Class Balancing - 1.13 update needs to happen -classic wow-

Only dps thats viable is warrior dps everyone else dont do dps its not skill issue you can be best druid, shaman in world have best gear your dps still wont hit same numbers. cause well classic is unfair

you dont get raid cause your classes are not viable to raid. dont offer anything rather bring another warrior then to bring any other class

so i suggesting a fix for this either balience classes or you make it so raids only have 4 of same class in same raid for raid evo

removing classic era servers into one super server while banning gdkp

no more raids packed with warriors and rogues most you can have is 4 warriors 4 rogues ect ect to kinda nerf unfairness of raiding this would force raid guids to bring players different classes to there raids unstead of 29 warriors a raid

now object is make classies viable for raiding not make them overpowered if you choice class baliencing route what most likely happen is talents getting reworked rebalience. will ti change much only a little. but not enough to make it to point where its not classic anymore

other choice is limit amount same type classes can join 40 man raid meaning raiding guilds have to add specs they normally wouldnt cause they dont have numbers this may be a change that not everyone wants but something we need make sure raiding is experence for everyone not just choosen few


I understand and acknowledge the class inbalance - but then it isn’t worse than that. All raids i’ve been in have both locks, mages and druids - if we can find any! And yeah - true - there’s probably 8-10 brown boys, but that’s how it is when it is the most common class in game.
But never have I experienced people being denied a raid spot because of class. Spec or gear? Yes - class? No.

No need to do huge changes to the talents or spells - you can suggest that for SOD (and afaik they already did?).


am not asking for huge talent changes but small impactful ones

shouldnt be 5 point talents that basically do nothing

After seeing how they balanced SoD post P1 (And even that was questionable), I’d rather not see them touch anything of Classic anymore.

I don’t trust them or their potential balance changes.

Speaking of wanting to play Classic with viable classes - SoD is still active, feel free to play there instead of making daily posts that often make no sense.


“Game’s been trash for 20 years, unimaginably terrible, but lets not fix the main reason that holds it back from broader appeal. I main warrior and I want to be the main character dammit!”

Vanilla has a good world feel and raids are easy and thematic enough to be broadly appealing. Thats the part of it that is good. Class balance however is utterly terrible and so is itemization. Both need to be fixed unless you want to just cycle the same few classic enjoyers who live in 20 years ago and never moved on.

You can take or leave SoD but the main work went into course correcting itemization and class balance - and the sheer amount of changes they had to push to get anyone else to a comparable level of warrior shows just how terrible vanilla balancing was.

Who would take more then 2 Warlocks? More then 2 Druids? More then One Hunter?


Well I’m playing Hunter this time so while all the brown boys fight each other for Onslaught Girdle I take full BiS in 5 IDs for free LUL


it not asking much is it change 1% crappy talent into 2% decent talent still mid but at least does something

and could say the same to you “GO PLAY CLASSIC ERA” hows that if want throw retail or sod

most ppl would be happy without all drastic changes in sod would been happy some just basic talent adjustments they kinda little too fair with sod

At this moment on warcraft logs stats for era raid logging nax, 45% of dps are warrior (106120 warrior dps, for ±237500 dps logs) half the dps base are warrior, 20% fire mage, 16% rogues…

Meanwhile ENH+ELE+FERAL+BOOMIE+SP+RET = 2.6% of dps logs

Does it make sense to you that half the player base play warrior ? Is it still vanilla ?

I know there missings stats on logs but still it’s obvious that classic have to be balance

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Classic WoW NEVER HAD CLASS BALANCE - if you want that you are playing the wrong version


Smart folk would use multiple Locks in a raid because of the huge damage spike you get from Corruption and Improved Shadow Bolt Crit Damage - along with Summon and Cookies - no SoulStone in HC of course, but still all the extra utility of Blood Pact from SM + Ruin Locks, and Banish - you will struggle with a Rag submerge without Banish - indeed several Bosses / Pack Pulls work better with banish

You are focusing on pure damage done rather than utility given - a common failing in retail players straying into the earliest iteration of WoW

Arms Warriors were not that great in MC - they became the go to en masse when BWL was released in the Classic WoW relaunch because it cheesed the first boss

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Im open to small class changes, so that the cap is not wide, but np changes to itemization…itemization is why classic is good.

thats all really want small adjustiments not retail or sod small update fixes issues

