The beauty of the classic is it’s solved game.
You perfectly know before you roll a class what’s he’s capable of.
It does not need to be changed. There’s no class balance, but if you want to be melee DPS, you know that you need to roll a warrior and it’ll be balanced with other warriors.
I think it’s fair enough.
And this attitude is how you only ever attract a player base of constantly shrinking backwards looking weirdos. Keep doing that, and this might just be the last time vanilla is ever relevant.
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By trying to appeal to a new player base you risking losing old player base which happened to retail. Vanilla lived for 20 years and will live for another 20 years as it is.
and i suppose getting bored of rushed content made by soulless corporations that lasts for a month is more appealing to you?
well that’s fine but don’t try to change a game many are already happy with. sod and retail both exist with your preferences in mind.
Im up for small changes. But they shouldnt add changes in the middle of an phase. It should be done in the beginibg.
what version had class balance? I missed quite a few tbh
I thought blizz just got the bingo machine out and and picked random numbers for class’s that way
Why pay several people all those wages when you can just get the bingo machine out the cupboard and give it a spin.
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ERA is pretty dead compared to SoD or whatever current Classic. Anniversary is going really strong but its fresh and will have TBC and has dual spec.
Era wont change but not like people are constantly asking for Classic+ to happen 
If Blizzard will do Classic+ there will be item changes and spec tier sets pretty much. Non Blizzard Classic+ already do that and people like it. One did suttle talent changes and new gear, the other uses pseudo-TBC state and new gear.
Vanilla was severely unfinished, original devs stated it in interviews. If anyon wonders why pala tank is so bad and lacks gear - the devs were afraid that a tank that can heal would be to strong… Dodge/parry/block needed time to be fleshed out and then, in TBC even though pala tank can cast a healing spell good luck surviving the cast vs a raid boss.
I dont think they survival that in classic wow. most paladin tanks never casted heal on themselfs and lay on hands would be death sentince. sure gained 100% of your life back but at what cost you have no MANA non very thing keeping you tanking
That was their thought on paladin tanks in early vanilla. From the devs themselves. This is also one of the reasons they did not put as much attention to Prot Pala reworks like for some other classes/specs during vanilla.
They also wanted make each tank unique while tanking is rather straightforward so shaman tanks weren’t even in any real design phase after initial ideas, while bears got some work in vanilla to make them almost-finished, but also had to wait for TBC.
Back then not only players were “noobs”.
i dont think we should have to do that anymore. we are 2024 not when classic wow we all experenced this time and time again. its only fair ask for update for longivity of classic
Let me get this straight. You’re asking for all these changes for the Anniversary servers, aka the realms Soulseeker, Spineshatter, and Thunderstrike only - am I right? Not for all the Classic Era servers as well.
yah just anni if server if classic isnt gonna last long might well make enjoyable
Yeah I think balance changes would be great. The devs did make balance changes and it is called tbc. But because it is an expasion people think “Vanilla is THIS exact thing” and “TBC is this exact thing”. Hadnt tbc came out, and they instead released a classic with increased content, lets say vertical progression, then they also would have done balance changes. They would also do itemization changes.
The reason items is the way they are in Classic is because the devs also were experimenting. You can absolutely think that itemization got more boring in WoTLK for example, however that doenst mean that alot of items in Classic is just such a letdown.
Take BoE world drop epic, imo it should almost always feel like hitting the jackpot. But it is not because some of them is just straight up terrible and greens are better. That is not good item design. Morever there is so many interesting and cool weapons that is terrible because they have the wrong stats, wrong weapon speed or for other reasons. But when classic was being developed the devs didnt know how it all would pan out. But now we do know. And making changes based on that information is a good thing.
WoW was meant to be an social RPG game. Let people do the RPG. However so many wow players are completely lost in performance and logs that they completley forgot about it being an RPG. Let druids be able to be feral and balance, they dont have to be as good as dps warrior or rogues, but let that fantasy be able to be played.
Let Paladins be retribution and protection. Let priests choose darkness and be shadow. Change some items that is straight to Vendor or DE to complement those other nonmeta speccs.
Why not? The biggest reason people say is “but it is not classic!!”. Load of crap, as I said above, had the devs had all the knowledge we have today, they WOULD HAVE MADE IT SO. Why? Because they thought the game of an RPG game. They didnt sat down and said “lets only make a few classes viable at end game”. They thought classes should have different strenghts and weaknesses, but in no way did they think it should be this unbalanced. Because if they did, they wouldnt have made the changes they did in TBC.
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A rogue asking for balance changes, classic.
And then goes on to state TBC as being more balanced than vanilla 
Tbc where rogues mages and warriors are even more of a hero class than they are in vanilla 
You want changes, that door over there takes you to sod.
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All this you describe but vanilla wasn’t built like this. The end goal wasn’t raids, hell raids weren’t even made before everything else was made
Vanilla wow is about class fantasy and flair. Tools like eyes of the beast, mind vision, the shaman far sight spell, locks having an ultra summon but you need to kill a party member etc.
You’re looking at it purely from a number’s perspective, a means to kill bosses. Back then they didn’t care about tha and just designed them with fantasy in mind.
TBC is where they started balancing things around raiding and high end pvp like rated arena.
AND they failed miserably. So stop asking for TBC changes in vanilla world, thanks!
I dunno about that, but that isn’t the topic of discussion. If OP wants all specs viable in vanilla he should go to SoD.
I’m doing vanilla again in prep for TBC, which to me is peak wow.
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then we have different opinions.
but if you aren’t clamouring to change the game many of us love then you’re on my good list 
I don’t see why when we have SoD 
And sure agree to disagree, we all like different things in wow.