Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August

“Hmmm, there’s a truck rushing over at my direction, but I’m not sure if it hits me or not, I need more information”

All jokes aside, mr dwarf is right: meta won’t change anytime soon, because apart from the numbers the specs bring, they also have a kit of utilities that makes pushing high keys possible (not easier, just possible). But now they just cut off a huge piece of numbers from their dps/hps, literally making the ones who were lucky enough to push earlier the only “kings” of m+, while all the others would probably be stuck at lower keys without even a chance of pushing higher.

Well both you and Valos BETTER not be complaining when a season is HARD stuck with 1 comp then if you are going to be this negative nacys about this.

Blizzard showed in season 1 they where willing to do class tuning from the start of the season to the very end of the season I REALLY hope you did not think that was good of blizzard if you are going to act the way you are now.

But hey we will see in the Great Push finals as they will be after the nerf hits.

Just checked the cutoffs for Europe. The 40% mark is at 1716.
Which absolutely means that most of the players won’t/shouldn’t be affected, as 1716 means around 12s/13s where there SHOULDN’T be a meta.

Now…let’s see even higher. Top 10% is 2686, which is still under 20s, soooo still meta is far away from being mandatory.

Now, the season might be locked for the top 1% players, as they were fighting for the title, which is at 3108 score. But what people don’t notice, is that not even from there the meta is not done, as 3108 means 23s/24s. The cutoff is at 3417, which can still be beaten, as fire/aug/sp are around 3700 top players, so ~ 300 score difference.

The season is not locked. You rerolled for a broken meta, as the only way to get your title? That is not blizzard’s issue, it’s your skill issue.

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The title is given to the top 1‰ I’m pretty sure? And that’s definitely locked.

I think this is too narrow but the way. I think 5‰ like it is for PvP is more appropriate.

I mean it doesn’t really affect me. I was hoping for 3k anyway and that’s well below and I know that. I’m never going to aim for title I don’t think.

The title is given to top 0.1%. It’s written in the cutoffs.

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Thanks for confirming :pray:

What I was saying, is that people that are in 1% gap, they still can put up a fight for the title. Those who are not, like under that, they were already loosing it. That’ why in my personal opinion, only the 1% should be affected. The others should not even feel those.

Ofcourse we are gonna complain. Lol u simply arent reading what im stating.

There are no Buffs to OTHER classes to compensate for the NERFs taking place against the top 5.

Which means the meta WONT change. Because its not DAMAGE making them overpowered!.

Shadow is brought to m+ because soothes interactions with dungeons, and mass dispel trivalising mechanics. This does NOTHING to rectify any of those issues. So now ur still gotta invite one, its just going to do less dps.

They need to replace the power lost through the nerfs and they havent.

Good thing i am done with the portals. Wanted to push higher on pala but fk that. Not gonna bother if they keep nerfing over and over instead of just bringing other healers up.

But there are some buffs and they CAN still buff other classes do you really not understand this?
you are making your judgment assuming NO other changes while the reality is that they can change and will change other specs.

I have seen several people giving good reasons for changing what specs you would pick for the highest keys.

And Disc being already very strong and getting buffed and holy paladin getting nerfed can take this role from shadow just as one example of a change that can happen with tuning.

Oh, right. I get it now.

Idk, even for the top 1% it’s a serious struggle. I don’t think I’d aim for it even if I got within the top 1%. Which I might. I don’t think so, but there’s a chance. I’m100% sure I can get 3k though and that’s my current aim.

why not give a title for the 1 % of speccs too ? think people are likely more then willing to try new combs

It is a real struggle, but top 1% is represented by each and any spec.

I think they should rework the title, to something related to top on the spec, not top on every specs. This will allow more flexibility in terms of meta. Because people will stop pushing against busted comps, but they will push against their own spec, which is a more accurate display of skill.

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Pretty much this. A ton of people playing a class isn’t necessarily just because it’s OP but because it’s more enjoyable and comfortable. It should be used as an example to bring others in line, not be targeted by nerfs.
The community is just short sighted and hates the “top dog” so they demand nerfs to bring them down to their own classes’ unfun levels.

Completely agree. Might encourage people with high skill to seek out non-meta classes, too, hoping for an easier title if they can figure it out where others failed.

This reminds me of the battle groups way back. They has different skill requirements and a really easy one became full of gladiators at end season making it actually quite competitive and balancing out the skill requirements.

Go ask Blizz that one. :wink:
Have you ever seen them buff 5 specs instead of nerfing one? Cause i never have.

At least disc players will be able to play the game above 20 keys now, I guess.

Only to healers tho.

Theres still no dps which can replace the utility brought by current comp. Its not gonna change anything and the only change i seen people speak of is replacing hpala with disc,

Which sure could drop Spriest.

But the current situation will still lead to a 5 specc exodus combo. Because theres still so many classes that simply wont fit due to the disparity in sustain / utility.

Swapping 5 in and 5 out is a solution nor changing a thing. Augs presence has driven this to become this way.

The new meta is: Guardian tank, disc healer, ret/enh/balance dps.

So the season is basicly over because after nerfs its almost impossible to change the top of ladder ?