Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

i’m top unholy bytheway. No reason to change something. It is your right. You can think what you want. And else. Ukraine have same names as Russians, so…

Why the frost nerfs?

It feels like the sole purpose of these nerfs is to break this meta by not facing the main issue. You don’t see some classes that much in higher keys because there is nothing that they can bring, not only because some other classes are performing better(for example the MMs problem is not the dmg). Tbh I don’t see how fire mages are going to be played in Mythic+ with these nerfs, it has always been top tier or meh with the fire mage, guess it’s back to meh

They don’t seem to be listening, s priest damage was honestly fine after the last nerfs, but damage was never the main reason why people brought s priest. Especially after the recent nerfs.

This should have been easy to tell, but blizzard is not paying attention.

Why is it that s priest is still brought despite the recent nerfs which made s priest aoe just about as good as other classes with good aoe? I don’t know man, it’s almost like damage was never the “problem”

This one is very xenophobic and should be reported asap.

Mage have 400k in BH. Who else have? Who more?

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Also that stacking DOT debuff of the Timweavers in Uldaman - that should get nerfed and made undispellable by mass dispell.

Anyway. Defile still didn’t fixed. Unholy dk still can’t see aoe in m+ dungeons. Tanks still can’t see where unholy can do aoe dmg.

More PvP balancing please?

Damn if they do, damn if they don’t. Maybe releasing specs or rework mid season is not a brilliant idea :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, if you could avoid going overboard on cc and dispells requirements for the following seasons, that’d be nice, including removing inco!

Well ive been thinking of trying different mmo’s so at least this gives me the reason to go try them now thabk you.

They know what they’re doing. They specifically buffed the “second best” healer instead of buffing actually struggling specs. Holy Paladin will lose its spot in the meta, Priest will rotate from DPS to healer and you still maintain MD and VE, albeit in a much weaker version.

This doesn’t eliminate the meta, it will just shuffle around who does what.

You must be new to wow they have been doing this for at least 6 expansions now and that is just the ones i am for sure about.

How are you avoiding demon hunters and havoc specifically?

This is beyond strange at this point. No communication and the class is at the bottom in raids and not doing amazing in mythic+, yet no changes whatsoever in notes.

This is shadowland all over again. no comm, play a bad spec and hope you get noticed.

also please, enough with the % buffs, the fundamentals of specs design are broken with havoc. Content creators have created long videos about the massive amount of issues.

I think blizz you should stop playing hide and seek and communicate a bit better.

Do people not remember how you was insanly happy when balance changes was happening right before the patch?

People was VERY happy about how blizzard was still doing tuning that far in to the patch and here people are complaining.

Well they havent, because when surv hunter snd destro warlock was absolutely busted in SL s3, they delayed the nerfs to prevent disrupting the meta.

This consistent weekly balance changes started in DF, it used to be meta classes on the most part sat as meta.

But the problem isnt nerfs.

The problem is the offset of buffs to other speccs are non existent, which doesnt change the meta, it obliterates pushing for the rest of season meaning this is basically a early season close.

Theyve nerfed the wrong things, and they havent buffed anything else to bring them upwards. So the meta wont change its just now its weaker.

Such an…”interesting” opinion. Now take your notebook out and let’s write something down. Ready? “There’s no such thing as ‘Russian names’, Cyrillic alphabet is used in more than 10 countries across the servers”.

And I’m not even talking about players from RU servers that complete the same key difficulty as your so beloved “pro” gamers with Latin in their nicknames. Guess you just had to show the world how ignorant you are.

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You are not talking about balance changes here then you are talking about the timing of them that is not even close to the same thing.

The how they balance however has been the same for so many expansions it is not a good thing if you do not know how blizzard works at this point.

And you specifically you know for a FACT that there is not a single chance for people to push up to the same key with different specs if those specs gets more buffs then they have now?

You are making judgments based on not having enough information.

By having more faster changes you literally can not say this as blizzard can have classes buffed the week after or heck in a hotfix for all we know.

You are judging based on WAY to little information.

Meh, godcomp is still the best comp in the game

Keylevel wise, based on current completion timers we’ve been having, the only real change is that VP29 went from doable to probably not, and HoI 29 tyrannical probably became capped at 28.

All the other keylevels that have been done still seem doable

So the solution is simple. Remove those weeks from title calculation.