Classic Era Patch Updates

The issue is that there is always room for improvements and updates. My main concern is: What will be the final change?

I understand that times change and so do players, but items in museums should remain as unaltered as possible to preserve their value. We were promised that the legacy of WoW Vanilla would be protected, and whether we are the majority or minority doesn’t matter, because a promise is a promise.

However, this doesn’t mean that changes can’t be made. In fact, I hope Blizzard is already working on a Classic+, where all these changes and many more can be added to bring a fresh experience to the game. I would love that, but never at the expense of the classic era realms!


Yes, if we never got MoS in the first place, everything would be fine. But for most of the most active players, this was literally the best gift we could’ve been given. And then they immediately pull the rug from under our feet.

I hope they make a poll for this one, for active players only, and then don’t touch the game ever again (except for activating yearly scourge invasions).



Just sign the petition and lets get this over with.


the reason given for the reversal, which is that the game is a time capsule and whatnot is not a legitimate reason in my opinion…at least not anymnore.

We have already made so many QoL changes that drastically affected the game:

  1. Songflower/DMT buffs no longer being dispellable,
  2. Adding chronoboon so people dont have to stay logged out waiting for raids 99% of the time

If changes above are acceptable, then surely MoS is acceptable too, as it addresses precisely the same concerns:
a. Eliminating a griefing meta where horde players intentionally hunt alliance players that try to get a buff
b. Allowing everyone to enjoy the game instead of requiring a weird meta playstyle with multiple accounts and mind control to do that
c. Make rend accessible to everyone instead of just the horde and the hardcore few in the alliance

But okay, Blizzard obviously reversed the changes because of a backlash. In this case, and if you are actually basing your actions on community feedback, lets run a poll and see what the community thinks about bringing MoS back. At least give people a chance to voice their opinion as opposed to allowing a vocal minority dominate the development of the game.


please removed UI Guild
and songlower /dmt buff dispellable
and skips logs


Funny thing that there was always 0 comunication before they added chronoboons and any other changes. Their post has 0 logic

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Era is not original Vanilla untill chronoboons are here. Stop pretending like this is not a #change
Blizz still failed and did not keep promis


Wow tokent era plus , and Bobby Kotik new yaht mount incoming. This is will be a nice QoL as chronobooms changes according to classic era players.

“we don´t move with era”

“ooops we took 2 steps forward unintended”

“we hear you!!! we made 1 step back, now it´s fine right?”


Except that you did remove them without a warning or any sorts of communication. So i dont think any lessons have been learned.

Removing the MoS was a massive L.


Most of all, people wanted the old guild interface back. And this is the only thing you don’t return… sad


Thank you. Will resub my accounts.

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You guys just did the imposible. You failed in 2 fields same time. You failed not only #nochanges crowd but #changes crowd as well. You promised 100% identical vanilla experience- you failed cuz chronoboons are still here, pvp rank system changed, /spit emote removed, buffs are undispellbl now, log out skips are removed and list goes on.
Ok you dont listen #nochanges i get it. Buy why you dont listen #changes ppl than? Why you adding new world buff for ally side without 0 feedback and removing it also without 0 feedback and ingame poll, and asking players who actualy pay sub.


Basically you have kept the worst change, the guild UI.


Yea . Blizz new low achieved


These are not #nochanges crowd. Cuz noone of them even pointed out about chronoboons change removal which has no sens. Why remove MoS but keep chronoboons ingame… . Basicly these guys have no idea what they talk about and gave blizzard wrong feedback and dont represent #changes or either #nochanges. But ofc somehow , blizz only listens them

Appreciate reverting it. Mostly a +1 good job, more communication would be great, being blindsided by sudden changes is unfortunate.


They will not. Dont worry. Blizz have no idea what they are doing and who to listen

Bonjour, je suis Erø, chef de la guilde " les trois fromages ", je suis de base un joueur retails et je joue à Wow depuis 16 ans maintenant. Mes heures de jeu se comptent en Années, je pense être bien placé pour m’exprimer comme je vais le faire.

Je suis partie de WOW Retails car vous avez tué le communautarisme avec votre casualisation abusive, j’ai donc préféré aller jouer sur Classic Era.

Classic Era, c’est la communauté, l’aventure, le partage, la passion du lore et la recherche perpétuelle de l’optimisation.

Je gère la plus grosse communauté française de Firemaw, je suis passionné et je passe ma journée à me battre pour faire vivre ce jeu. (actuellement en progress Naxxramas 12/15)
Enlever " la bénédiction de Stormwind " c’est abuser, vous ne pouvez pas arriver sans prévenir, faire des mise à jour et sans prévenir l’enlever car il y a 3 puristes qui ne sont pas satisfaits.

ALLEZ CHERCHER LE REND chez les H2, c’est horrible, car certaines guildes sont la juste pour tuer les joueurs pve qui viennent chercher leurs World-buff. Ils font sa toute la journée 24/24.
Cela rend fou de se faire tuer pour la 14 ème fois par le même joueur en voulant prendre le Rend.
Cela ne fait que créer des problèmes, la bénédiction de Stormwind, vous l’avez mise, laisser la.

Tous les joueurs de wow ne s’exprime pas sur les forums, mais ce que je peux vous dire, dans ma guilde on est 235 et personne n’a apprécier votre retour en arrière sur la mise à jour, nous sommes dégoûtées par ce manque de considération après tout le temps et l’argent que l’on a investie dans votre jeu.

Ensuite l’interface de guilde, étant chef de guilde, je trouve sa vraiment trop bien et je vous remercie pour cet ajout.
Je comprends que certains n’aiment pas, mais avec cette interface, nous gagnons un temps fou et c’est agréable quand on sait le temps qu’un Gm doit passer sur le jeu.

Donc pour résumer, on est là pour jouer, faire des raids et partager un moment en communauté.
On n’est pas là pour se faire tuer par des dégénérés qui ne pensent qu’à nuire au bon fonctionnement du jeu.
On s’en fou si ce n’est pas le classic de 2004, nous on veut pouvoir jouer en Paix et ce buff est la clée pour mettre un terme au conflit TOXIQUE entre certains joueurs.


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Nous avons fait une pétition avec 324 votes pour le moment pour vous montrez que je ne brasse pas du vent.