So -20% Mortal strike dmg in pvp is pve stuff?
what kind of language is that? Rogues “may have” high damage?
Assassination rogue is nowhere near s tier, they needed a buff.
Unholy dont even get legendary yet , the spec will remain great .
Nb : Nurf Sub
buff assassination! make killing people great again … nerf wannabe ninjas and pirates
PvE tunings nub
Thank you for this buff.
However, if it is not enough to get me to stay in raid or be able to get into pvp matches, then it simply isn’t enough.
I really hope there has actually been internal testing with this making sure that Havoc will now perform well enough to be able to play all types of content. Blizzard please show that you are in touch with the player base because it should not be rocket science to determine how much this is and make sure at the very least this minimun criteria is met with this first balance pass, no one else will wait till next one to not have me kicked out of raid team 1 and carry on being declined pvp.
Whether this pisses off the player base or not, they are all still getting invited to raid and being able to participate in pvp content on their classes. The priority should be on DH actually being able to, at the very least, be able to play the game. This would mean making sure the buff is enough first time! 5% sounds like the absolute minimum and I fear it’s just not enough. If this is the case it should have been more and then perhaps brought down not the other way round.
I feel Blizzard have no integrity or balls with their class design. You completely gutted DH, yet Rogues have more buttons and utility than they ever have. Why is Rogue class fantasy so important yet DH is allowed to be gutted by the player base complaining? Because it is older?
If you want new players to play the game I would definitely not completely bin one of the most modern, action game combat feeling classes you have.
DH deserve to be able to play the game. I cannot wait till next patch for this to be reality, this buff NEEDS to be enough or you will completely ruin all my momentum as a new player and my experience with the game will be ruined.
If this isn’t enough then Blizzard you have failed me as a player and I will be extremely, extremely frustrated and upset. And I’ve been one of your biggest praisers and loving everything else so much. This would honestly completely ruin the whole experience I’ve had up to now, as all my progression will have been for nothing.
Getting into 1st raid team will be practically impossible if I have to wait till next patch to be viable, that or I will have to beg for my raid to carry me and as a new player I just don’t believe they know me well enough for this to happen nor do I think a high level raiding guild like mine would carry an underperforming class.
Please Blizzard, if you underbuffed us in this first balance pass, then SL to me is a failure of a product.
I love the warrior buffs, really, but seriously… why would you buff Arms even more, when Arms is already doing fine in Single Target and AoE?
Fury is quite struggling right now, I’m not sure if 5% will be enough. Please look more into it!
this is the most random thing i have ever seen, you just reduce only 15% dmg of a dk ability and nerf shaman heals when druids are actually so braindead.
Where is sub rogue nerf i cant believe i will get oneshoted by a rogue untill year ends dude. you buff warriors??? dude wtf is balance team on vacation?
You just took papers with classes and abilities and threw them in a box then you randomly get this out and the throw a dice whether to nerf them of buff them .-.
What about MM/Sub nerfs? Why even buff Chaos Bolt? It did great damage before. Where are Blood DK defense buffs?
What about healers? There is big difference between top (Shaman) and bottom (Holy Priest). You had plenty of time and feedback for more changes.
i just made a post on that, gonna go lvl up a sub rogue, i had never played rogue before, but if it is not getting nerf then aprovecha el bug(take advantage of the bug) no time to waste
Imagine the poor saps was who excited for two handed frost only for blizzard to gut it again
Where are Sub Rogue nerfs for pvp? And other nerfs. Some things are clearly overperforming like Hunters and DK in raid and dungeons dmg is just insane, it makes other classes look terrible.
I see you touch upon mastery, previously D&D from night fea - but I am just thinking whether conduit “convocation of the dead” is anywhere near on the agenda ? It does not work when wounds are bursting upon death - only when scourage strike hits a target but a conduit description says when a wound burst - but there are two means of bursting - this conduit seems a really good build apart from Dark Transformation oriented one but loosing that CD reduction on wounds burstin by death makes it much much much less potent and interesting, then we go back to he point where is only one viable playstyle.
Looking forward to hearing from you
All the best
After you completely gutted Havoc, think a 5% buff is going to be enough? Make that at least 15% so we can actually be useful again. Meanwhile, 22% damage buff to Chaos Bolt. Really? Might as well just backpedal on that Unholy nerf as well, while you’re at it.
What does that exactly mean.
1- Mortal Strike buffed 20℅ in PvE but 20℅ nerfed in PvP.
Does that means Mortal Strike will do the same damage it used to for PvP or is that a nerf, can you clarify please.
Is it gonna stay same for PvP, that is what I’m asking?
Sin %5 buff is literally very fun to hear. Spec itself problematic. Hungers for energy and rotation problems. Not to mention both poisons and bleeds dealing wet noodle damage. Rng bomb deals 1K dmg over 2sec with a %20 chance to proc max. Crimson Tempest nearly impossible to cast due to broken spec rotation. You should always make Sin for PvE and Sub for PvP ( not this big damage for PvP ). Otherwise you make wow players complaint which they are right in PvP situation.
What did i do deserve nerfs in pvp too? I mean if unholy was performing goods in pve you gonna slap both pvers and pvpers? Nice balancing logic smh.
Really lost for words on that i was hopeing for a buff …