Nothing will change for Sin Rogues. Blizz forgot their handy work at these days thanks to who ever at the top of company. Why did you reduce 5stack DP to 1 at before? Target swapping was required so much ramp up. Now lets see Sin Rogue ramp. Garrote>Muti/Ambush > Rupture>Mutilate aand not enough energy. Ok i have energy now Slice and Dice > every one already dealth over 100k dmg while i m ramping up my process. Game state of balancing or specs are worst of all time of WoW life. Thank you for scamming me 40euros for expansion and show nothing respect of gameplay.
Can’t argue that situation with Holy priests is not good. But the problem is that Holy Priest are slightly better than MW on arenas. Look at arena ladder above 2k on pvpladder dot com
Holy Priest
Disc priest
EU 2v2
EU 3v3
So holy priest has ability to switch to discipline which is more than OK, but monk doesn’t have other healing specs. So MW need to switch class and character if they want to achieve any success in PvP as healer.
It’s probably been mentioned already, but they’re likely waiting with PvP changes (apart from the bug hotfixes) until the AWC is done with. I’m hoping for a huge overhaul once that’s all done.
If they aren’t though, and this is all there is, I will merely sit back and laugh.
And when AWC ends? Last date in schedule is 7th of March. Do we need to wait changes for 3 months? Better to cancel subscription and don’t touch this game forever.
If thats the case not many major changes to PVE will be done either since MDI is in like 2 weeks.
Its nothing new that this small indie company can leave classes, affixes, dungeons, buggs, raids etc broken for months or sometimes even an entire expansion sadly.
Seriously guys, what were you expecting? Balance? Do you not read the gaming news? Any game dev worth anything left the company months ago as such all balance issues are handled by the office cleaning team during their lunch break.
As they are on minimum wage their interest in the game in general is somewhere less than minus 100% despite threats to deport them all.
In the meantime game content has been handed to a local primary school science project who have been tasked with coming up up with content suitable for the 5 - 10 year old range of current players who only play for the sheer joy of playing with the ‘grown-ups’ and have no idea what loot or balance even means.
Elsewhere, hidden the basement are some pot smoking oddballs laughing at how they managed to get so many people to actually pay a monthly subscription for this rubbish.
They need to start crowdsourcing campaign on Kickstarter to hire external game designers as small indie companies do. With goals like ‘1M - incorporate Chris Kaleiki to fix PvP balance’.
I really wish arcane mage would get some fixes and a buff, having only one truly viable spec for dps as mage is zzz.
Blizzard’s track record on balance is pretty bad. Forget entire specs exist for multiple xpacs, leave OP specs unadjusted and nerf those which don’t need a nerf. Creating a situation where the OP specs just get more OP over time.
it’s not hard. Just round up each spec of each class to be more in alignment with each other. But noooooooooo… they have to leave a number of classes with ONLY ONE viable spec.
They got all buffs for 8.3, it was worth 10 years of buffs. They were gods of PvP and PvE for a year.
Lastly, you better take a look at MW, I have been playing arena with a MW in last 2 weeks they are in a miserable state, statistics also prove that, how many MW players we have EU-Na combined above 2000 rating, last time it was 80 or something.
There are more Prot Paladin healers than mistweaver.
Most non-Paladin players want to delete Paladins (include me) from game not just cause they are ridicolous this xpac because there are normal players and then there some picky "Special " paladins. Buble reduction dmg had purpose when paladin didnt even have as much dmg as now have so its pretty self explanatory argument. Word of glory need aura % 40-50 reduction atleast in PVP and u will back in middle tier where are most classes (U know non-Paladins).
Now it’s less than 80, 33 in EU+NA 2v2, and 35 in EU+NA 3v3. Mistweaver is extinct healer now. A month before the numbers were 122 in 2v2 and 73 in 3v3.
Hey Blizzard, since you don’t seem to have a clue what specs to buff and how badly they need a buff I suggest you go to
There you see all 24 dps specs. Every spec below the middle pack of specs needs help. And some need help badly, not just a joke like a 2% buff.
There are over one millions log parses which is more proof than needed. Better than any idead how a specs works and performs. Better than any internal number cruncher. Better than any theorycrafting result.