did u even read the blue =)
Thats cuz retail was made by accountants, and vanilla was made by people who wanted to make an awesome game
way too early
I don’t think that this is true. Just because there are BGs doesn’t mean that people will stop roaming around the world. What it will kill, or at least make much less common, is raid groups ganking everyone around them. That to me is purely a positive since wpvp is at its best with smaller groups or duels.
Can we get 1-2 new servers per region please? One pvp server and one pve server? Ones where people can’t transfer to, basically just brand new servers, thank you.
AV 1.12 is that the “new” 15 minute AV or the old 15 hour one?
The new 15min one sadly.
when are
the keyrings
This. To me wpvp is when you are out there questing and you meet other players doing the same. And you fight them to get that mob or quest item. I like these “random” battles, when you get killed during the quest and you then want to return the favor. However raid of fully geared 60s equipped with PVP consumables circling in the end game zones killing all enemies on sight… no it´s really not wPVP to me. It´s a mess. It´s people who are desperatelly bored with the game and have nothing worthwhile to do.
If Blizzard manages to move most alliance PVP players to BGs and horde PVP players to BG queues, leveling zones will be again available for leveling playeres and now with honors in place there will finally be some true wPVP. And frankly I am really looking forward to it. It´s gonna be awesome!
Surely it’s not the washed down 15-minute shadow-of-its-former-self Alterac Valley, but the original Alterac Valley right? Right??? It’s CLASSIC WoW after all!
Sounds like something a bad player would say…
This will do very little to stop the ganking going on PvP servers. Guess you don’t care about your own product or worse, your own community.
Also rushing phases to try to get classic players to buy next expansion?
Yes. What do you mean? It appears to me that they plan to release WSG and AV at the same time.
Well if it’s not Classic original AV then there’s really no point playing it as Horde.
The older original AV was balanced, the newer version (if what is being reported here) was changed to heavily favour Alliance.
What’s the point playing non classic BG’s in classic ? Sure may as well go back to retail at that stage.
Every one lile his post please! Its so damn true.
so 20 more totaly unplayable days
And nothing about keyring!
We gave up. If we are going to have short phases, let’s go all the way.
You can’t expect P1 to last less than two months, and then have people who hate this WPVP mess vouch for a long P2.
Paid transfers weren’t available during vanilla - what happened to the #Nochanges ??