Changes needed in wow by Max

why does that make him special…

if anything would most likely make him heavily biased towards a progressions focused game.

people like him shouldn’t be voicing their opinions on any platform if they aren’t open minded to be able to be inclusive to all kinds of players.

didn’t watch the video didn’t read the summery… but i highly doubt i’m wrong.

Goes to show you didn’t see the video, the things he’s talking about is specifically things that would make it worse for them, but what he thinks would over all make the game better for everyone else.

Just because some people are the top 1% doesn’t mean they’re out to screw the game for the 99% you know.

gave the summery a brief scan i see raids , loot and m+ mentioned a lot nothing much else…

all progression related elements…

i was not wrong.

You were wrong

Except a guild can just straight-up make it a rule that you’re trading all the loot you get to an officer for further distribution, or you get kicked. And guilds will get away with it if the majority of them enforces a similar rule. Of course they won’t outright state that they want to give RL all the loot. It’ll be painted as ‘best for the raid’ and become the standard, making fully tradeable personal loot essentially master loot.

And there are thousands of guilds, why would you be in the one where you dont agree with the loot rules?
If 30 consenting people, decide, this is how we wanna do it, what’s wrong with that?

Your argument is legit, in some guilds they’d do it in a way i dont like.
So what? To each their own.

Take BoE’s as an example.
Some guilds have the rule they’re traded to the guild, and the money goes into the guild bank for feasts ect.
Some guilds have the rule as above but where you get XX% of the cut since it dropped to you.
Some guilds have no rules, do what ever you want with it.
And it works fine, if there was all this abuse surely we’d see it with daily forum posts that amount to “Urgh, Guild leader made me give him 1mil gold BoE, so unfair” … yet … we don’t … why ? And remember, BoE’s do not follow the usual trade rules, that is fully tradeable. always (except out of your realm) but you know what i mean

It’s your choice, and on you to join a guild where you agree and is happy with the rules.


Oh look another xyz clickbaiter wannabe tell me what should i want.

This doesn’t have anything to do with the point I’ve made specifically referring to you calling full-trade PL a compromise. It is very much not. It is, at least, not any more of a compromise than letting you choose between PL and ML in a guild. The choice between letting people keep their upgrades if they looted those off the boss themselves and making them trade everything to the officer is the exact same choice as choosing between personal loot and master loot before you kill the boss.

Let’s just be honest about it, alright? There’s basically no difference between just bringing master loot back and removing any restrictions on personal loot.

No it’s not the same, nothing ever stopped a raid leader to set it to master loot just before the pull … All the power used to be in the GM/Raid leaders hand, that has shifted to being in the hands of the person who got the loot. It is not the same.

You have the option of saying, hey, i’ll just take my upgrade and go to another guild.

Before with ML.
You had to trust the raid leader before you pulled the boss to handle loot fairly.
With PL
The guild has to trust YOU to handle loot fairly.

There is a very big difference

That you play with a really high dodge rating?

Imaging first saying that making alt hopping easier is said by lazy people that don’t wanna put effort.

Then do a 180° and say that Blizzard should not make the game more “professional”.

Also, on a side note:

Stop living in the stone age. Your work is no more real than the one they choose.

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Yeah? say that to all the Paladin’s i’ve seen run around in Holy Spec the past 2 months. All of them have pretty much the entire SoD Tier Sets, so your wrong.

It all comes down to RNG, some have it horrendous. And some just have it too lucky, Holy Pala’s atm are them from what i see daily.

So… you’re going to be able to steal one piece of loot. Then get kicked from the guild, risking to compromise your reputation on the realm since you broke a rule they’ve made clear from the very start. Sure, some people’d be able to exploit that if they guild-hopped like crazy. That’s right.

However, that doesn’t change the fact that guilds as a whole will be making the choice between “true” personal loot and what is essentially master loot since you’re trading the stuff to an officer rather than keeping it to themselves. Do you not see the similarity between the two choices that would be made here and the choice between ML and PL even if free trades open up some ninja-looting potential?

Who the **** cares about your Reputation when you have LFD, LFR, CRZ BS.

Oh yeah thats right.

Almost NO ONE. Unless your a WF raider or similar. No one gives a single **** about your reputation.

Well you would be surprised by the amount of people that would go out of their way to message the officers of your next guild just to screw your plan.

If you’re willing to pay for the faction/server transfer just to get away with stealing an item that got you kicked from a guild, then you might as well pay for a boost to get that item lol

it’s annoying that these people find themselves so important to make these videos demanding lists and lists of changes. like they are living in a world above us…

it is because of us that they exist in the first place… they need to take a bit of time in self realisation and get back in touch with reality… and realise their opinions do not matter any more than anyone elses.

the right thing to do is use the platform to voice their followers opinions…

not their own self righteous opinions.

If you start brining up reputation… How do you think a guild will do if it has a reputation that only the officers get loot or w/e. It would have no members, and no loot to funnel to the officers.
That argument goes both ways. And as you said yourself, if the rules were made clear from the start, you agree to them, that’s on you.

Dont you see the the difference in where the power lies ?

The power used to be in the raid leaders hands. Now it’s in yours. You only look at how itwould work in the top guilds or organized guilds, yes, it would work like ML there, so what? That is not bad in itself. I assume your goal is that you can’t be cheated out of an upgrade … and you can’t … since the loot is in your bags. You have the power.

And fyi Loot council is a thing right now , ive never tried where you had to trade the loot to the officers and he then forwards it does it happen, sure but i am pretty confident in saying that is the vast minority. the way the addon works is that the "council awards item X to Y, that is announced and you trade that item to person Y. Are there guilds that just trade it to an

So either don’t break the rule, or don’t join the guild if you disagree.

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i had mains both on horde and alliance.
warlock undead pre-MOP, and since MOP, alliance pandaren monk.

i just chose my server very carefully before creating a character, and according to wow pop websites.

Some of you are really pathetic with this hate towards people with more visibility and competence in the game.

Because people like you? You mean the one always ready to spit hate on content creators?
Yeah I am sure they exist because of people like you


Or maybe people follow them because they actually share their views or can debate with them in the chat during this kind of discussion.

But oh right who am I kidding for “the content creators haters” all followers are “mindless drones spewing out the same thing their idol said”, God forbid actually sharing their views.

You are just triggered you by the fact that they get to debate their opinon with their followers and by doing that can actually deliver some proper freebacks and be noticed while poor Twiggz super on point suggestions gets submerged

Well tough luck.