Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - 4 May

Why You want to force everybody to play spec they dont want to play?
You trolling or just stupid?

and yet inside raids am below bm XD me having 30ilvls higer.

how to tell this in way you would listen, and not look at me as toxic, but i give it attempt, try playing ur spec better. make sure u use every thing right from spells, to covenant. and also if u really bad, check logs and see how good players play. and if u still cant play sp after alll that, go hunter then if u think its so easy.

Your not toxic your just a boowmer.

:relaxed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing:

will you play faction cross in 9.2.5?

Not sure yet, Nothing will change regarding meta so im not sure if i will keep on playing. might chill until new expansion, we’lll see.

am depressed about wow atm like 0 carebear about the speccs. balance = 0

Imagine wanting to play BM when you have MM and SV as top tier specs.
Be happy that your class has option to be good.

Bm is way funnier cleave than any specc out there. Your very ignorant of people wanting to play something that is fun to play.

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I main warrior what are my options in raids? Arms and fury are near the bottom with BM and prot is probably the worst tank right now. Its very ignorant for him to cry about not having 3 specs top tier.

I quiet agree with you. But I also disagree with you. Because Its blizzards fault for not balancing their classes so people can play them inside raids, without feeling like empty shells of their classes. Like every class feels like its not moved on since legion…

Literally all speccs apart from DK hunter Mage Rogue is out of touch with the game. Blizzard have never been this out of touch with the chore of the classes, like they need to wake up from the coma! Bring out the stuff we used to have that was fun, every class should be able to do damage atlest… not just sit and feel useless and getting declined.

Like Survival/Destro does 50% more damage than all other specs and blizzard the company lets that slide we the consumer are just a toy to them. This is what Im feeling at the moment when playing 9.2.

It’s rather disgusting of blizzard to not care at all when we pay real money to play our classes they created for us and we aren’t allowed to get in to dungeons with the game they created.

Because of meta slaves.


the reason is 1 andsingle

every single tank in MDI if DK

the irony is DK is the only tank that requires people to perform well atm to even be able to tank semi decently - otherwise its super squishy compared to paladin/druid which are real beasts on live tanking but not in MDI.

What pisses me most is the moment fire goes middle they start buffing it.
But yea overall i agree with you, balancing is getting worse every patch.

And i don’t understand people picking pure dps classes and yet refusing to play with the other 2 specs.

what pisses me of any dps class should be able to top but blizzard are incapeable.

Arms buff wasn’t needed.

Or just buff the aggro gen of the spells. Prob hard.

This “2 button spec” doing always a lot of mechanics - because have good movenent during fight - thats why I love this spec. Survi is also "2 button spec’’ - but this is different Playstyle.
We dont require to be meta - we want to be just good. Be in the middle. If you doing 13-14k overall when people with simillar eq doing 17,18 or meta 20k - its so demotivating.
Hard changes are also required to change people mindset. Dont you think this is ridiculous to geting kicks from grps on +15 when you have 274 ilvl, 3k io and 11/11hc only because you playing BM? And that wasnt one situation :wink:
I dont want to talk how looked reaching 3k as BM because that was terrible way. And this is how we BMs have from season 1.
You know what these “fix” will change? I will do 14.4k overall in m+ instead of 14k. You know how I know it? Because last fix gave for me 0.3k. We still are far away from others. This spec need changes in set bonus. Or much higher flat dmg buff if these blizz devs are just lazy and dont have idea what to do with this spec from 3 seasons :slight_smile:

The money part is one thing, but its the gearing and swaping of classes specs, with totally different main stats from ur main spec, or in worst case gearing a new toon, i understand that from a pov of players who dont take part in any thing where it matters or not that its not a big deall. but for ppl trying to step in to high end game or higher than end game. having ur class being trash is devistating… and the regearing takes forever

Am fed up with wow shadow is so bad right now that im literally sad. Our dots hits like a water droplet nothing at all.