Class Tuning Coming 29 June

And can invest 1day too become a Demon/Affli lock.
FotM players are the worst kind of players.
Btw, Can we even call it FotM since this has gone for almost half a year? I’d call it FotP :upside_down_face:

I am not sure how that is relevant for my argument to delay the nerf.

And when someone wants to play the FotSeason then that is their descision. I am not hurt by that.

They shoud be nerfed to the ground right now, just so they know next time to not reroll meta 24/7.


Can you explain what is wrong with playing the meta? It can be by accident since you are playing the spec for years, or by rerolling. But can not understand in any way why that would hurt me.

Becouse it’s starting to become a thing, everyone reroll meta 24/7 leaving the other specs to dust.

You play a healer though…
Even MW monks get invited in keys, eventhough they garbo.

Imagine bieing a DPSer and having too apply to a key where there’s 50 OP meta classes against you playing a sub-optimal class.
Yeah, you are gonna sit in the apply screen for the bigger part of your gaming session… Sometimes get invited and then more than 50% of the time they’re big traps…

Let me tell you, it’s a pain…
If rerolling doesn’t happen that often, there would be less “FotM” players and therefore the “lesser” classes would be accepted eassier.

EDIT: If rerolling didn’t happen Blizzord would sell less boosts though.

Well, i am not even playing with a destro… I am playing with a boomie. In communities the specs what people play is really not a thing. My main alt is a monk, mistweaver and brewmaster. And my current dps is frost DK.

In communities there is no need too apply either.
Yet a big part of the community doesn’t have friends/guildies/a group too constantly do keys with (like you do).

I am playing Warrior and I am having the biggest struggles getting accepted in 20s.
And Warrior isn’t even garbage… It is just overshadowed completely by WW Monk/Surv Hunter as melee class.

The big part of the communty can just copy paste a discord link and is in a communty and can dodge the pug experience.

That’s pugging through discord. Same stuff.

It is completely the opposite. No score-requirements, no spec requirements, no ilvl requirements, etc etc etc.

You and I clearly have waaay different experiences lmao. I joined two different communities in season 2 and it was even worse then the LFG menu. Full of Elitists and meta slaves once you reach 15+.

You tried the calm keystones/chillstreak/failtrains?
I know in those communities those rules are applied.

Regarding the PVP balancing.
Im sorry to say that but I have to … " Sorry, but a little bit too late, don`t you think?! … And what is most important… Not even close to what is needed to be enough"

So basically a comp is not serious if it does not have WL or other meta specs?

Imagine there are people who think that an army of educated developers, who do this balancing thing as an engineering process from day to day, are actually able to do basic undergrad math and fix outliers at the beginning.

There is no justification which covers the amount of stupidity to break a season like this one.

They don’t listen, never did during PTR and never will. (except for the 0.1% ofc)

Also your comp is WL, Surv, Boomie… Boomie is not optimal for sure but that’s the only spot that is not meta lol.

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Simple. The existence of a meta. This is what is wrong.

And of course, in every patch, there will always be a spec that is better than the others, and another that is the worst one. But it’s fine as long as the difference between the best and worst spec is small.
There, we’re talking about double the damage. It’s not fine.
And that’s what is wrong with “playing the meta” : the fact that it exists.

I’d actually say if the difference between ALL specs are within range.
Comparing bottom to top is a little restricting, since there are clear ST/AOE/PVP specs.

I think BFA was the most “balanced” xpack out of the recent ones. Specs around 1-2k difference from eachother in RAID tiers. Ofc the bottom and top had 10-15k difference. But this was compensated with AOE capabilities which made them shine in M+.
If there is a clear overpowered AOE (or ST) class it might be concidered “OP” in different scenarios.
Right now we have the top comps shining in both PvE “content” groups.

For example:
Fire mage is good in both ST and AOE. → Top Tier
Frost mage is good in ST and meh in AOE → Average
Destro is amazing in AOE, descent in ST → Top Tier.
Survival is amazing in AOE, descent in ST → Top Tier
WW Monk is amazing in AOE and very strong in ST → Top Tier
Feral is “okay” in ST and trash in AOE → Below Average
BM is good in ST and trash in AOE, but AOE get’s carried by Wild Spirits into Mehhh state. → Below Average
Spriest is bad in AOE and “okay” in ST → Below Average

There has to be a balance in content types, if it’s OP in AOE it is supposed to be bad in ST, which is not the case for some…

THIS IS ONLY THE CASE because they cannot balance ALL classes to be viable in ALL content. If they do this, nothing else matters anymore.

The thing is my comp is this comp for whole SL. And our WL is demo and stays demo. Nobody said anything about my comp in previous seasons when i played with a surv hunter and demolock, for some reason :thinking:

Ok, but I still maintain what I said : the difference between top and bottom. And I’ll add : regardless of content type.

Why is that ?
You say there are clear ST/AOE/PVP specs. I agree, and I say it’s wrong to have that.
What if, as a player, I enjoy feral (supposedly PvP spec right now) but despise PvP and love M+ ?

Basically, shouldn’t it be better if there were only small differences between specs, regardless of content type ?
That would mean you could basically chose any spec and enjoy any kind of content with that spec.

There will always be a meta. There is challenging content and we want class diversity. There will always be a comp or class doing better in whatever type of content. You can fight the existance of meta, but unless all classes are exactly the same, a meta will exist. And when someone wants to play a meta-spec, their descision. I am fine with that.

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