Here let me explain where i coming from

Ancestral Knowledge - a shaman talent that gives 1% mana increase per point maxing out 5%

watch is basically nothing. other classes such as mages, priest warlocks have way better talents all it would take is make it 2% instead of 1 maybe 3% shamans arent known for having big mana pools anyway nor do they have any regenate more mana when there casting

even priest have 2% mana with Mental agility why does shaman get short end of the stick in class clearly needs it

maybe somewhere in blizzard blizzard thought mana totems would be enough.

there alots talents in classic wow only need small adjustiments we not asking huge changes small ones

warlock darkpact is trash for capstone talent so is priest lightwell.

some skills dont make no sense either why does mind blast need have threat increase is some meta where priest tank

of course says well higher mana pool as you level that scales bro come on do know how small 5% is

sometimes i feel classic team just slapped talents on in flash not really thinking how they work

like for mage why is arcane focus and improved arcane missles 2 different talents that require 5 talent points

why does warlocks threat reduction talent have be so far deep in demonology when clearly its needed more. or have alot terrible skills that dont make any sense. completely useless even so only in effect have pet out and you know how bosses treat pets

like hey bro mind if kill you and all your mights summon a doomgaurd that will go homocidal in less then 5 mins can anyone grasp why this is so bad

not just warlock you look at druids balience tree looks pretty decent have crit chance 100% crit damage but notice something important is missing

Moonglow has 3% mana reduction on it spells only 3 point talent if was 15% then be good for boomkins do somehting about starfire and its 340% dps meter rating i can do more then that with my mage and yet i have some what simular talents to boomie

Not being able to use insect swarm losing boomkin is big minus too

non of this is huge changes this just band aid to serious problem

Gladly switch improved thorns for insect swarm from healer tree to my balience talents

lets talk about paladins I love paladin know what i dont like every paladin main dont like. 5 min buff timers dont care about 15 min buff timer aoe upgrade watch have spend in game gold to upgrade nor having attack for ret and tank not having taunt. why do paladins have suffer like this no taunt constantly being person buff bish of every party even mages arcane and priest fortitude have longer time then

5mins buffs are most toxic thing wow classic but these classic andys eat it up dont want to admit its trash

is that really such a big deal adding more tanks to game that clearly needs them. giving paladins taunt would be small but needed change

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Just join GDKP raids. BaM!! You can raid

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Many dungeons are more effective to run through as a meele cleve or aoe casters. Aoe run is 4 mages and a priest and meele is a priest and 2 warriors and 2 rogues.
Up to 60 different classes has their ups and downs. There is only 1 class that realy suck all the way to 60 and it is paladins and at 60 they become cross dressers and heal.

exactly this, half of the classic items are so bad, its just a vendor item.

for me, Sod class balance is terrible, but the Itemization looks allot better there. i like most of the item changes there.

i think to balance the classes in a other way instead of giving them Wotlk runes, would be easier, but yeah Classic Balance in general is really terrible thats for sure

lol no, over half of the Classic items are completely Terrible, Same counts for World Drop Blacksmith/Leatherworking Recipes, most of them have Vendor Value, because nobody needs them

u have Either Items what are completely Bis for multiple Phases, while most of the dungeon items are worse than Quest Items, or as bad as a random Boe Green item

Not every item have to be the Same, or close to be Bis, but having more options would be cooler from my perspective Atleast.

For example the 2hand sword Typhoon i like the Sod Version of the Weapon more than the Normal Classic version. have a cool effect, have better Stats, and isnt a useless Vendor item. while the Weapon isnt that bad in classic, but still meh, just open Atlass loot 95% of the Dungeon items are just 4-5 Gold vendor items. and have Questionable Stats

Atleast they are Gods in hardcore wow!

Why don’t you make a Pserver of your own?

just wait till sod 2, we don’t need this on era


I want some of what you’re smoking. Half the tier sets are useless for all but one spec of a class (generally all tier sets for hybrids). Half the loot from MC is on disenchant right away because it’s worse then blues you farm before MC.

The viability problem goes deeper then just talents. And a game where you have 9 classes and 27 specs but have only 3 viable DPS specs, 4 viable heal specs and 1 viable tank spec is objectively terrible.

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those sets and pieces you’re slandering all have uses. just because they aren’t increase to your DPS in a 40man sweat environment doesn’t mean that itemization is bad.


Class purpose > balance