It’s a buff to assassination not sub. Potentially the weakest and least played spec, even behind Survival hunters
And the buff wont change anything. You still cant play Assa even after the buff. Well you “can” but ye. Assa would require another 5% buff and even then it would only be used for fights where you want to buff your execute phase damage with the lego.
As a fellow DK pvp player I would prefer to see my damage outside cooldowns be increased a little. Still, I would want them more than anything to get rid of these dumb DS nerfs that were completely unjustified. DS was balanced in BFA, just revert that sh*t.
yep, blood gonna outdps frost
Love the damage buffs, will still get one shot on certain packs. Not nearly enough what blood needs. Not even close.
Yeah, I refuse to heal blood DKs atm after I ran one halls of atonement with one. Pack after the second boss, he just runs into it, I have serenity on CD and guardian spirit is on CD. I get to cast 2 flash heals on him before he’s dead.
Well back to be tank Udk wil be bad now
The entire issue in that regard is that they removed presences and added marrowrend.
This means that if the bone shield falls off then the dk is going to take huge amounts of damage in the first second of combat and likely not have any energy to heal for several globals, before they changed how death strike worked you wouldd enter combat at full toughness and could begin healing immediatly.
Just make that stupid “do you not have bones?” joke if they die tho.
In PVE - yes. In PVP, no, not really. Some non-gamebreaking tunings are needed. But I think when HP pools grow larger and OP trinkets will not be so effective anymore it will balance out on it’s own.
I wasn’t saying this buff balanced them out. They are still going to be underpowered compared to outlaw. I was replying to a comment where someone thought all rogue specs were being buffed and was intended with a sarcastic undertone
Its sad to hear Frost DK is still untouched
I have been killed within a cheapshot with def stance active. Nothing about that is fine.
No it won’t , it’s 15% less effectiveness, not 15% less mastery or -15% less damages .
Instead of getting 2.20dps per mastery we get 1.9150 instead and yet it will be negate with better gear and legendary.
So, the two classes and specs i main (Frost mage and Fury warrior) doesn’t get jack-all in terms of proper buffs and are still far down the tier list.
At this point i may as well demand a bloody refund… I’m fed up with having to switch classes every single expansion just to be competitive.
The dev team has yet again proven to only use their WoW player base as freakin’ lab rats so they can experiment on them, like they do in each and every bloody expansionm rather than keeping what’s working. They buff certain classes to the point where nobody are able to compete with them, then they go and make up excuses along the way, claiming it’s ‘tuning/balancing’… Balancing and tuning my rear-end!
There’s an old saying. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. Might want to run that by the dev team…
Buff Backstab damage, nerf Shadowstrike damage (so being without shadowdance doesn’t feel like a massive debuff), make weaponmaster’s damage a DoT. There, there’s an easy one for you
So much this.
Especially with the slow energy regen at the start of this expension, Assassination feels so bad it’s like playing sub without Shadowdance, only even slower to use its active abilities for the same (lack of) reward.
Rogues killing people in 1-2s, you might wanna look into that.
Maybe rework the holy pala mastery?
Force h paladins to play as a melee which leavers you opened for enemy focus.
Maybe bring cata mastery Where our heals used to put little shield.
I guess I misunderstood
Why the shaman hate?