Why would you want to nerf healing… that only hurts your raid team lol.
clearly its 200 iq play because we know ion is a resto shaman so this nerf was clearly needed
GOOD furry warrior need some buffing badly
I don’t care how you balance it, I’m gonna roll with with whatever is topping the logs. Got my boost ready. All I ask is for the dev team to just settle on some numbers so I know what to boost.
Sub is fine. Its other things that cause issues. Master Assassin for starters. Thats however not a reason to nerf Sub. So the chances are high MA will receive a nerf while sub remains untouched.
Its trash even after the buff. You need another 5% buff and even then Assa would only be worth considering for execute windows.
The problem in PvP is the lego. Not sub itself. However Assa is trash in general. But that Assa is energy starving is by all means nothing new given its general history as a spec.
Anyone could have forseen this buff. Especially for fury. Fury is also likely to receive another one.
I truly appreciate the 5% havoc is getting but i think you could have done better… thats just a bandage on a heavily bleeding wound.
Also i think you completely missed the MM nerfs? I’m still glad you are looking into it and noticing there are problems… especially with my class and spec so thank you for that and keep them coming.
Sub is fine, master assasin and kyrian on the other hand is not, mostly kyrian, every other covenant is complete garbage compared to that one. Don’t bother with forums much, so i’am guessing there have been some whine about it. But kyrian needs a hard nerf or the rest to be brougth up on the same level.
Man we all know blizzards reputation with shaman we were never remaining OP.
So I’ve been doing the math. 5% is not enough. I don’t know how Blizzard came to the conclusion that this is enough of an increase. This is just extremely poor decision making and bad development.
I quite honestly could do a better job myself. So here let me do that for you right now to PROVE how much of a complete slap in the face this is after nerfing leech, blade dance dodge and ripping 2min meta cd away from us AS WELL as making DH Venthyr mediocre and boring. The absolute least you could do is make my parses and ilvl IE my skill as a player and dedication to gearing actually be represented somewhat accurately in raid. This is 1.0 SL a FULL RELEASE AND IT FEELS LIKE A GOD DAMN BETA AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO UNTIL THE NEXT BALANCE PATCH AS 5% IS NOT ENOUGH!
Here are my raid logs for shriekwing.
I parsed 84% the druid above me parsed 63% and is 4 ilvls below me. Yet beats me on damage. The hunter above me parsed 64%, same ilvl, yet despite being 22% lower in skill at playing their class still performs better than me on dmg.
Now, lets add 5% to my damage. 2133 becomes 2239. So my damage is now just above the druid. I moved up one place. ONE. I’m barely better than the druid at 63% parses and stil under the mage with 4 ilvls below me and still below the hunter who performed 64% parses.
Who at Blizzard did the math? Who at Blizzard did the internal testing on this? Who at Blizzard thinks this will change the attitude of players towards inviting DH to raid and PVP because I can tell you now this will not make ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE and I am here to say I think whoever has made this decision is an absolute imbicile who can’t even pick up a calculator and look at some god damn raid logs!
Lets repeat this experiment with some other raid logs I found with some of the best performing DH on rankings.
Here is another example of a raid log ht…tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/mhPWjyDZYvgxnM6R#fight=last&type=damage-done
The DH performed 97% parses. Their Ilvl is higher than every class above them on dps meter and they have the highest parses. The SP above them is 7 ilvls below, performed 67% parses.
A 5% increase to the DH dmg will put 2478 to 2601. Despite being the highest ilvl of everyone above them and managing to perform at the top 97th percentile of players, they will still be 4th place on dmg.
Excuse me Blizzard but WTF.
Whoever is balancing this needs to take a good look at these raid logs, get a damn calculator out, an tell me realistically if you really think 5% is actually making up for all the damage that has been done to DH and actually reresents a players time and skill put into this class. Because I can tell you right now DEMONSTRABLY THAT IT DOES NOT AND SCREW YOU BLIZZARD FOR FORCING US TO CONTINUE TO PLAY IN THIS STATE.
Roflmao melee buffs???
And a buff to warlock chaos bolt
unless you reduce the cost by 50%,a warlock cannot cast chaos bolt in current state
How is it justified to nerf udk in pvp too just because it was good in pve. How udk got nerfed before sub rogue.
Blizzard what about Frosst DK our dmg depends on KM without it our dmg is from 200-900 dmg wtf
PvE is bad, PvP is worse. I can’t win a fight with anyone, it’s not even close the disparity in damage output. I feel like I wasted my time thinking it was tuned for 60 after prepatch and that things would get better, but it feels just as bad - slow, clunky, just babysitting GCD. Spell and ability rotation feels like this:
Meanwhile in PvP a single stun is a death sentence.
You dont get KM rank 2 procs without a healthy amount of crit. And at that point you really are relying on your CD (pillar with Obliteration) to provide the procs for you. No procs, mean no Obliterate boost, which means lower damage.
Don’t waste your time if you’re on the fence, roll something else.
Nice blizzard you failed again buff rogue’s and arms warriors,DH’s
That is because everyone is still holding on to their resto druid. Takes a while to break a pattern.
DH is the only one who needs buff because we have no other alternative when it comes to dps spec. Other classes have at least 1 spec who does crazy performance. I’ll take 5% buff but may need smth different.
The replies here can be summed to either “blizz y u nerf my class” or “blizz y u buff (insert class who I think is broken in PvP or recently beat me in PvP)”.
its a start i guess. still a lot to be don though.
doing a dungeon with 3 MM hunters is hilarious because trash mobs just drop dead in seconds. i’m honestly surprised there are no nerfs yet.