This is it:
and that’s how the game is made, what it is built for. We should not try to streamline it to cater for only our sort of game.
This is it:
and that’s how the game is made, what it is built for. We should not try to streamline it to cater for only our sort of game.
what you even talking about telling people play sod? is like telling classic player to play classic era or retail
sod was trash what you even talking about telling people play sod? is like telling classic player to play classic era or retail
sod was trash, they gave everyone op abliities with boring quest very long quest chains
did nothing to the talent trees anything else that needed love the most so stop bring sod up like fixed anything
didnt bring anything new
the pvp was awful. pve was a joke. itemization was only good thing but talents 100% the same and abilities didnt feel like they belong
you forget sod is a season when it ends everyone get kicked out that server on some crabby classic era server with low pop then quits playing classic is boring remeber the devil of gaming bobby goddick was in charge at the time and blizzard didnt put enough ever into it
LIKE ALWAYS telling ppl like me what real classic + Experence go back to that trash is insulting
Subjective and your last sentence makes no sense.
I guess I forgot Locks and Rogues can tank in retail/classic, my bad!
They literally stated in their last interview they don’t plan on ending sod soon and that they are looking for a way to keep the SoD chars, runes and all, on a sod era server.
But SoD isn’t really the topic of discussion is it? You got triggered because stuff you want to change in era/anniversary is already present in sod, so your solution is there. You just don’t want to see it.
My point that classic vanilla was not designed with raids in mind as the only end goal still stands. The world is the main thing, not the raids.
didnt want that didnt want all those class changes what not just wanted talent tree look nice that is all
still same dumb classic talent tree in sod as it is normal classic
no one asked warlocks to tank or rogues to tank or mages to heal
we just want basic classes not feel like complete total rubbish
You want this … and you want levelling to be a perfect faceroll with everything handed on a silver platter. Stop it, please.
100% agree - And that fantasy, coming from WC3, is what made/makes it magical.
I play warlock in fresh so you can take your assumptions and go somewhere else. Also you completely missed the mark about my post. In TBC more class fantasies is viable, that was my post. In classic alot of stuff is just unplayable, and that was not the intention of the developers. To say that classic 1.12 is exactly as the devs intended is a horrible stance, and as I said, had not TBC released, they would STILL have continued with the talents revamp. Because maybe you didnt know, but the devs set out to revamp all the talents tress for all classes, they just didnt have the time to do them all.
The devs wanted all class fantasies to be viable, that is why the made the changes they did in TBC. They absolutley intended for raids to be accesible and they did think about balance. In beta Undead was immune to fear, however that was too unbalanced so they changed it. Furthermore in Beta paladins was mega overpowered, so they changed it. They also set out to overhaul every class talent tree, but didnt have time to do warrior, mage, shaman and a few other. So yes, they thought about balance, in PVE and PVP. To say otherwise is just ignorant.
Yes when they created classes they wanted to create class fantasies, however not everything came together e.g melee hunter. They showed when they remade the hunter talentree that they ditched melee hunter and instead made survival into a different ranged specc.
To say they only started to balance around PVE, PVP in TBC is ignorant. They thought about balance all throughout vanilla aswell.
give an example of something that is not ‘playable’ in vanilla (im waiting for you to say something like boomkin). so obviously your gripe with the game isn’t that what you want to do isn’t ‘playable’ but that your pride can’t handle being on the lower end of the dps logs in raids
vanilla is peak rpg gaming and the fact that you want the game to cater to your need to feel superior in a raid environment (at the expense of everyone else and every other area of the game - pvp, questing, grinding, dungeon soloing… rping) tells us everything we need to know to come to the conclusion that vanilla isn’t for you and you should go elsewhere.
My gripe is not with the game. But people like you who think 1.12 is the final version of classic wow, when the developers had ideas to change vanilla more but didnt have the time. You also make alot of assumptions about why I play vanilla without having any clue. I dont mind not being on top of the dps meter or logs or whatever. I have never recorded my logs in my life and I am of the opinion that wow players is overfixated on logs when all that matters is if the bosses is killed or not. Still, I can recognize that vanilla is unbalanced.
