Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

It’s just insane, no one is picking SP for their insane damage, there’s no way blizzard has this little knowledge about their own game lmfao.

Also no buffs to healers? :clown_face:

Sorry, but i disagree.
If they held the nerfs till next season they were telling everyone else to uninstall until the next season. That is not ok.
The problem is they were too slow to react and should have dropped the hammer hard day 1 before damage was done and then slowly bring them up.


How qre they telling players to uninstall? Ur aware the meta changed from 10.0 to 10.1 and 10.1 to 10.1.5 yet this wasnt the case in any events.

If this was held til season 3. Theyd of just rerolled to the new meta has they have done every time so far

It’s the dungeons they should be fixing, not classes. The. Ducking. Dungeons.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realise that, but it seems that the current team is more concerned about what colour to dye their hair in this month.


You are talking about the fotm rerollers. Not everyone is one and holding back the nerfs would mean telling those people they can’t play the game unless they fotm as well until the next season.

For shadow yes, but for aug? I dont agree, aug broke the dungeons because it made keys wildly easier. Hence the inflation of RIO that has gone upwards massively since its launch in the middle tier.

Aug is a major problem, and was a expected one dropping it mid season which wasnt balanced around how much it gives the group.

But ur logic would have ment i would have uninstalled a long time ago. Yet im still here lol.

Ur litterally saying everyone barring the top 5 speccs would uninstall, which if was going to happen would have already been a massive issue

See the thing is, it wasn’t the dungeons so much as the Aug evokers.
Ofc yes, we can say it’s the dungeons. But balance existed in the previous patch despite the dungeons.
It was the aug evokers and the revamps of mage, holy pala and guardian druid coming out overpowered at the same time and thus everyone being weak by comparison. They blasted dungeons, Blizzard wanted to watch and was too slow to act. The damage is now done.
They will have to nerf the dungeons to allow the season to continue, for sure.

Nah pre 10.1.5 shadow was mandatory.

Because of the interactions of shadows utility this season, and for shadow dungeons could have drfintly been adjusted to see a far better result then nuking shadows damage.

Or reverse the nerfs,

  • give 2 odd speccs a soothe / mass dispel to create some options to shadow.

  • just leave aug busted til season 3.

  • buff up some under performing speccs.

And leave the rebalancing to the normal time i.e new season when we normally see sweeping changes to chsnge up the meta.

Nobodies gonna uninstall if the same class isnt meta next season, because its litterally never been this way

Balancing is nice and all but couldnt it be done a better way ?

SP nerf wont most likely change anything as it still has MD which makes every key way easier . Instead of dmg nerf ,change spell in dungeons .

Guess mage was realy ahead , but how about buffing others ?? But okej ,if it was reaaaly ahead then its easier than bufing other 15.

Nerfing hpal, realy?? How about buffing other 5 heals

Balance of who? Dps? Perhaps. In terms of tanks/healers the situation was kinda rigid as well (not like it is now but still).

It made some boss/trash mechanics almost non existent, that’s why keys became “easier”, while in fact their difficulty stays the same.

Mass dispel is literally mandatory on fortified weeks in higher keys in some dungeons wdyem.

Can’t imagine the golem boss in Uldaman on tyra weeks without MD as well.

Could have been left til season 3 where rebalancjng can be done hand in hand with dungeon changes.

Would have been the most effective way we are heading into 10.7. We are litterally on the last threads of the season :joy:

Nerfs to shadow priest and hpaladin are the worst.

This wont bold well for shadow if they in the future reduce mass dispells / MD / PI / soothe or if this utility is spread to other options.

Yhis could be specc destroying in terms of raids and season 3.

Seriously… look on these forums first page. I am sure you can see at least several threads of people complaining about the situation. They can’t get in high keys. I don’t really care about your personal situation. Mine is fine as well. I have a team and we play what we want. But, we don’t mind struggling and that is not the reality of the pug scene. So, it doesn’t apply.

People have been complaining about this issue since the beginning of time.

My personal situation.

Im a hunter, im litterally completely unwanted what do u mean? I dont stand to benefit reversing these in the slightest.

I do pug, i am almost never invited. And left to run keys in the slowest fashion .

Seriously? Now your are not being reasonable after you even admitted that things weren’t as rigid before the patch. :man_shrugging:
I can’t agree, sorry. I want everyone to have a chance at playing the content they want to play.
It is beyond unreasonable to make the case the situation we have atm is business as usual. It’s not and i don’t feel the need to argue it cause it’s obvious to everyone else, as these nerfs show.

Nothing to worry about. Disc priest will now replace both Shadow as the dispeller and Holypal.

How does in contradict with my statement exactly?