Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

If you read this Thread closely, the community demands that any specc is good in any content.

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WTB WoD/MoP Assassination.

Yeah? Why wouldnt they? It’d be a good thing if you could play any spec in any content.

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I didnt judge. It was a response to the guy asking for Arms to be PvP and Fury to be PvE.

Ah, my bad. Fair enough.

Are you just gonna leave DH like their are? Nobody wants to play with anything other than DH in the tank position both in m+ and RBG.
This has to be the worse state of balance the game’s been in since vanilla.
What a joke!
And what about all this one shot nonsense in PvP? No changes to that either? Balance druids? No nerf?

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NOTHING for DH??? 1.2% arena representation is balanced?

nice troll:) not going to good with subs i guess :slight_smile: better dont come to forums with bad news at this point !

As far as i know 8% to all spells has way bigger impact than flat 8% dps increase, this bonus damage is applied to base damage, before all modificators, and after that every bonus damage is taken from bigger pull so overall damage should be much bigger than it would seem.

surely you have not forgotten the 5% fury warrior buff to all spells. Look at where they are now?

This time around, the performance of a class is not just about skills. It is the combination of spells, gear, lego, soulbinds. We have seen how broken some are in certain content.

What blizzard tries in this patch or tuning patches are just comforting only to try to see reaction and save some sub losses

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this looks like just another patch done before with the 5% fury buff.

I doubt it will change the classes mentioned here to make them competent more than comforting effect to keep their subs going. but the direction they trying is most worrying. a lot ppl pointed out issues about lego, soulbinds, and the problems with borrowed power, aoe cap, and content imbalance for various classes (i.e. torghast) the only being focused so far seem to be just spell output numbers where spells is just one element of the issue.

Which game u play?

You might wanna buff destro and bm as well:

dps chart week4


bm hunter still underperforming, how can balance druid be so much better being hybrid class?

I don’t think blizz understands what’s wrong with frost dks, this says it all.


This better be a weekly thing where you do weekly tuning then perhaps warriors are in better state for once in pve, not talking about pvp but of course that will need tuning as well.

Mistweaver? Healers are pretty close, Holy Priest is the one a tad behind you and Resto Druids and should get some % love. That is all healer wise.

BM Hunters should also get a few % of love.

Both Holy Priest and BM Hunter plays fine, but lack the mathematics. Other healers even trying to complain are only looking at things like Limit’s first kill and don’t know how the larger game works.

Wait you must be joking. Are you comparing a Warrior, with Abomination Limb cleave from a UH/Frost dk.

DH one shotting people with the hunt.

Tbh, i dont see the issue anymore with convoke from Balance Druids. You adapt after a while.
If something should get annihilated its Fire Mage as usual.

Is this supposed to be a troll comment? SV is way ahead of Unholy DK

enhc is actually A-Tier maybe even S-Tier rn! I´m playing on 2.6k in 3s and enhc is totally fine!

I´m 2.6 in 3s(frost) and usually play unholy in 2s… i have a ilvl of 223 and actually struggle hard facing ilvl 200 monks in 2s… as unholy it is actually super hard to get any pressure going! at least in 2s!!

my idea would be to buff necroticstrike to 6-7% + let it deal shadow dmg!
and get deathstrike to where it was before! with all the hybrid classes healing for like 20k+ it would be more the just since dk has to get in melee to heal!

another idea would be … if not buffing necro strike make souleater instant in pvp!" the fact that it is despellable is a joke tbh!