Class Tuning Coming 29 June

Have you read the rest of my comment ?

Yes. Still you made the statement the existance of a meta is what is wrong. That is the main message you give in your post.

It is. And if you noticed, I also said that if the differences are small, the meta is irrelevant.

Well, people exagerate the differences anyway.

Heh, this europe here. Not dumbfukistan.

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Do you have any idea how big DPS a boomie is doing single target and priority targets? Boomie also adds way more utility than warlocks, and utility is very important for M+. Not saying boomie is not underperforming. But it gets exagerated so much it is not fun anymore.

Ok, but we’re talking about “should be” here, not what is.

Then I’d say Feral is okay in ST and therefore still playable in M+ keys. Just like BM hunters are playable. But they are below average for this content so you wont be nr 1.

That is what I ment with my last sentence.

^ Ideally they just balance everything…

That is exactly the reason why the top groups bring a WW monk (Op in ST and AOE) or a Fire mage (OP in ST and very strong in AOE + int buff for WL).
ST damage specs are usefull if you double up on AOE classes.

Unless you homogenize everything, people will always take the better option, regardless if it’s marginally better or straight up broken. If the damage is even, or close, they’ll take the better utility. Dispels, stops, shroud, lust, better burst, better funnel… etc. As a warlock, my damage has been more than fine to do the key levels I’ve been wanting to do between S1 of BfA and S3 of SL, but other classes brought something extra.

The community perception plays arguable a much bigger role than the actual numbers game. The amount of times I’ve had to remind people that I can purge/dispel as a warlock is too damn high. It’s just that they’ve played with classes that can do what I can, and more, so people just aren’t aware how close the gap really is.

The thing is, destro is only sought after now because it’s doing bonkers damage. If it didn’t, it would get overshadowed by another class that can do similar damage but brings more utility. Warlock and feral are the same in this regard. If they overbuffed feral tomorrow, it wouldn’t suddenly become a better M+ spec, it would just do broken damage and nothing else, just like destro does now.


Yes but they do not bring mass root, trees, battleress, typoon, vortex.

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They use DK tanks.

WW monk.


Druid brings good utility but no unreplacable utility on classes with (atm) a TON more damage in both ST and AOE. In this current meta druid has no place because of the massive dps difference.

EDIT: It’s not even overexagerating.
btw, no need trees/mass root if stuff dies instantly.

I don’t play with a DK, WW or mage. Our boomie is in 1 char all these classes. And we definitely run trees in some dungeons. Very needed. And mass root is very usefull in some dungeons too.

What if…

The “pure numbers” difference (dps, hps, tank-per-sec ??) between specs was smaller than the difference between caused by gear within the same spec ?
For example, you get a more crit based build or haste based (whatever) and that difference is bigger (or at least comparable) than the difference between specs.
Then the specs are not homogenized to the point they are the exact same.

Then, regarding utility. What if you give some unique utility to each spec, and make it so the content is made easier by the presence of some of each unique utility, within the same dungeon, in a such way that you have to give up on some unique and desirable utility when forming your group. In other words : you have to make a choice.
But then, this choice will make parts of the dungeon easier and some other part harder, but not to the point of “make it or wipe it”.

He is all their utility, but a quarter of their dmg.

Like i said. Big exagerations. Yes, underperforming. I said that multiple times. But not 25% of others damage. Plain nonsense.

It’s about half the damage of a warlock. That’s not an exageration.

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Not half the damage of affli and demo.

I am not running with a bdk, not with a ww, not with a destrolock and still we time up to 23’s. Non meta can not be that bad as people claim.

HAHA, Tell him to go affli right now, before the buff.
It made me delete my Warlock. So patheticly bad.

No i am not. Our warlock is demo. Was demo. Stays demo.