Assassination rogues problems won’t be solved by % increased damage when it’s the spec that plays too slow. Buffing the damage won’t solve that. It needs a rework and it should have happened in the beta already.
MW are suffering hard in arena/M+, but WW (top of the dps list) gets a 2% adjustment?
Don’t get me wrong, I approve of balance patches, but players would appreciate it if you’d start at the bottom and work up, rather than leave the worst specs out for even longer.
The community is probably behind me in this
Want me do the tuning for you blizz and you clearly don’t have a clue what you are doing?
Another Blizzard late fix which is not enough.
The community has already told you since beta which classes need what buffs and nerfs.
Your …brains are working and adjusting only according to pvp therefore you will have always broken specs and broken classes
I laught my *** off that with the 8% assassination buff it will be appealing for raids. Again i will tell you that NO guild that wants to do first time YOUR content is taking ANY rogue in the raid whatsoever cause simply you can prefer almost ANY other melee class that have more AOE, more mitigation, raid buffs and benefits etc etc.
An 8% buff will make it appealing to play it in the open world, not even mythics as the DoTs and poisons scale over time and there you dont want things to be alive for long.
my 2 cents for your fixes, opposed with the old days your designing team seems to have zero understanding of the game and shows zero listening to the community - PROOF of that is the fact that you use Public Testing for nothing. You wait 1+ month on LIVE to do nerfs and buffs on classes that people have invested time and gear. An overall failure of your employees, may be it is time to change them?
Please can you do an actual buff for Destro warlocks i feel embarrassed to play with my fav class anymore not to mention that all bl/tw classes are favourable the rest of us we need 1 hour waiting to get accepted in a dungeon.
Also give a serious buf to Prot warrs and Assasin rogues.
Hey guys,
It looks like you guys forgot to add the 20% increased damage to Havoc Demon Hunter.
The reality of the situation is, the specs they are buffing at this stage have pretty much been dead since prepatch, and people resorted to play the other options they have. Going on with these half-assed attempts at balancing is only adding insult to the injury in all honesty. I have had the terrible idea to main rogue this expansion, and i will tell you this 8% buff to Assassination accomplishes nothing. If i wanted to reroll Assa, i would have to find different weapons then outlaw, craft different legendaries, possibly use different stats on gear etc.
Do you seriously think anyone would go through all this hassle to play a spec because it is LESS underperforming than before? With 8% buff assa still sits around 4% below Out/Sub, so it will still not see play. Do you want people to play it? Just grow a couple and buff it in a way to make it actually strong and worth rerolling to (15% buff instead of 8 would be a good start).
If envenom can refresh slice and dice. Just like before.
For Assassination rogue, we dont have enough energy to use envenom. We need to keep RUPTURE, GARROTE AND SLICE AND DICE, there is no enough energy to use envenom. Dmg is not the problem. 8% dmg buff is useless.
We have neither energy nor damage, Mut is far behind sub or outlaw in that regard.
Our dots and bleeds need to do a f***ton more damage than what they are now.
Mastery should also be much more important.
lmao doesnt matter you get oneshotted anyway
a other Asmond rage video comeing up how bad warriors are comeing soon out
Assassination should return to an earlier iteration and focus primarily on doing spell damage.
Envenom and poisons in general has had too much of its power siphoned off and put into other abilities to give the illusion of complexity and depth. All that was accomplished was more busywork and less damage.
Shiv/toxic blade granting us more spell damage after use, that damage used to be baseline.
And as others have mentioned as well, we used to have alot more be baseline that is now forced into talents or taken away and given to other specs.
The removal of focused attacks in favor of venomous wounds was a mistake. The spec worked much better before that directional change.
I’ll say it again to remind you, Hunger for blood was removed because it was boring and had little interaction with the spec. Those where your words when you removed it, id rather have a 100% wotlk assassination back then the trash we have now. At least then it did not have energy issues, and it did high spell damage and it worked.
8% ability damage you can buff it by a lot more then that and its still going to be trash.
While you’re at it you should also stop siphoning power from classes/specs and putting it into expansion systems, thats just another layer of balancing for you guys to fail at again and again. Best to keep things simple perhaps then you have a chance.
Shiv also had that nice, enrage dispel thingy, that worked nicely in pvp.
I don’t think this is the case.
- DK and DH basically left in the gutter still.
- No changes to any of the gamebreaking covenant abilities that make the game a one-shot clownshow.
- Ignoring the millions of other bugs affecting the pod like the health bar hidden in the clouds.
- lol mistweaver.
- Not adressing the severely OP healing of hybrid DPS specs that in some cases heal better and more efficiently than actual healers.
umm there has happend a big mistake in thouse patch notes cant see it say:
Aimed shot damage is buffed with 10%
MM hunters under profome when it comes to dps they not even in top 4
Basically that, yes.
If you think Ret one shots come from single button press you clearly have no even a slightest idea what you are talking about and you should level Ret to see how wrong you are. Once you taste being a wet noodle 3/4 of your time you will see this burst as only possibility to actually kill ANYTHING. And even this burst is often not enough, with healer around people are once again 10-100 in one GCD and next burst comes in 2 minutes.
Why no love for Hunters? It’s ludicrous that we have MM on top of the rankings and SV at the bottom of them.
I love the class fantasy of Survival but people don’t want to invite me to anything because info websites say I suck!
Can you please look at tuning SV to be competitive? <3
Almost half of all played tanks in m+15 (KSM) are Vengeance DH, so take some power from them (and give it to the Havoc maybe)!