Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

I cant speak for anyone but boomies, but if you nerf convoke that hard then it needs to be unkickable. its so easy to counter as it is.

also, trying to force boomies into a caster isn’t possible. we dont have the defensives or immunities or anything for that mater to allow us to actually stand still and cast.

I have seen maybe 3 FrostDKs total, dead specc aswell. I feel sorry for you guys :frowning:

Slice and dice needs to go…Echoing blades is like a glimmer for paladin replace it on last talent tree.

So you write all skills that need change ,and you actually even write the % it needs !!!

i dont believe how in the world you are not working at blizzard has a developer!!!

And another thing…no.


Lol they nerfed Meatcleaver, nobody used Meatcleaver because it was so bad compared to Bladestorm, despite that it was a nice quality of life talent. They are so clueless I can’t even comprehend that they buffed Fury and then further nerfed the dead AOE talent.

Want to laugh?

We’re testing some adjustments to underperforming classes that we intend to make with weekly resets (on 13 January in this region).

underperforming classes


  • Windwalker
  • All damage is increased by an additional 2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.

Yep !
This is a complete troll at this point.
Complete incompetence displayed right here or unwilling to balance pvp at all cuz they just dont care.
Anyways thats enough of that for me i think ill go on another 10 years break from this amazing product :smiley:

2h underperforming, gets a minor percentage buff. Not sure what the punchline is.

Frost DK buff works, I climbed from 1400 cr to 1470 in 30 min.

Nerf now :smirk: 2℅ too much

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The absolute state

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Sure buff the strongest melee dps in the game and also nerf one of Fury Warriors already unused dead talents. It sure seems like you know what you’re doing over there at Blizzard HQ.

Maybe the budget should have been spent on less drugs though.

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I expected more.

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Hey there . Im not fine with the adjustments your planing to do .
What about the way to high dmg of fire mages or the burst of druids with 16 spells in a row from nightfae ability ?! talking about mages doing 30-40 k burst dps in dungeons or balance/ feral druids insta killing you in pvp and things like that . And i do not understand why demonhunters are crying for more dps ? They are doing realy fine so far or at least the ones i see in raid and dungeons or pvp . Same for frostmages .
What about destruction warlocks ? The mechanics of the class dont allow them to do some propper dps . The is also a huge lack of damage for arms warriors between 80 and 20 % if they are venthyr . Or what about enhancement shamans !? Tons of burst but when your major abilitys are on cooldown you drop so hard in dps to the lower ranks . There are way bigger problems in class balancing then you are currently looking at .
i apologise for my bad grammer .

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You are running Massacre anyway.

Still no buffs for Mistweaver? Pain

Blizzzaaaardd Helooouuu …HELLOOOO BLIZZARD …DO YOU HEAR ME ??? Where’s my Beast Mastery buff ??? Will it happen this season …or this expansion ? I haven’t seen any Beast Mastery changes since SL launch ?? Why is that ? Is it only MM spec that you looking after or what? BM and Survival are dead atm …like u forgot about them. Do something , please.


I mean massacre or not, Arms Warrior damage is pretty lacking in PVE. I don’t think they will touch it because it’s good in PVP, but Battle Shout/Rally Cry is the only reason Arms Warriors have raid spots, and they don’t have M+ spots.

Fury needed buffs more because it was a dead spec, but Arms and Prot are underperforming… The issue is perhaps the massive difference between the low-average specs and the top specs. They are never gonna fix it anyway, they are only just fixing the Condemn bug, where if you switch specs you lose access to condemn until you relog, that issue was reported in beta.

Not denying that. Also they can buff PvE while not touching PvP as visible with for example the Kyrian covenant for rogues (amongst other stuff in general)

I have always wanted to try out Demo but this balance is not motivating at all

Are you kidding me… you buff frost mage and assa rogue when they have another spec higher on the list to choose from, but you leave havoc completely ignored? Also you give them 9% while we got sad 5 % do you really want us havocs to stop playing? It’s already hard enough to get into groups. Oh i forgot im sorry rogue and mage are the blizzards favorite sons. We are at the bottom of the meters and we have no other dps spec to choose from! Thanks for nothing again!