Class Tuning Incoming – 9 August


  • Frost
    • Comet Storm damage decreased by 6%.
    • Blizzard damage decreased by 8%.
    • Frozen Orb damage decreased by 8%.[/quote]

but still no return of our stolen water elementals?

I still see nothing to help hunter defensives. Daft changes overall that don’t help anyone.

GG - Season done.

Tbh, i dont see our sustain getting touched anything but a rework.

I havent found it too bad so far as a survival hunter, but i dont know is MM / BM is that much worse comparitively in terms of sustain.

Took shamans like 2 years of fighting enhancements sustsin issues before they saw adjustment so :frowning:

Since the start of the expansion, you have been playing a restor druid, because he is pleasant, comfortable and quite good. Then his tree is reworked, nerfed, and you are literally forced to go to the dragon, because you can no longer comfortably finish the same level of keys as before the nerf and reworks. Then the dragon is nerfed and you go to play the shaman, the same thing happens with the shaman and you go to play the paladin. Who’s next Blizzard? Weren’t you embarrassed that only holy priests were played in shadowlands for more than 2 seasons? What before that, only druids played in the keys in BFA? I’m tired of being able to play at a high level only in those classes that you impose on me. Even the patch of exile balance seems to be better, although the mechanics there are not comparable in complexity to your games, and the game is being developed by less than 10 developers

I think the nerfs for fire mage and shadow have gone too far at this point.

Frankly speaking for the vast majority of people frost is performing better than fire already, i am not calling for frost to be nerfed, but it puts things into prospective, fire seem to scale exceptionally well with pi and augmentation evoker, which skew it’s performance, without those i bet that at this point it’s mid, probably even slightly below i mean, we are talking about a 10% aoe nerf after another basically 10% aoe nerf, that’s a 20% nerf from start to finish.

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I think the nerfs for fire mage and shadow have gone too far at this point.

fire overall in BH 320k. And 400k with augmentation. Just for info.

There are more than a few logs with classes that reach 300k, and not all are fire mage.

Show me 400k+ or 350k+ atleast. If they nerfed at 10% it’s mean they lose around 40k overall. Thats mean 360k+ with aug. Anyone else can do this?

I’m not here to hold your hand, look at logs yourself, and you will see that while fire is indeed performing very well, there are more than a few classes that can reach 300k on a detain overall.

Also i could not find a single fire mage that did 350 on log, what you’re telling me is detail overall, i can extrapolate the overall damage at a guess but it’s never completely correct.

And not a single one was 400k.

It’s the Cyrillic/Slavic characters. There is a bias against it, don’t believe me all you like. But it would help you if you had a name in English.

I’ll say it again. The top teams in the world have either English or Chinese names.

M+ should have rework, Blizzard can’t create gods then nerf after 3 weeks and doing like nothing happens.

you will see that while fire is indeed performing very well, there are more than a few classes that can reach 300k.

no i didn’t. Show me 360k+ overall.

And not a single one was 400k.

蕨皮山谷 oke what about this boy? I’m not sure about links or screenshots. But he have 404,054.0 in BH overall.

I could not find anyone under that name.

As for your “show me the overall” go to wow logs, check bracken, loot at rankings, filter by class, look at the logs yourself.

There are 3 main reasons why fire is doing this kind of damage, 1 they scale really well with pi and evoker, 2 they have mostly uncapped aoe that also scales very well with more targets thanks to how bomb works, 3 the group allows them to do massive pulls, i have to wonder why you decided to talk about brh specifically because it checks exactly the mass aoe pulls that fire excels at.

The problem is this, if they continue with this, fire will yet again become the spec that is god tier in the hands of very good players with good groups, and trash for everyone else.

I check. Not even close. Nobody.
Nickname Arxesz 452,700.7 overall.

I found it, and it wasn’t a 452 overall, you’re straight up lying.

I don’t know why you would either way, since the log is 366k anyway, which is really good.

it might have been a 452 overall on detail, but frankly, i am comparing logs here, not details screenshots.

last answer. You see with augmented 242k and 366k mage. Click augmented damage in upside. And u will see real damage. 366k it’s without augmentation buffs. No reason to continue this discussion. Sorry to others. If you say someone else have 300k+ without augmentation buffs, just show it.

So you specifically chose the damage that he did with the augmentation buff? Which is not even the mage damage? It seems to me that you wanna make it seem like it’s more than it actually is.

Before when i was talking about the others, all of them had aug evoker, yet i said their real damage, not the damage they did with augmentation, because i wanted to pain a clearer picture.

I am not denying that fire is strong, but honestly these kinds of argument get under my skin, you are specifically cherry picking situations and buffs that make fire shine. Oh look at the overalls! Without actually understanding, or even trying to understand why they are happening.

If i chose to include aug buff in the log, basically every class can get 300k + overalls in braken.

Well well, how tables have turned.
I like it.
P.S. Do it again

I don’t think you realise this season’s title is already 80+ points above last season. Top 1% is 300 points below that.

Nobody’s breaking in unless they do something to the dungeons themselves.

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