Class Tuning in Progress – 16 December

they got 1 damage ability 22%, we got ALL damage abilities 5%. I dont say it’s better or worse, but it’s different from what warlock got, and 5% on ALL seems better, i dont think it’s enough but thats another discussion.

I would disagree tbh, 22% on their main damage ability sounds better than 5% on every abilities if said abilities already hit like wet noodles. We are at the very bottom of the dps charts, although that buff is welcomed I think we would at least need 10% across the board.

What the hell is that flat 15% dmg nerf for unholy? Do you guys are for real?

No love for mages :mage:

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you missed sub rogue.
i suggest, reduce unbreakable-by-damage stun for 10000000000000 secs to 3.

i think its a bit more fair when we can actually fight a rogue at some point.

also MM hunter are OP.
i suggest reduce range or make some of their skills break on movement.

they did say pvp will be addressed separately

Hmm, nice. Small buffs for underperforming classes. Looks promising.

Meh only if they can have a free opener, it is often possible to counter.

Anyways, it says “in progress” + that the PvP outcasts will be taken care off seperately.

Alliance are doing well in Mythic+ they have spots on page 2:) progress is good

Balance Druid? Marksmanship Hunters? Shadow Priest?

They’re at the top with Unholy DK’s.

DK is top tier for 1 week = hit with nerfs (which I do believe was deserved they’re a bit insane rn)

Mages, Warlocks, Balance Druids, Hunters remain top tier for multiple expansions and are rarely nerfed.

The bias towards Ranged specs is insane.

No, According to Acherus is 4-6% less and will be largely compensate with more mastery and legendary

(Mastery instead of giving 2.25 dps per point will give 1.95)

:sob::sob::sob: Page two. Rofl

As soon as the horde get mythic gear from Castle nyalotha, they will be on page 122

Melees can attack while moving. Warlocks mages etc need to stand still.

Wanna trade? You can only attack while standing still, but do 5-6% more damage but the casters can cast while moving

No nerf for the godawful OP Ret paladins in PVP? are you serious? They have 5 heals and milions of burst damage. Completely unfair.

Unholy DK gets nerfed for finally being one of the top, but MM hunter and boomkin just gets to stay there? No boosts for frost to make it viable?

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Where have u seen Destruction warlock and Assasination rogue are S tier? LMFAO. All updated rankings i see is destro and assassination in the bottom. Please give me a link.

Ok, you demand something and you also lie in the same post. GG, Blizz will listen to your BS for sure.

Let me reformulate :
-Destro or assa is not a big deal since they have other specs to play with. As a ret Paladin, my argument is that : if my spec sucks, then I have no other choice than changing classes. Rogues and warlocks can just change spec.
-In BFA ret and WW were really really bad in raid and were F tier classes. But they didn’t get any buff for raiding, which was a harsh experience and pushed me away from playing ret paladin (Because no decent guild actually wanted to recruit a ret paladin)

Useless. You should increase it by at least 20% JUST to see if Havoc will be middle of the pack then. Not top, middle of the pack.

Waiting for covenant tuning. Venthyr ability for hunters is completely trash comparing to night fae.

You for real? Glaive tempest is insane hitting on cleave. With this we Will just do very good aoe now