Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

Is this what you call not meant for you? “but that’s not my business. and I will NOT WANT to prove anything to any toxic animal. this is far below my level.”

I don’t believe your bs.

There is a clear message here. Am i supposed to believe that it just so happens that you didn’t mean it at me? At least own what you actually say like an adult.

Instead of trying to play word games and sophistry like a child.

It just so happens that to convey your message you selected those words, but there is no correlation between the argument and what i think of you, please, not even a caveman would believe such a thing.

Now make yourself scarce if you don’t have anything to actually contribute to the discussion. I will straight up put you on ignore if you reply again with an unintelligent answer.

Nerfing is mandatory. Just buffing everything can work, but keep in mind, there are over 36 specs in wow, and special interactions among them. When you just have a god comp that is way too strong, then nerfing is mandatory almost. Can’t just buff 31 specs lol

nerf go too far mean blizz try nerf use intro ground wtf are u tink blizz number not even augmetion problem jeez

Lets be real, these nerfs effect almost noone. My personal groups are happy pushing 19-20s without any of these “god comps” and tbh most of my friends dont follow the meta and are actually being buffed. These nerfs affect such a small number of players and even if they dont reroll most will still be near enough the same bracket because at the end of the day nerfing something that broken doesnt make them not viable.

good. ret pally forever <3

Just my 2 Cents. Why give arms only a buff for Dragon Roar but buff fury which is already doin better in m+ way more? You could finally take SS from the gcd im sure, some players would appreciate.

Lets be real, these nerfs effect almost noone. My personal groups are happy pushing 19-20s without any of these “god comps” and tbh most of my friends dont follow the meta

oh if you or your friends pushing 19-20s without any of these “god comps”, then nerfs effect almost noone. Sure! Guys, hear? Break it up. Nerfs effect almost noone!


Well its true, what % of the total players that do m+ are pushing 25+ with these comps? A small %, therfore “almost” noone…people who use full meta parties in anything below 22 are just FotM rerollers who will just reroll to the next meta pick.

So thats why we have more sp, than every nonmeta spec in 20+ together per last few weeks. Because they don’t know what meta plays in 25+ only. Poor guys.

Why nerfs at the middle/end of the season? How players are supposed to repeat high keys that were done two weeks ago? Just buff rest of the class/specs. I can’t understand it. You force people to play certain classes to make high keys in the middle of the season.

when they bring aug and rework fmag, and start this meta, was middle of season. Now they fix madness of last 3 weeks.

The current god comp has made m+ vastly easier inflating rio, its without doubt more people have dine +20s since this comps introduction then prior.

So no it will effect a wider audience because people were using this comp to time keys they wouldnt of managed to without it.

And sure, you can say they will reroll, but its been a long long time since we have seen a meta comp quite this overpowered in content.

The likelyhood is, the next meta wont be this overpowered. Sure theres always a meta, but this made +20s feel like +16s lol.

20s are supposed to be the new 15s though lol


The increase to +20 was susposed to increase the difficulty of m+s maximum rewards to try and further align its difficulty with mythic raids.

Im SL they nerfed the rewards max ilevel, and retained the difficulty. Players were unhappy and demanded a increase to the m+ progression instead

So now they increased it to a +20, and buffed the gear progression bsck uptoo mythic raid.

It werent susposed to match +15s in difficulty. The increase in difficulty was fully intended lol

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DH sucks in keys, what are you on about.

I checked out your rio. Sub 2k

You have no score on lots of keys and 2 failed 20s. Everyone is much higher rio than you. SO you’re getting boosted. There’s no way they take a DH almost 1k lower rio.

Am i missing something? Maybe you have a super high main DH or what?

DH is slightly below mediocre right now in PvP. Too easy to kill, dmg is meaningless, dies in a tab target, awful talent structure.

Haven’t done too much raiding, but in the few I have been its kinda impossible to see yourself higher than like #10 on dps list if theres a total of 20 dps players.

All I see on every form of content tierlists, DH is middle to low, same for all statistics for class representation

Single target is bad, aoe is mediocre because of numbers and design, and overall needs S1 nerfs removed from multiple spells both in PvP and PvE as well as some talent changes

Some people might like Essence break, but if something bad happens during the 4 second debuff u apply, ur 40 second go is over

I imagine even PvE players have had their fair share of moments where they used it and some 1shot mechanic was coming and they had to avoid it instead of following up the Essence Break. Duration should be increased to at least 7-8 seconds and in my opnion the talent should be more accessible and a new last tier bottom left talent should be invented

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You guys are clueless about your own game.

Don’t mess with damage meters, let people compete.
Revert the shadow nerfs. Their damage wasn’t a problem, now it is!

Make PI a self buff. Remove mass dispel interactions in the dungeons, make BH cages agro mobs around.

While you are at it give dungeon keys 3 charges before they deplete, and let people reroll it to any key they want. So people can actually play the game.

How hard is it to realise these? What are you even doing in your meetings?


I guarantee you i’m not getting boosted, also nice logs, the few i could find are grey or green for the key, although key logs are generally not super reliable. And literally no raid logs whatsoever. Sure, you’re not a dps, but rather a tank, but usually exceptional tanks have a tendency of pulling exceptional damage for their spec, tank damage is not irrelevant at all.

Iv’e met a a few people who get way over their heads because they got good score, and they are actually not as good as they think they are.

You wanna throw stones? You better be careful.

The reason why i don’t have a lot of runs are 2 main reasons, 1: i distribute playtime over 12 characters, and i usually do just 1 key a week for each character since i already have my hands full with them, 2: I am simply not interested in doing more than 20s and usually i am fine with somewhere between a 16 and a 20, especially now that you can just upgrade the gear, as i mostly do m+ for the gear, and since my score is low that means i have to boost my own key, which can get a little difficult when you’re playing 12 characters. And since my score is admittedly low, that also means i generally don’t get the best pick of players even if i manage to boost a 20.

While you are sitting on 5% keys, i am doing 80% and up without even the best setup, are you 100% sure that you are better than me, are you 100 % sure that you have the privilege to be so patronizing? Probably not.

Also, the argument was about improving a few aspects of dh, originally, you guys made it an epeen size contest, but if you wanna go that way, ill happily oblige.

Dh is not great, but it’s def not bad, some people made objectively false claims like dh being super squishy, and having literally no burst, which is also not exactly true. You don’t have a massive cd button, but you do have short intermittent bursts of damage, and the result is about middle of the pack dps in aoe, and slightly above average st.

Now, if you have something useful or interesting to say be my guest, otherwise be gone.

DH’s issue is that to do any reasonable ST it needs to be running the pure ST build which does about 25% more ST than what you end up with in AoE.

There are also problems with the sim itself, it seems that annihilation is being casted more times than possible.

Apparently no one has any idea where this comes from.