Bye, cya after new year.
Hell I dont know, I don’t play Paladin. I only fight them, and when they’re low health they bubble or do something else that gives them full HP. They do this until I am dead and I can do nothing to stop it. They burst me down with 3 spells condemn, final verdict and judgement. Which does like 10k damage each or something? Even if I kite them, they have ranged abilities that can easily take 50% of my health.
I’m actually having problems with DKs, but mostly unholy. The only thing you lack is self sustain, because DKs hit like a truck.
Thanks for buffing chaos bolt, it’s been underwhelming to use it, it should always be no. 1 on the dmg list after completed dungeon for example, but it’s like second or third, being only 12% of total deeps. It sucks.
Seems to be 20-25% on raid bosses, so ~5% overall dps buff. In dungeons most of the damage is aoe anyway, so it still won’t be top dmg.
I am suprised there is nothing about paladins, sub rogues and mm hunters lol.
Havoc is just below average. Now you will end up as an average dps in raids, and I suspect above average in M+.
They buffed the dmg by 20% and then nerfed it in pvp by 20% so they actually did not did not nerf it in pvp, they left it the same, just buffed it for pve because arms’s ST is weak, wtf are you smoking.
1 expansion where DH isn’t the meta spec is good for the game.
You were OP in Legion, OP in BFA.
waaahhhhh dh op waaaahhhh
Didn’t actually play in Legion, abused borrowed powers in BFA.
No, don’t lie. You haven’t managed it in 16 years, don’t claim you are doing anything now.
Except DHs were not … I did not even play DH back then, this is first time me maining DH, they were strong, sure, but BFA was destro/fire/bm meta, those were the classes that people stacked in mdi etc, in legion DH was strong, not OP.
Also the problem is DH has only 2 specs, if you make havoc do 25% less dmg than uhdk, the class is pretty much dead.
Sub rogue is FINE right now, it don’t need nerf. Please don’t listen to the complainers again.
Would you please consider changing the fury warrior’s buff from 5% to 10%, we’re already 10% behind any other bottom spec. I’m not asking for top tier, but it would make us a bit more viable also in PVP. Also a kyrian/necrolord/nightfae PVE/PVP buff would be welcomed so that the rest of the Fury Warriors aren’t so behind the Venthyr ones, please take a look at the logs, 95% of top fury warriors are venthyr in PVE and PVP.
I would switch to arms even tho I like fury, but I’ve already crafted my legendary in the hopes that tunning will balance things out.
Thank you for looking over us, the spec is really fun and a fiasco for your fingers we should be feared or at least taken seriously, it’s not easy to play as Fury in PVP and I don’t expect us to be as good as arms, even tho it would be nice to have 2 viable pvp specs on a class, but please give us a fighting chance, 2x2handers just think about it we sound so badass… feels like I’m wielding 2 popcorns instead of 2 massive weapons.
Another than the forums said so, do you have any evidence to back that up. Let me answer for you DH where never OP at any point in Legion or BfA. Good at times yes, number 1/OP no, nope, never, nada.
but keep spinning the mindless forum narrative.
I guess but I was really hoping for a ST target buff, I am have started to prepot on normal so that our prot pally tank doesn’t outpds me in ST XD
Assassination having all damage abilities increased by 5% is not going to fix the issues.
Slice and dice being brought back without the synergies it had in the past is not a welcome return. Where is cut to the chase and focused attacks that made having SnD up good.
Slice and dice in its current form is similar to hunger for blood that you removed because it was a mundane and boring buff to maintain.
The start of fights is also very slow and having energy return be tied to Venomous Wounds is the change you went for when you removed focused attacks and forced assassination into bleeds. Which it did just fine without majoring in during Wotlk.
There has been a doubling down on damage over time for assassination so alot of our resources go into over time effects. There is just so much busywork with little return and overall does not feel good to play.
It would be nice to see Slice and dice go away or come with cut to the chase + focused attacks again.
And getting an aoe finisher that is baseline with instant damage rather then over time.
Blindside used to be baseline as well.
I understand you’re doing the whole unpruning thing, but id like to point out that you did prune abilities because of button bloat or so was the claim. But you removed detect traps and disarm traps that where never on the actionbars anyway. And by bringing back abilities you forgot gouge, burst of speed, shuriken toss etc.
But not having played subtlety since “tbc” and now trying it. It really is a throwback to simple specs that play easily using just a few macros. no busywork just cooldown management and spamming damage without effort.
It straight up made me quit my rogue after playing a bit at 60. It’s basically feral before savage roar was made a talent instead of baseline. Boring as hell to have such a high ramp up time and then all you do is press it occasionally during a fight to maintain it. I really hate abilities like inquisition, savage roar and slice and dice. Those kind of abilities have made me stop playing specs before and it happened again with rogue now in SL.
no we dont
Nothing for mages after they butchered frost spec so badly just before launch hurts my soul. They gravely hurt frost performance with over the top nerfhammers but are not bothering to fix us to be competitive again.
Frost single target is so anemic and rng reliant that frostbolt itself does less dps than outdoor mobs. Which is supposed to be our main filler spell. It barely even beats non-fof ice lance spamming. If I take 10 seconds to kill a single mob because I cannot get any procs while I watch rogues 2shot mobs in 1.5 seconds and move to second mob and destroy them in 3 globals again, it doesn’t take world of logs to see that frost damage is just pathetic.