “X miles away” since they use kilometres!

Yeah, I don’t see pints of beer changing either. Oddly enough, some supermarkets still sell milk in pints or multiples of pints, whereas others sell it in litres. Not sure if this is changing, but I hope so as I like consistency!

I’m not surprised about the Brexit anecdote - there were some weird and wonderful reasons people used for voting! I was already a Remain voter, but would have been doubly-so if it meant bringing in the metric system fully! :rofl:

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I mean it doesnt realy bother me even though im from eastern europe country and we use meters :smiley:

I kind of hoped the ‘/sarcasm’ at the end gave over the jocular nature of what I was trying to convey, that is what ‘the kids’ do these days isn’t it? I mean I wouldn’t exactly know, I am no spring chicken myself, even less so with the dread tread of mortality meaning I ‘Ding’ again in under a fortnight.

The point I was making is that we’re not solely metric or imperial in how we use these terms. Our speed signs are in miles per hour, not kph, yet our cars show both, we use pounds and ounces and stones, as well as KG’s (Funny story, until he grew a bit older, because he equated the weight to a household item, my little brother thought the abbreviation ‘lbs’ for ‘pounds’ meant ‘Little Bag of Sugar’ as that was the weight he equated it with). We use feet and inches to describe a person’s height, as I say, I couldn’t tell you how tall I am in centimetres without googling it to convert it.

If I had to say how far away my romantic interest lived I would say she lives about eighty miles away, yet if asked by a stranger where the village shop was, I would point up my street and say “Go five hundred yards up the road and take your first left”.

Neither is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but we’re perfectly fine using both at different times, and this may well change as time marches on, and sometimes does differ within a household depending on the generations living there, so both of your statements were kind of fallacious, hence my jovially sarcastic reply when you made the “Have you been to every household in the UK?” Comment.

Because it doesn’t matter! Even if you had, you would get the same answer, some people never use metric, some people do use metric all the time, but most of us, in my experience, having lived in big cities and small villages, use a mixture of both as and when circumstances dictate. So, “We use Metric” and “We use Imperial” are equally 100% incorrect, but “We use both” would be correct.

Is basically what I was trying to get across, that’s all.

totally agree.
only neanderthals measure with yards.

A lot of old school wargaming uses yards (in game) as the standard metric for which things are measured (corresponding to 1 inch irl)

As wow has its origins as a rts its likely the unit is a hangover from this.

Many happy returns for a fortnights time.

Which is exactly the point I was making too.

Heh, why thank you sir/madame.

I suspect we were both coming at the same point from different directions, just I do have an unfortunate habit of being somewhat acerbic at times and forget that does always (or indeed often) lend itself well to purely text based communication, my bad.

Ding grats!

For the kids (or Europeans) a fortnight is two weeks (not a battle royale death match)…


I would be so much more impressed if Brigante was only able to have a birthday each year by participating in and winning a battle to death…

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