Changes needed in wow by Max

So the game gets to decide what’s an upgrade? Seems both overly complicated and overly weird. What if I loot an item that’s an upgrade for a certain boss fight where I’m going to play a certain specc with very specific talents I’m not playing anywhere else? How does that work? Guess I don’t need to do that, right?

And even if that worked, it doesn’t solve the problem that PROPER team players have. Unless trading is unrestricted, you can’t give items to those who benefit the most from them, making killing more bosses and looting more stuff easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

Hold on… are there cases of scenarios this specific turning a spec’s entire stat priority around still present in the game? :thinking:


Wait, did you legit think that, 1 set of talents and 1 set of gear works best in all scenarios ? o.o

Well, I wouldn’t have thought that a single talent change is going to make a haste-loving spec suddenly hate haste and throw away any gear that has haste on it in the current game. And I also wouldn’t have thought that we’d have boss fights niche enough to require you having a separate gearset of optimised gear just for that.

If you wanna be optional, that is indeed the case … That’s even without adding, are you raiding because of M+, so you dont want the ST upgrade, you’d rather have the M+ upgrade, which makes your idea even more difficult, or rather impossible … there are to many variables …

Assas rogue for example if i am not mistaken it looks like this.
ST Haste > Crit > Vers > Mastery
AoE Crit > Vers > Haste > Mastery

and what will stop the leader of giving the loot to the select few like it ALWAYS happens ? or even worse, to himself ?

Let me correct that for you, i’ve never ever seen it happen in all my years … I dont know anyone who’s ever had this happen… I dont know someone who knows someone who’s had this happen … All i’ve ever seen is that it COULD happen

How many times has this actually happened to you? In the years I spent pugging, I only ever once saw an item ninjaed

:smiley: you never played in very well organized group did you ??
cause if your GUILD goal is to beat the raid
you always select few people and gear up them
That’s what raiding guild is for
you optimized your raid group
and you can’t do that if someone drop trinket and he can’t trade to right person for example

For rogues, pretty much any combination of secondaries can be BiS depending on the spec, talents, legendary and fight mechanics (can’t think of haste/mastery, but I’m sure there’s some case to be made for that).

What is required? Part of what makes WoW still interesting after all these years is that players can figure that out themselves. Because being in control feels good, even if min-maxing is technically not neccessary.

That is not enough, especially with tier sets, if they are only acquired on the raid and not in mythic+ and pvp as well.
We need player AGENCY over loot! Stop making us be completely at the mercy of RNG.

Be it badges, valor, bonus rolls, etc. We need something. Either that or increase the drops rates. It is often that one raid full clear only yields 2 pieces of gear and often not what we want/need. It is beyond frustrating. That is my number 1 concern with the game atm.
It’s frustrating to play. The gear system is what makes me want to quit.

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do you know what is the difference between Limit players and myself ?

i have a real job, they decided to turn their hobby into their job. (i doubt they remember what its like to play wow for fun)

blizzard doesnt need to make the video game into a software created for proffesionals.

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This is an interesting tipic to discuss, as max said in the video, where do you want the gear acquisition to be at, would you be happier if you got full bis within 2 weeks for example, or would that also make you wanna quit because now there’s nothing to farm for.

Please dont take this as an attack, just as interesting topic where it can be seen from multible view points.

For me personally, gear is a means to an end. For a lot of people actually farming the gear is the fun part, so where is the goldilock zone for where we get it fast enough to not be overly frustrating, but still slow enough for people to have fun farming it?

My brother quit and he had same reason :smiley:

Hmm… you know what? I’ll admit that I sort of forgot m+ and its different stat prios exist. That does indeed complicate the idea of any possible improvements to loot trading, and I sort of wish you’d brought that up at the very start instead of going “nah, you’re just speaking BS”. The idea that someone might wanna keep their m+ loot does sort of complicate things and I feel no systems designer could possibly ever take that kinda stuff into account without disadvantaging some sort of vocal minority.

A compromise’s admittedly more difficult to implement than I’d first thought, so they devs will have to prioritise one group (ML fans) over the other (PL fans) where both sides have valid and logical arguments to support their case. The one thing that I don’t think anyone would be upset about is the way they treat lower item level weapons when you have ANY higher weapon.

That being said… I’ve ultimately just stated my opinion there. I was pleased to see master loot gone, believe that council loots were unfriendly for the game and wouldn’t want to see that introduced again. The system puts too much power in the hands of officer teams who’re humans and therefore very prone to being (knowingly or unknowingly) biased. Will I quit the game over it if they re-introduce it? So long as it’s guild-only and pugs aren’t given this sort of power under any circumstance, no.

Now I sort of see it like soloqueue for PvP. I firmly believe it would be only unhealthy for the game and doesn’t at all work better than what we currently have, but if there’s many other people who veeeeeery strongly want it… whatever.

imo, the m+ angle is only another nail in the coffin, just purely looking at raids the flaws are imo obvious … ST, Cleave and AoE, 3 scenarios we have in most raids, for quite a few classes, each requires a different setup.

And i think the compromise is fully tradable personal loot. That way you ALWAYS have the option to keep what drops for you. While higher end guilds will tend to have more control over what loot goes where, in those enviroments it’s already like that, and it’s to everyone’s advantage. What is best for the raid time is if not 100% then nearly a 100% also to your best as it means as a team you get more gear. But that control those guilds have? that’s only because you as a player are ok with it.

who is max ?

and why is his opinions suddenly important?

It’s not a compromise anymore when in its functionality it is no different to a master looter for something like loot council systems. It’s fully catering to one of the sides… which I guess is fine if it somehow turns out that a larger part of the demographic wants it.

He is the raid leader in Limit, you know, second best guild in the world …

It is functionally very different.
Master loot was set before the kill, raidleader had from that moment on 100% control over the loot…

Fully tradeable loot, you have 100% control of the loot that dropped to you until you press the accept button on the trade window.