I dont care about pvp, Im talking about PvE, m+, raiding… lol why would you even comment on me? The classes which are getting buffs do under perform in PvE, nobody wants to play with frost mages (it sucks.) But so is destro warlock really weak rn. Balance druids, MM, Fire Mages, outdps us by like 1 - 2k on average.
BM needs a huge buff. I dont want to be top dps class but i dont like to be on ground. Not only we as BM but a lot of classes now they are on ground. Blizzard must make whatever it takes to balance all those classes.
also , drop that awful survival spec. Nobody play that spec and if they do they are count at 2 hands. Bring back that wonderful survival from classic/tbc
The monk community is extremely grateful for the 2h buff we’ve been desperately asking since MOP in these times of need in today’s harsh arenas.
I play SV in its current state! For all its flaws it’s pretty fun to play!
Yo blizz. Don’t forget about havoc. It’s our only dps spec, at least make it competitive.
Fix legion raid scaling.
On one hand they might be looking at demo (potentially destro) and doing a soft rework / more indepth balance changes which isn’t simply number tweaking, including Covenant ability buffs.
On the other I know of Blizzard’s track record and we might just get another “We’d rather you dont play one of the three warlock specs” moment and thus crush the hopes and dreams of people who dislike Affliction.
Time will tell. All I can say is Affli plays like an unintuitive, clunky clown fiesta compared to similarly performing classes/specs and I don’t like it one bit.
Dude Frost DK needs cooldown reduction on icebound fortitude and perhaps cooldown reduction for Anti Magic Shell too so that they’ll be an immobile offtank to counter magic.
It is like you are trolling us, this 2℅ will solve nothing neither PvE problem or PvP problem of the spec.
OOH! A 2% buff for frost DKs!11!1 That’s cool!
No it isn’t. why didn’t you just give a 9% buff (which I still dont think would be quite enough), as you did to frost mages?
I’m not sure what world you’re living in… but an extra 250~ armor isn’t gonna help any BDKs out
where is the hunters buffs blizzard !?!?
This still reads like a meme lmao
Please tell me you were kidding when you made this, my friends were all laughing at this.
This has been quite a fun read ngl. People on the forums are more hostile than i thought.
BuFf mE nExT
Try healing them, they might live longer that way
well there was one time in twin peaks
was stunlock by sub rogue and word of glory with healing hands did pretty much no real healing
i think thats nerf?
shadow dance and stun chain they wont let you press bubble BoP or trinket
What a joke…
What a joke no havoc dh chances lul
Yet no fix to frost mage legendary “Icebringer” which is still broken inside The Necrotic Wake dungeon?
Uhh Wheres my Arms war buff?
some sub rogues seem to hate on the spec too
when the easy answer is priest or war dispels bubble