Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

A frost AoE nerf? Strange choice, but okay.

I don’t really mind this set of changes. Worried fire might go back to using their ST rotation for AoE again but we’ll see.

Then change things in another way.

They could have taken their effort to give some other speccs access to soothe/mass dispell.

They could have made PI a self only buff.

They could have stopped mass dispell interacting with bursting

They could have buffed other speccs damage

They could have buffed the other 5 healers.

These changes stand to destroy these speccs potientally in season 3.

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I don’t disagree. I don’t think this was an ideal solution, but it is better than nothing. It’s better than sitting back and telling players they can’t run higher keys unless they play these specific 5 specs. So, i find some positivity in that.
Would i prefer to see others buffed especially healers? Hell yes!
But it’s an unrealistic expectation.

Why is it unrealistic though?

Nah pre 10.1.5 shadow was just overtuned. They nerfed the spec twice since then in keys, this will be the 3rd. Obviously the utility is making it a wash but back then yeah shadow was too strong.

Last season the only fixed spot was prot pal tank, and even then their rep was below guardian druid now. Otherwise you had disc, pres, rdruid, rshaman all competing for best overall healer with hpal not too far behind and mw still in title range (Sorry hpriest). Then for DPS you legit had every class at a meaningful representation above title besides hunter and dk (Still got title tho).

This season has literally been three times worse for representation than last.

I’m not sure I agree with that. What these changes are saying is “Ok nobody can run these keys anymore” which is wild given how much of an impact 10.1.5 had on title cutoff and representation. If bliz wanted to do something they should be doing it alongside nerfing the dungeons to establish a new baseline and keep the season open.

We’re not going to see a shift back to the diverse DPS meta we saw in S1 at title range.

that’s what people are too stupid to realise.

The people crying most are dps. I don’t think any healer wants healing to be harder in any form.

Step 1: ruin the season for all but 1 comp

Step 2: ruin it for the remaining comp.

Did you ever stop to think about what the consequence of these changes would be?

Utterly unbelievable.


Basically pulled the ladder from the top in both raid and M+ in 1 season.


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this makes me unhappy, thank you

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I SURVIVED! :face_holding_back_tears:

First of all, WHO thought that Shadow priest needs the same nerf in AoE as mage…M A G E? Second, WHO thought that Shadow Priest dmg is what makes the spec getting picked everywhere? Third, you just buffed Priest ST cause it is legit garbage in raid and now you getting it back with these nerfs.
Is it THAT hard to just increase the cooldown on mass dispel, make it a choose talent node with mind soothe and buff all the dmg you keep gutting every 2 weeks? Like jesus, the whole game is not damage damage damage, open your eyes!


There goes the last healers.

So yeah… About that.

You are literally dead. Or well, undead…

Still dead .-.

untill this patch i was thinking thats true, not for lor, for gameplay, it was impossible to find key. Every of my premade change me to firemage, and talking to me, delete dk, start firemage… And where are they now?

People “have” to play meta specs to even get into groups
Meta specs gets nerfed
woW BliZZard Is jusT so oUt oF Touch

So you WANT to not being able to get into groups because people request the best specs for obvious reasons? Can’t tell if you people don’t do any end game content or just mad you got your spec nerfed. Or you just want to complain.

And no, Blizz should not start buffing other classes instead of nerfing the OP ones. If they do, we will just reach the “millions of damage” numbers and people will then complain about that.

And no, Blizz should not start buffing other classes instead of nerfing the OP ones. If they do, we will just reach the “millions of damage” numbers and people will then complain about that.

Not sure about that, cause they already took their free rio and top keys. But anyway i’m fine with that.

It’s very entertaining to observe blizzard in action. One word comes to mind. Clueless. :joy:

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you so out of touch. Higher keys wont be able to be done. Keys you can do this week you cant do next week. If they wanted other specs to be able to do high keys they neede to buff them not nerf the other ones. All they accomplished is that basically key push for this season is danzo. Rio is doomed so is the title. Basically no reason to play this game anymore until 10.2, because you cant beat already existing keys anymore.

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Let me give you some advice that will probably get me banned from the forums. Change your name to English. No top players have Russian names and no one trusts you. The public opinion is that all RU players suck, even if you don’t.

This has nothing to do with the Ukraine thing either, people with RU names are overwhelmingly the biggest group of idiots in wow. Can’t do anything but zug and do dps. Bad mechanics, no interrupts, no utility