Classic Era Patch Updates

thank you for keeping on your word that ERA would be a snapshot of classic wow phase 6 as was said when i paid the cloning service three years ago. I am very pleased by your understanding that changes don’t belong in ERA and that includes leaks from SoM. Thank you for giving us opportunity to experience the time capsule ERA as well as the experimental SOM with changes.

Now i’m off to resub my capper account on ERA so I can continue getting WCB/REND buff for my warriors on ERA. Please keep your word and revert any leak changes that come in the future. Thank you.


Of course we do - I just prefer to post from this char with which I was a forum MVP back in the day.

Yay for Blizzard actually listening and reversing these changes. Classic should remain as it was, no need to push it further away from its roots.


Put a poll like system in game that Oldschool-Runescape uses,
(With level restrictions for all these ‘lvl 1 not even playing era #nochanges’ trolls if you like…)
And you’ll be surprised that the vast majority was for this. it’s sad what a loud minority gets done these days… Flat-earthers / Terrence D Howard-like minorities…

Boon is the perfect example, and if you’re taking this away, take boon too then… then we can all go back to sitting offline and not playing. How fun was that… even though boon is still not even remotely good enough. This Low iq mentality is only good if you’re intention is to kill the game off.

Don’t be afraid of a minor change for the betterment of the game, it won’t hurt you…
People who are truly passionate about the future of this game won’t be the ones holding it back…


I somehow cannot believe that you really did all that intentionally, maybe as intentional as having the SoD BG Queue Algorithm in Era that makes the already bad queue times even worse.

A little more honesty in your communication could go a long way if you actually care about the oppinion of classic era players as you say in your post.
That being said at least this post was written and the changes reverted which for me personally was the right decision.

Can you now please use this new found willingness to talk to us as era players and consider giving us a fresh P1 Era server too?


I realize after reading through this forum the past few days, that you probably need to have some thick skin as a classic wow dev.
You have my thanks for listening. :slight_smile:


Keep MoS bruh… Noone who actually plays era classic on alliance were opposed to it… Make a poll at least dude


Finally someone who gets it… 100% agree here

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Please bring back Stormwind Rend


This in my opinion is the most important part of the post, as it goes in line with what was promised to us years ago.

The whole changes / no changes issue is a philosophical one - The main reason why we are all playing this game today is because of the enourmous effort by the community to:

  1. Bring it back
  2. Keep it alive and thriving

Era is a museum, a snapshot of the best game of all time. If you want convenience, there is SoD, Cata and retail.

I can only thank the devs on this one - Thanks for listening!


Bro I can’t :rofl:
At least make it so Alliance characters in the Barrens get WCB if it drops or smth, so the human males don’t have to have 2 subs


There’s a bug in the game? Dont fix it because #nochanges

While I understand the different views I must admit most people were positive towards the updates and very negative to these reversals of the changes. The most frustrating thing must be that Blizzards talks about community and communication, yet it seems that if there is something we can all agree on, it’s that communication with you is almost nonexistant. The funny thing is, you say you are willing to communicate better with us but then fail to do so and simply reverse the changes. No communication, no poll, nothing! Everyone is frustrated because of the lack of communication. For changes, against changes and Blizzard themselves it seems.
I guess pvp detag will come back again? Seems only logical with these changes i fear.


Hey man we welcome everyone even you and your gdkp friends that were using MOS for faster raids $$$

We all know you guys arrive from the other classic servers (TBC, WOLK, SOM) soon then die and all of you run out of business, let’s be honest here, they were infested with boosting specially tbc and wolk so you created a illegal business model of selling gold.

Now you land here so please don´t mess with our community and our favorite game and keep doing your gdkp stuff or whatever you do for living.

Rend is a very special buff that needs a minimum effort to get it and should be treat it like that.

Let me remember you that before, you could only get Rend in crossroads or Ogri, nowadays you can even get rend in any part of the barrens so if you get griffed i´ts because you noob.

3 years ago i testify the Alliance OG guild from EU server dragging a “Wyrmkin Berserker” all the way from feralas to crossroads trying multiple times to get the “Knock Away” ability into the roof tower of crossroads.

We did it and put warlocks there and that’s how we manage to summon and get rend for all in alliance way before they let us get in any part of the barrens.

Now that is amazing classic MMORPG


100% amazing indeed. And how some players led dispelling rebellions against the guild leaders who organized the whole effort lol

The lengths we went to keep Era alive, and made it thrive. People take this for granted.


Actually, maybe we’ve come to a point where it would make more sense to snapshot chars and have them choose between servers with the changes (honor system, pvp detag, MoS etc.) and without the changes (meaning giving pvp detag back and AQR getting its icon back. Everything just as it was). Best of both worlds!? It could gather different clusters too. Just an idea to solve everyone’s problems


You can talk about changes/no changes being a philosophical dilemma, and the promise of Era being kept as it was. The fact is, how people play the game has changed. Raiding is everything for most active players, and ofc we’re min-maxing our world buffs, that’s one thing you can’t turn the clock back on. The Naxx world record was beaten just weeks ago. So alliance will continue to go for WCB, it’ll just be a small nightmare each time, as much work as all other preparations combined.

If you’re honest about discussing future changes, make a poll for active Era players to vote on MoS. Put it on an in-game poster in Blackrock Mountain.


Obviously, once you give the candy to the child, it’s a very bad idea to take it away afterward. And there they all are, crying because 'MoS has been removed.

But well, it is what it is. WoW Vanilla was and still is a great game, and every time a change is applied to it, no matter how small, it modifies the original experience, turning the game into something different.

Thank you for correcting it, Blizzard. And now…, could you also undo the rest of the changes?


When was it any different since 2019 or since Era has existed?

This is amazing, and happened before the changes.

Yes. We have to defend he concept, because it took us 15, fifteen , years to get it back lol
I also have a hard time understanding the outrage. I cannot balieve the game was not fun just a week ago.


In 2019 there was more ranking, more pre-raid dungeon farming, AQ opening event, UD invasion. And ofc all the guilds cooperating out in the world to get world buffs pre boons. It was a good time, but this is perma phase 6. Seems clear to me it’s closer to 100% raiding these days, with some PvP for fun and some PvP for grief (also fun, sure). And after being stuck in phase 6 for a long time, more people play several chars, all for raiding, including world buffing them.

And yes, it’s such a blow because they gave us the candy and then took it away.

And yes, I agree with defending the concept from changes. But this was a good change, like Chronoboons. People care more about not dealing with the grief circus that is The Barrens than some fairytale mirage of 2004 Classic.


I agree on this one with you Cliff 100%

Best outcome out of this (I can hope) is that next time, before things happen, the community plays a role by providing input and being an active participant of any possible changes.

This outrage from everybody now is the worst part of all this imo

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