Repeat how the $%& make the balances man, Nyalotha all the patch mages broken, and no one change, this raid started 3 days back and we have already nerf on dk unholy, wtf happen in this deppartment
Hey blizz, hit us with an additional 5% on top on that fury, ye? Thanks mon!
Sorry guys but at this moment is PvP only about god damn open… I mean where is the time when your arena was about skill and not about burst in first five seconds?
Rogues can delete plate char with 20% vers in less then 3s, that’s just sick… And not only rogues.
We need some space for outplay opponent, please try to do something about that if possible, thank you.
Nerfe subrogue, thanks it´s so Cringe to see if a 1.6 player reach 2.2 because he plays Sub xD
nah blizzard poster classes don’t get nerfed if anything i could see them buffing sub rogue because they have no clue
Have you nerfed the BFA raid trinket that crits for 9k in arena yet?
yeah, they did
- Mortal Strike damage increased by 20%. Damage reduced by an equivalent amount in PvP.
If you can do this to arms do this to the other broken pvp classes atm, its like your turning a blind eye
Does the 15% UH DK mastery nerf mean that they will nerf it by flat 15% / nerf 15% out of current 18% and make that 15.3% base value / OR nerf the base AND the value we get from secondary stat by 15% ?
In this cinematic 2 warriors easily handling sub 2 sub rogues between 2:28 - 2:58 but in reality Thrall and Saurfang needs to die in first seconds.
I don’t know why they prioritize Arms warrior changes over sub rogues, it is clear, they can watch Sub Rogue streamers and see what they do easily or they can que for 30 minutes they’ll probably face rogues 80% of the time and see them themselves.
UH DK needs the mastery split for both shadow damage and pet… I feel like devs do not really understand where the damage output really comes from
as for Frost DK - how is this spec SO MUCH overlooked? frost needs buff or remake so it is not fully dependant on BOS
I think they will nerf the %amount we get from the mastery stat
what tools are you using to be so out of touch?
Are you really playing the same game as we do ?
What about hunt / Boomkin ?
5% only for fury, is that a joke ?
I got hit for 10.500 Star Surge yesterday, combined with other dots it is deadly as you may predict, I don’t think they are inferior to Arms, Starsurge is Mortal Strike of Boomkins.
I think we will see alot of changes related to balance in the next days.
These are pretty huge buffs, it brings MS, in combination with several legendaries to like our 3rd /4th top damage, probably doing as much as dreadnaught is at the moment. They are very substantial buffs.
For fury? With the amount of just sheer spam it is pumping out a 5% buff is pretty huge… You will be fine.
I totaly get it.
But they are actually ruining our preparation of mythic, we want to push our mm+ key the same way mage/bookin/hunt can.
This is not fair at all.
I don’t have access to your account.
Those are PvE tunings dumbass
Should look into 2 hand frost dk, icecap and obliteration talents, no one want to play breath all the time, since legion.
It feels like they are biased towards some classes sometimes right, they always easily nerf some classes while not touching others. Rogues and Mages are prime examples, since 2005 they have always been amongst top classes.