Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

8 is the magic number

I feel your pain, you didn’t even get an 8 like I did

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Yay Diablo III style power creep I can’t wait to solo Mythic Nathria in two weeks

This is an absolute joke their taking a piss on every single DK player, i have 3x more spells to use plus an actualy rotation while RET PALADINS have 1 cd 3 builders and 1 spender and there is no rotation just spam whats not on cd and they 1 hit everyone in pvp while unholy has 0 defensives 0 immunities needs 10 sec of build up to start doing damage and by that time ret paladin alredy kills you wtf is wrong with the balance team the easiest specs are also the strongest specs ty blizzard


Don’t worry, that won’t happen

We’re testing some adjustments to underperforming classes that we intend to make with weekly resets

In case no one picks this up. Blizzard not only admits they are now using live instances to do tuning testing instead of PTS but also decided to use these underperforming classes as guinea pigs for these changes in live. Like these classes and players have not been humilinated enough (wowhead, i am looking at you for the pink fury warrior link)

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Breaking: Blizzard uses live data which is more comprehensive and accurate than PTR data to help improve tuning.

More news as we get it folks!

Jesus, some people will try to manufacture outrage about anything.

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I don’t. I also don’t worry about my spec as I know it will be fixed next reset (by these devs that clearly plays the game) since there’s been tons of feedback since legion.

using live data for analysis, sure. Testing is for public test server which is what they are for. You dont test in live. Live is for release.

I think you’re playing semantics in order to try to build a bit of outrage.

Whats the conclusion? If analysis of live data throws up errors you don’t adjust because its “only for analysis” :man_facepalming:

wow a whole 2%.


Nerf it right now too op

i would suggest some software and game development knowledge you need instead. That is all

What you’re attempting to do is dismiss my point by saying “lol get an education” rather than explaining the why your logic is ok and mine is flawed.

Anyway, you carry on your mass protest of one with your “semantics and sophistry matter ok!” tshirt.

there is no logic to explain. you simply dont do test using a live instance. either is a software system or a game. Live data gives you the best presentation for analysis, but test, debug is not done against live instance. You can have a copy of live data in pts for testing like copying existing characters etc, but you dont directly test in live and hope things magically work out.

Once these changes go live without proper pts, tuning and feedbacks, they either end up breaking the balance even further or they are so insignifiant which end up casuing more frustrations to playerbase

Nothing for Havoc? A small buff to Prot paladins as well?
Nerf the healing but buff the tankiness cause sometimes they feel a bit paper.

These are the best adjustments you could have thought of after two months? If only there was some clear indicator of how things were going to work in practice some six months ahead, accompanied by a metric tonne of player feedback which pointed out some of the possible problems ahead of time?

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There are so many classes and specs that still needs love and tuning, and nothing is beeing done about it.

Jesus how hard is it? You have been given a ton of feedback by players who unlike you devs actually play the game, there are also a ton of logs that shows the same. What in gods name is taking so freaking long?

All the promises from Mr lawyer aka Ion about having a better feedback intake and communication with the communicty was like always lies and BS. So far you have proven nothing and have same arrogant and ignorant attitude as it was through out entire of BFA, and…that went well right?


i really hope next set of buffs is already decided for next week after seeing result of these including another round of buffs for recently buffed classes.

I know right? It is almost insulting at that point. My guess is that they avoid buffing it because of pvp burst. Having a rogue killing in a stun is fine having a DK do half of that is not :smiley:

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Sooooo BM Hunter Buff Blizz… Where is it?!