Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

Why are you buffing blood dk’s but absolutely nothing for prot warriors? No marksmanship and vengeance nerfs?

That has nothing to do with the class, it is the covenant ability that needs tuning.

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Sooo what about UH DK?
MW Monk?
Assass you try to fix like that?
Fury’s patch? Please.
Nerfs ?
Prot warrior PvE?

Blizz you’re just insulting us now.

Edit: didn’t mean to reply to you XD

Lemme see…

Enhance has extremely good heals, good burst dmg and have okayish utility overall/good utility against Casters.

The only thing they lack is defense. Which they easily get from Warriors/paladins. And since not only these classes are good but also are in Enhc main comp (Alias turbo cleave) enhc are quite strong.

What a joke. We are 6 weeks in the expansion and besides some x % buffs this is the best you can come up with to balance classes? That’s just insane.
Fury 8% buff but not even for all abilities. We struggle bigtime in single target encouters and the 8% will not fix that in any way. Yes, we may get a bit more dmg out, but will remain at the very bottom. We are looking for a rework on some talents to get Fury out of the mud.
Prot warrior: Nothing??? Really??? Prot is utter garbage. Prot is at lowest of lowest and is just ignored?

i’m just stunned how this is the best you guys can come up with to balance classes… 6 weeks in an expansion and this is it… All the data you have by now… all the resources you have… And this is it… some x % dmg buffs… I just don’t get it… Do you even care for this game? Or is it just getting as much money out of it as possible with the least possible effort???

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You must give Holy priest more mana efficiency in pvp. I am at 0% mana when resto shaman or holy paladin are at 60% in arenas.

I have hope you do something about that because you mention underperforming classes.

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lol what?
Just because you can’t faceroll stomp casters for once and frost is better doesnt mean that UH is in a bad spot.

You can also instant rezz your pet, while we’re useless and have to waste a 3 minute CD to secure a revive pet. Top Kekw names me troll.

I mean you’re clueless af so

Aight, this is a typical “look at me, I’m a pro and only my biased opinion matters”-thing so I’ll stay away from that and not waste my time on you.

Bye :slight_smile:

you can ask any other high rated / top player

You’re just clueless and since you won’t trust me I won’t bother.

Still no Destruction and Demonology Warlocks buffs? Are you kidding us?


Wow, I guess a lot of angry people know how to balance classes eh?

My Fury warrior and Frost mage will be glad of the buff, cheers.

No one will think their class has been buffed enough until they top the logs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Im just curious what so called devs does the tuning. there are so many specs that needs some love, prot war, BM hunter, Havoc Dh, destro locks, etc etc etc and all these classes are beeing neglected.

For years and years this stubborn attitude blizz have been going with have done nothing other than create a huge frustration amongs players and loyal wow gamers who supported this game through out the years.

Its so thypical blizz to do nothing until they see a huge decline in players and subs and only then do they react. But its often to late by then.

Ion promised us better feedback and communication with the players this time in SL cus it was nothing but a fiasco in BFA. And this is how you show the so called better feedback and communication with the communicty…


@ Kaivax i know You ignore what0 ppl write but i play Assa Rogue from Vanilla… and i just want to say this another 8% buff nothing change because class is broken add all the time % nothing change…
Another 8% and still we will be in TOP5 the worst class - really You don’t check logs? This is so easy to calculate how much % we are behind in Single target dps ( this is not AOE spec so i don’t count ).
If my calculation is properly, if You want just give % dmg nothing else change, we need get 25% dmg increase not 8% and will be 10-11 in dmg near Outlaw/Subtlety.
Source warcraftlogs /zone/statistics/26#boss=2398&difficulty=4
We doing MAX 3240 dps now on Shriek heroic with 25% dmg increase we do 4050 dps so we jump near Outlaw and Subtlety.
But 8% will be 3499 dps so still TOP5 worst class :frowning:

Let me quote you something from the game:

Assassination Rogue: A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikers.

Oh yea… our poisons is SO DEADLY 10% whole dps…

But from Beggining when i remember when Rogue class was designed, Assa Rogue was Single target dps, and was always TOP from all Rogues in Single target, Outlaw/Combat Rogues was AOE class, was weak in single target but Blade Flurry give them amazing AOE dmg, and Subtlety spec was always specific to PvP… now Your class designers completly change everything and Assa rogues with this 8% buff will be still amazing weak. Just go to warcraftlogs and try do dps x 1,08 and You see nothing change still TOP5 worst class in WoW and 25% behind the best class.

Many ppl say Assa Rogue was TOP dps in last expansion, because i was not play WoW in BFA i check logs… and sorry this is lie.
I don’t find any raid boss in last expansion where Assa Rogues will be TOP dps ofc i check on Mythic diff.

Best Regards

Looks like something Prot Paladins could use because we are squishy AF before rotation spins up.

No one is wanting them to be face roll good, but there are numerous specs which were blatently ignored here.

There should be a more even playing field, not setups where it’s like:

Be a MM hunter or reroll to a different class. Be a fire mage or reroll to different class. As both hunters and mages have only one viable role for raid/M+/in general.

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Been saying it over and over on the forums:

  • give us back our +50% rank 4 execute damage
  • buff ALL damage but 15%
  • give warriors a baseline hero/bloodlust
  • give us back our rampage haste
  • increase damage and crit for rampage and execute
  • work cold steel, hot blood into bloodthirst.
  • make bladestorm apply deep wounds to Fury as well
  • give us back our enrage haste buff

After all this, Fury might actually be in a good place. not even the best, but good enough to actually consider viable. At the same time… no one takes meat cleaver. that nerf was completely braindead.


nah man time gating balancing is meta right now. Hopefully fury is slightly visible in middle expansion and op by end.

Im sure that will solve all of its problems. :slight_smile:



  • All damage is increased by an additional 2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.


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