Class Tuning in Progress -- 14 July -- Updated

Looks like fire mages and hunters are being kept on top.

Totally not surprised to see fire mages getting more buffs, they don’t care about the other specs, esp. not arcane.


I play with a BM hunter whose dps is far higher than mine with a much lower ilvl.
Seems the tuning is the wrong way round to me.

Why is survival getting a smaller buff than the other two specs? Isn’t both BM and MM better than Survial at the moment? Or is Survival expected to outscale the BM/MM?

Blizzard doesn’t really tune around M+. Or at all if i remember right.

Gaurdian druid are OP tbh they could use some nerfs but ye let them enjoy their moment

I’ll take any buffs, but SV needs to be top dps to get a spot anyway.

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Fire is still “bad”. The buff is just a band aid on an infected wound. And the hunter buff will just put Hunters into the middle rather than having them deal tank dps more or less.

No counter adjustments for PVP though? Isn’t BM super strong right now as is.

Should probably look at logs first. Arms is doing much better for current content.

Either way I had been calling for hunter buffs from early on because of how weak they were, but they kept nerfing because of M+ and PvP dmg being strong in early gear.

It’s still not close to DH kiting OP :smiley: yes you can live and you can tank big pack but when there is no CD how the hell are you gonna run around as a GUARDIAN druid? :smiley:

Agree that fire deserves them now, but then again, fire was meta for quite a bit of time, little bit of change wouldnt hurt i gues.

Also, since its 3dps spec class, 2 of them are more than fine, i dont think mage need 3 good specs if they are all “same”. There are classes that have one functional spec and needs love more.

Anyway, i dont see logic behind that hunter buff.

It is very strong, especially in 2v2, Blizzard just doesn’t know what it’s doing.

The most sensible nerf they could start with to BM is to remove the cd reduction on FD from Craven.

Probably the fact that all 3 hunter specs are in the bottom 5 of all specs right now. And fire mage being last, affliction 4th-last.

Yea, hunter is also one of best pvp classes rn, so with this buff it will be so much fun to face them. So they either change it to “only pve buff” or things will get realy weird in pvp

PvP will never be the main focus of this game, I thought you would have realized that after all these years.

True that, sadly, but they did a lot of those buffs/nerfs in past where they made it for specific content only. I dont see why this isnt case now, when its trash tier in pve and god mod in pvp.

Its just so strange with the stage shadow priest is right now in dungeons, it gets nerf, I wonder, If its needed to nerf its single target, then do something about its area damage, cause its not balance at all and its never been in top of dungeons before. may this helps to balance it better.

A gaurdian druid without a cd even a minor is a bad gaurdian rlly

Maybe tune the servers as well.

And what I mean by that is, instead of keep rolling out server-transfer discounts. Bundle the servers together, and merge and connect more servers.

I’ve already once had to move a whole guild, (members moving too) plus pay for transfering 9 of my own characters, from a dead server, to a high populated server.

But from WoD to BFA, that server went from High to low populated, and now it’s practically dead in such a short amount of time.

Why aren’t you guys addressing some of the server population issues? Each raid tier, half of the raiding guilds on my server vanish. Each time there is a discount the number of players drop.

There are roughly only 10-12 people per Zone from my server, when doing a /who in the Shadowlands zones or Oribos.

You’ve fixed this so many times before, why not finish the job? And bundle all the low pop servers together.

Nerf chaos bolt please it can one shot

Hi, any chance of making enhancement shamans out of something other than paper?