Melee cleaves are already running over mages like a freight train. Fury warrior is, by far, the class I find hardest when playing frost mage.
So let’s just chill a bit on the nerf calling shall we?
Personally I think this trinket should not activate on interrupts rather than not on roots, but … okay I guess.
All I will say is that I love this trinket, even when playing my feral, because I am sick to death of instant->long CC. Just completely unavoidable shenanigans, completely unfair and no fun at all, and any nerf to that is welcome in my book.
Are we BMs a joke to You Blizz?
We are getting kicked from m+ because we want to play BM and 4% is what we get?!
Fix our AoE cause it is main problem here ergo weak 4set AoE bonus.
Just to remind to you at the begining 2 and 4 piece were only ST dmg while all dps had AoE and ST set bonuces benefits.
Fix IT!!
Do you have any big streamer in your comunity ? Or idealy , many of them ? Yeaaa thats the difference xd .
class designed, blizzard ever created.
Priest No changes needed.
I am rolling BM for next expack if blizzard don’t fix shadows boring aoe Void form needs to go pi needs to go searing nightmare needs to go and shadow crash to.
DO something fun with shadow they got like 3 years where they did nothing with them. Wods playstyle was even better than this crap we got now.
you are a pure dps class, you can play SV and top meters
your comment is like mages saying ARCANE SUCKS ( it does suck )
but they have 2 other specs frost and fire
dont roll bm, all u will get is crap. and if u complain u get that lame comment of why bm is bad, because it was semi good in bfa s4. u gonna hear it forever.
I said i will roll bm if shadow gets no attention in 9.2.5
yea and if u still do it, u gonna play a class/spec that fun and req skill to play, that every on laugh of and love seeing at bot. why would u ask for a worse destiny.
You are not lowest at ST, windwalker is lowest at ST actually. Plus this is pure ST BUILD KEKW (Kyrian), not even ST as our necro aoe build.
Monk dosnt have a pure st build, they do ok AOE no matter how they spec.
because a bm right now in my raiding team tops me. Also top dps in raid.
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It’s good that blizzard doesn’t buff a 2 button specc. You have 1 S Tier and 1 A Tier spec. Obviously people will ask for the S or A tier specc always.
Also its really really good that blizzard has right now at S tier:
Warlock/Hunter/Mage/Rogue the 4 pure dps classes.
It would be pathetic to be a pure dps class and be outdpsed by hybrids. When your favored spec is not S tier u can resort to the other one(s). Some hybrids on the other side gotta reroll or change role, from dps to tank to healer to dps etc.
that dosnt mean BM is good, or thats it is easy to play bm, it could mean he is good at BM.
There is more to things than just good and bad classes, there is players behind those classes.
I can use it as a exmaple that makes it 100% clear. u could have 2 bm hunters one doing 12-13k st and another one doing k 9k st same gear and stats kinda, rest is up to skill.
shes really good at bm and cleave as bm is funnier than shadow less pain in my fingers. blizzard dev team for aoe is silly. Just lay wild spirits and top dps.
this is not true, u still need to play correctly, and wildspirit placement can be one of the most annoying things u ever do.
We have some kyrian pepega build thats true, also this is bad really bad
(skolex is a pure st fight)
Shadow right now is anti fun due to need to cast void bolt stop all my aoe need to cast mind blast stop my searing nightmare… hunter just stands there and top dps with passive shoting.
haha ok, you are right :D… go hunter