Changes needed in wow by Max

They won’t need if there is no alliance player left.

As a gm he wants master loot but i guess since he has thrown in some good for all suggestions i must believe it hurts him.
Hurts to be so sneaky and smooth i guess.

How about you actually watch the video and listen to what he says, instead of blindly assuming malice on anything that comes from a YouTube video?


That requires too much effort for most posters here. It’s just easier to assume that all streamers and people uploading something WoW related on youtube are bad people who only clickbaits and rages and then complain and rage about this instead.


Lfr heroes : right.
WF raider, streamer, glad, CE raider, pushing 25 : bad, bad bad.

the OP gave bullet points for the video
so unless you are blind and dont see them there is an option to ignore 35 minute video and still comment on it :clown_face:

If the public here who commented in the support of Master loot is representable my No to Master Loot is reinforced further. Nothing, but vile attacks on people who said that they had bad experience with it, childish remarks of slighty more than average players here thinking there are in Max`s 0.001% club, but they arent and wont be. Master loot will get even you ubsubbed, its a Guild master and officers tool.

And the argument that some of you here got few pieces of gear from BWL when people were progressing Naxx and needed bigger roaster for bench is pure gem.

So ye my opinion here is Big No to master loot.

Taking a bullet point list made by a third-person instead of listening to the actual person who’s video the bullet point list is based on, and then making accusations about the video author only based on that list? Yeah, for sure I’m the :clown_face: here.

I’m sure that Max, the GM of a multi WF guild, wants master loot only to get loot for himself and his friends. Makes perfect sense to me :clown_face: . Who cares about killing bosses and having a stable roster anyway when you could just steal a few items for yourself, right?

And no, I didn’t see the bullet points. It was edited in later and wasn’t there when I first commented on this. So excuse me for not going back to the OP every single time I comment to check if maybe something has changed about it. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong about you having a hard on for hating something without actually checking them out first.

Will it? I’ve been playing since long before it was removed and I haven’t had issues? Did I say nobody ever abused it? No I didn’t. Is it ridiculous to think that giving master looter back to guilds will automatically make ninja looting and corrupt GMs the norm? Absolutely.

Master loot has been in the game for much longer than it hasn’t, and ever since it was removed, every half-serious raiding guild has been begging to get it back, because the loot distribution now is horrendous.


Well it is polite though to give a TL:DR. Since not everyone is willing to give the youtube “star” free views or anything.

You don’t take a TLDR made by someone else and then make assumptions about the person who made the thing that the TLDR is about. If you want to do that, you listen/watch/read the whole thing.

Max is a top tier player first and foremost, not some sort of “youtube star” who makes money by clickbaiting useless videos. The problem is that people fail to make that distinction or even watch the videos before judging them. To a lot of people here, if it comes from youtube and it’s about wow, it’s automatically bad, evil and malicious.


because of the loot nerfs, which were promoted by “meaningful loot” hordes of opinion leaders. most of them originated on YT.
its not personal loot issue, its loot draught.

Master loot was removed long before the loot nerfs.

And who was this promoted by? who on YouTube? Who anywhere else? Who asked for loot to be so scarce without also asking for some sort of master loot back?

You quoted some forum posters on M+ loot… what in the hell does that have anything to do with master loot in guilds?

Personal loot definitely needs to be changed, because I can’t even count how many times I’ve looted an item that was good or even BiS for someone else and complete garbage for me, but I couldn’t give it to them, because I didn’t have a high enough item level in that slot.

Oh and also you said
“If you are however genuinely interested in the subject try to go back yourself and study how this subdraught was originated”

If you are really interested in replying to someone you know nothing about and who you are convinced is a malicious loot scammer without bothering to listen to them, on a topic that you pretend you know everything about but don’t, go and change that, because you’re embarrassing yourself.

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Giving players a master loot option is a luxury, because of the how people generally behave in the anonymous web with strangers.
Its about human decency and kind attitude to fellow person, your continous attacks demonstrate none of that here, you are incapable to civil argumentand are forcing me to meet you down the low road all the time.

Why should anyone believe you will treat fairly a person you have never met before?
i do not. You do not deserve master loot.

No, it is being unable to give my loot to a friend that would benefit way more from it. The amount of loot is fine, if we could at least give those pieces to people that actually need them.

And as the video said, an alternative would be to lift all trading restrictions, but keep it as personal loot, then no one can steal your precious item, and it let’s people trade it around as they desire.

Guess your attention span is too short so let me remind you, it’s always been about master loot IN GUILD ENVIRONMENT. Max himself said that it would be a terrible idea in pugs, but you wouldn’t know that because you are apparently so interested in the topic that you couldn’t even be bothered to watch even just that short segment of the video, and all you ever read was

and assumed that that’s it. That TLDR bullet list is terrible by the way and barely represents what was said.

Don’t give me this basic human decency crap when you are more than happy to insult and accuse people of malicious behaviour based a bad TLDR on a forum made by someone else. A decent person would spend at least the minimal amount of time to first know who they’re talking about.

Because you’re in a guild and it’s expected of the GM/officers to distribute loot fairly. If they don’t do that, you leave the guild. That guild won’t even survive the tier because guess what, people won’t let themselves get scammed by bad GMs and if they do, that’s on them. Besides, the guild as a whole needs everyone to be as geared as they can be, not just the officers and their friends. The guild is destined to die under leadership this bad.

Taking away loot agency from everyone just because some scum leaders of questionable guilds would ninja loot is unreasonable to say the least.

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Aye, was just a list of topics he talked about, not really anyway to cover everything max said in a 30min video in a few short sentences that explains why and how it should work.


I know, sorry. Shouldn’t have been so harsh with the words I used. It just annoys me when that’s all someone looks at and assumed full knowledge of both the video and who the author is.

Oh i agree, if nothing else, this entire post has shown me one thing, and i dont doubt it for a second, the people hating on content creators never actually watch anything, they just assume they’re bad and out to get them. They disagree on the premise that they are content creators.

Earlier there was a guy that said Max was plain wrong about everything.
But that guy wanted player housing … :thinking:
Well… that’s something Max asked for as well. But he is apparently wrong about everything ? :rofl:


You just keep promoting ways to keep this game as dead as possible because youtube told you so.
We have been there already with BfA and i gave you an example how people promote bad changes for the sake of meaningfulness. Now you want to empower the guild leaders and claim it will make game better.
But how long should people with common sence give you guys a time to re experinece all the bad systems game moved away from?
Tired of this retrospective path, game must move forward. Fixing loot draught is a real stepin the right direction. Your master loot is a step backwards and will not bring enough ppl to replace the ones who will leave after first loot council. Cause we have been there and moved away from it, it was bad for the most.

Why are you engaging with Ryugal?

He thinks that we think “ML will bring people back”. It won’t. Noone ever is going to think “wow, ML is back I’m resubbing!”.

What it will do is allow choice - that can’t be bad. It will also bring back one prong (of many that are needed) to bring a bit of ‘team’ back into the game instead of ‘me me me’

On top of that, he just assumes what we’re talking about because he refused to do his homework. Hes ignorance defined.