I think the RPG is vanilla is great, it is why I love it so much. However I think there is room for improvement, because unlike you I have not made vanilla classic my identity and is afraid of losing my identity if it changes.
As I said, the developers had plans to continue revamp talents in classic, however 1.12 is as far as they got.
so what is not playable and why is that the case?
asking for changes is one thing. asking them on a faulty premise is a whole nother story.
way too many people thinking that the game should cater to them and not the other way around like some kind of hello kitty game.
Yes you CAN play every class, but the balance is not great at all. I mean I think it is pretty clear WHY I think a balance patch is good, it is so more people can enjoy their fantasy without having the pressure from the community to play something else. It was YOU who said I wanted it because of logs, and I refuted that. Also it is YOU who say I want the game to cater like a hello kitty game, not me. That tells me that YOU want the game to cater to YOUR idea. So stop being silly.
So tell me, how is wanting more class viability for living the class fantasy a faulty premise?
here’s the issue. hopefully you can stop being emotional now.
all classes in vanilla serve a specific role and function. the game is not designed upon raids but the overall experience and journey…
when you ask for changes that are made with class balance in mind and not class identity do you realize what happens? you very quickly disturb the initial devs intentions of each class feeling unique and it dilutes the entire essence of the game…
there’s no class that is useless like you seem to think. some are not as powerful in raid environments that true but it’s not the focus point of the game…
I am the emotional one when you literally come with assumptions like I want the came to cater to me like a hello kitty game, who is being emotional?
You seem to think it is a zero sum game, but it is not. Take the example of hunter at release and hunter after revamp. Initially they wanted Hunter to have a melee specc. However that didnt function, so they made hunter into a only ranged class. That didnt completely ruin the class feeling unique or dilute the entire essence of the game. Now people in SoD have complained so much about hunter melee, when the devs initally thought melee hunter was something they designed. This is how much community perception shape what they say classic is.
Balance changes does not dilute the essence of the game. Yes absolutely they designed for fantasy, roles and function, however 1.12 was not the end goal of that. Also I am not saying that raid environments is the only thing to balance around, that is another assumption you make. However that was what OP posted about so that is what I responded too. And I think a balance patch could incorporate raid environment without dilute the entire essence, as you say it would.
No class is useless, however there is strong community perception, and that cant be ignored. For example: The devs wanted players to experiment, and there were devs who ran dungeons without tanks and healers, because they thought that should be something that was possbile. However the community shaped it into tank, healer and 3x dps. The devs didnt invent the holy trinity, neither was that their intention. They wanted the class fantasies of tanks and healers, but didnt intend for it to turn out the way it did.
man i really thought that would be the end of that but you just cant help yourself.
yup you want the game to cater to you because instead of creating a community in which you can… do whatever it is that you’re askign for (but still haven’t properly clarified) you want the current devs of blizz that share nothing in common with the devs long gone to make impossible changes to a game they don’t even understand. gl with that.
You can just as eaisly stop responding as I can. By your own logic, you cant help yourself either. So whatever high horse you think you are sitting on, you can come down from.
I am not saying that a balance patch is a MUST. I am saying that I think there is room for it. Ofcourse I wont propely clarify exactly what changes would be good in any other than a vague sense, because it would take tremendous work to think about. However what you say is not true, there is a dev on blizzard that was there on the original release and who do know their initial vision. Without seeing what changes would be proposed, it is impossible for me to say how competent they are.
I agree with you
i dont really like sod cause think bit over the top what people wanted with classic +
I take that back. Itemization in classic is bad. First I tought thats the reason why classic feels good…still searching for the reason xD
Not gonna happen, because there is too many braindead people with #nochanges.
And ofc dont forget about SoD with its “balancing” being absolute disaster.
Yes you can playe what ever you want there but 1 spec and its smite. But on the other hand if they give us a crit multiplayer and mana we probably shine to much.