Class Tuning Incoming – 18 September

good i hope it never comes back in the meta

Warcraftlogs shows Enhancer in a very good spot overall, so why these buffs?

I actually hate patch notes because there is never anything good in them for my class, and no matter what class I seem to main the nerf bat follows me, please undo the Fury Warrior nerfs to Odyns and Bladestorm you are basically killing our main damage window without giving us something else to balance it out with, being bottom of the damage meters constantly will result in no group invites and eventually an exodus from the class.

fix it pls.

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I remember a whole bunch of nerfs to ret’s core abilities some time back, perhaps revert those if they want to keep swinging the nerf bat at our new spells too…

Yes but fury set exceptionally weak

They are not buffs, also, it is funny to read ret paladins complain, have you seen the logs?

Anyway, it is time to have a separate balance for M+m similar how PvP has their own.

Fury warrior looking alright for the first time in years and now it gets a massive nerf. Warriors only bring damage to a group and if you take that away then they become pointless and nobody will be inviting them because every wow M+ player is a meta slave.

I think blizzard needs to start balancing based on content raid/dungeon/pvp - they already do balance changes separately for PVP so why not separate raid and dungeon. Clearly these nerfs are based on some stupid data they have seen for raid logs. A lot of the fights are good for fury warriors in the raid because of when ads spawn for example seems to line up perfectly for CD’s so the nerfs make sense in the raid but the class is basically now dead when it comes to M+

Plus I have seen mages / warlocks doing over 1.3mil damage on a single target boss and that was in a crappy normal pug group.

Blizzard it would be great if we could see other classes in the meta for once rather than the same ****ing ones every TIME!

Where is this feedback from Feral Rampant Ferocity at?
Checked forums, cudnt find any significant comments or threads.
Sounds like a lie.

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Why DH bug fix are classified under " class tuning " ?

Fixing our bugs is considered a class tuning?

Those should be in an hotfix.


Do you know why the logs are like that? Or are you typing without knowing ^^

The logs are influated heavily by a bugged talent. They are nerfing paladins dawnlight because of a bugged talent, then they decide to keep the nerf but fix the talent, putting paladins next to boomies.

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lil math course:
if u have 100 and reduce it by 50% u get 50
if u add 50% to 50 you get 75
so if u nerf by 50% you need to buff by 100% to get back to 100 again

if you nerf 100 by 6% and add 2% and 4% after u come to 99,71% so in total its nerf :slight_smile:

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Still no buff for the bm aoe…oof^^’

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The 2 most popular specs in this game are ret and bm. I can see this ending badly for blizzard.

Exactly what I was thinking! The reason makes no sense as it was a perfect addition to that talent

Well, get ready to pug no keys at all this reset as BM, fun times!..

  • All ability damage increased by 4%.
  • The War Within Season 1 2-set bonus now increases the damage of Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, and Crash Lightning 10% (was 6%).

Is the cooldown reduction nerf from Witch Doctor’s Ancestry that hard hitting?

I agree!

Good question. Their developer note is nonsense because RF only hits targets affected by Rip, and you usually want to play all finishers with the BT buff.

Ok. that doesn’t make sense then

I heard that yes

“During scheduled weekly maintenance on September 17, we will adjust classes that have been over- and under-performing in the first few days of The War Within Season 1.”

No change for disci in PvP section
No change for Frost mage in PvP section
No change for Paladin Ret in PvP section

But you decide to nerf 10% the bladstorm of Warrior Arms, because we was outperforming for sure :slight_smile:


Since the Hotfixes that got implemented to the Instrument of Retribution related bugs and unintended mechanics Dawnlight uptimes and overall paladin damage has dropped in logs drastically in two days.

This proves that Dawnlight nerf just not only unwarranted but as the lowest simming ST dps spec in the game we continue to need ST related buffs to our main ST spender to begin with.

I can’t emphasize this enough. No ret paladin player who does relatively high end content enjoys Instrument of Retributions existence. It only ever caused trouble for us.

Ever since it’s implementation in different forms and it’s evolution to now, that ally dying mechanic has always led Blizzard to nerf Ret paladins unfairly on heroic weeks.

It is time to remove Instrument of Retribution and bury that mechanic once and for all.

I invite people and especially the developlers who have any doubts on the strength of that ability on an envoirement where people can die like flies but you can still kill the boss like a heroic or normal raid encounter to investigate top paladin logs from this week. Some of the top loggers this week have Holy Power waste ratios of up to 25 percent. Proof that they are actually sub-par players.

What’s wrong with dh ? Why killing dh ? Allready third spec needed and dh in pvp %100 dead no damage no survive nothing u toke blade dance dodge u toke mana burn u toke slow u tok leech bring bad master talents even people don’t know what the do omg who’s fixing this pvp if u read u re the doing not good like me a lot people just quit from game because of ur unbalance arena system

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