Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

The other side of the community still want balance. Fair example I guess:
Mage - Has to choose between mass shield and mass invis
Priest - Can have both aoe mind soothe and mass dispell.

Here is where I would actually want balance. Giving all the classes same choices in talents. Don’t let one with all the utilies, and one that has to choose between them.

Give some sort of PI to other class (like a crit or mastery buff) for rogues or any class that doesn’t benefit from haste.

True balance is not everybody dealing the same amount of damage, but creating alternatives. Create some other synergies that deliver the same result in some manner.

Now every of meta specs better, than everyone else, even in solo, without setup, in any situation.

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And remove TW. Deal.

Do you understand you’re on a public thread and nobody cares about this?

Find a way to PM him, you’re flooding this thread with something out of topic.

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I was kicked several times because I like to play with tank trinket from nl :smiley:
after patch it was not necessary. but before that it was hardcore in tyr weeks. 1 second reacts too late and you are dead in tyr week in 23er keys. but with the trinket you even survive the garbage on the ground when shield is on cd and avoiding it is not possible or someone with low hp is too far away and you have to go through the aoe. back then, every second counted in chaotic pug runs.

Whatever needs to be removed.

The synergy between fire mage, locks and priests has been here for ages. Why? Because they benefit from haste the most (boomies too, but the scale and their burst is just not the same. You consume half of the PI for scaling). What did blizzard do? Add a support role that enhances exactly casters. But not every type of casters, but those with explosive bursts. So they added fire to a gunpowder barrel and now they try to extinguish the explosion, but not by going for the root cause.

They should’ve gone for a melee support (evokers are not fully ranged, have the range smaller than other casters, so it could’ve been done).

Nobody cares about priests crying that they got nerfed too. And you’ll still find people crying here for that too. Didn’t see you telling anything

As a shadow mythic plus character this season i honestly don’t care about the nerf. There are many classes i like to play: monk, paladin, priest, shaman, warlock almost every spec and im looking forward to the next good spec to play and enjoy pushing next season.
I feel like next strong spec we will have one trick people come back to forums and cry about balance etc.

The answer above was for you. The other was for a priest.
Well, if you like many classes, than you should agree that we need more synergies.

I get your point but one could argue it’s the other way around. These nerfs happen largely because of high rating M+, and everyone else simply enjoying these specs gets scuffed. I do think they took a hammer to fix it where a screwdriver could have worked.

Spriest historically bounces around a lot between ‘terrible’ and ‘godmode’, and in the latter case usually quickly gets nerfs… more nerfs… some more nerfs, and then they’re back at terrible again. I don’t play the spec so I have no vested interest in it, just an observation. Besides that, as everyone already pointed out, it’s mostly about utility in M+ this season. Yet the effect of the nerfs affect all spriest players.

Quite a few healers struggle this season, and many of them don’t enjoy healing atm. That should have been fixed asap imho, even if it’d mean temporary bandages until proper reworks, instead of just bringing hpally down.

Aug evoker being really good was to be expected if they wanted to give support spec a sincere try. I think the timing of its introduction wasn’t great, they probably should have bundled that with the release of more support specs at the start of a season. I’m sure that’d still have been mayhem but perhaps it would at least have offered the potential for a variety of classes/specs to create their own ‘meta setup’.

I get the nerfs, and some of them may truly be warranted, I’m no good judge there. But to me it seems more like slamming the panic button instead of considering carefully what exactly the issues are, and why.

I’m not interested in playing frost mage. I enjoy playing arcane.

Yeah, my problems playing hunter didn’t start until I got past 20s. It seems to be the point where meta-slavery really kicks in.

I know 5% ability damage wont be enough for outlaw rogues atleast im glad that they are looked at and i hope before we get the rework we can expect a few more of these buffs and changes for pvp

Otherwise it wil feel like a long time before outlaw rogues are actually decent in pvp
And we all know it aint no fun waiting and waiting and waiting

If we get more before 10.1.7 i would be very happy

This is not a outcry to make it S tier or whatever i just hope to be able to compete for rewards without having to play subt!

u nerfed frost AND fire mage and holy paladin -.-

aug will be ruined soon too

(In pvp)Gladly so, them buffs are way overtuned and playing vs them makes their team unkillable

Hope they dont gut them tho

You say franky alot… dur durr

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Really? I try it. this m+ nonsense is just boring.
many years ago it was even very funny with prot pala. all the meles ran away from me with full diapers.

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Yup aug very strong with shams too

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What deep and meaningful conversations.

You sound very smart.

Your Median Perf. Avg is still nothing special while for top mages it’s almost identical to the Best Perf. Avg. So you are frankly not so good yourself after all while calling other noob.