Classic Era serv > TBC serv clone progression

Well, precisely that is the purpose of copying. To have in both versions what you have in the original version.

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Why is this so hard to grasp, I’m baffled. With this you obv plan this in advance and speak with the friend who is only gonna play classic. Obviously you pick copy and pay the fee, and your friend chooses transfer, not stay.

Like I said they trade you the gold BEFORE the snapshot, like a few days before prepatch hits would be safe. You then copy your char with his gold, trading it back on the classic era realm and keeping it on your original realm.

Wait, I think I see what you mean.

You have his gold on TBC realms, just like if he had copied instead of moved, he would have gold on both types of realm.

Nope why is this even a factor? My copied char with the 10k now will also exist on the current realms. For the dude who trades me the g nothing will change but I will be 10k richer, only on the then tbc realm ofc

So, what do you propose? To forbid people to give their gold to others? What if that friend instead of choosing Classic or TBC stop playing today and give other player his gold? Shouldn’t be allowed? What if that friend choose on of the two but after starting playing regret his decision and stop player given other player his gold? Shouldn’t be allowed?

I propose nothing, I’m just stating what technically could be possible if they don’t restrict stuff.

Edit: because with this scenario there is no ‘loss of gold’ and with your example there is.

BUT I’ll have to pay for it

You do know btw that trading that much gold gets your account flagged for buying gold for real money?

I saw a dude get 20k for gressil in a Naxx GDKP run, and one that paid 290k for it. Can’t speak for the 290 one but the player on my realm (Pyrewood) is still walking around, as are the people who weekly get 2.5k from those runs. Not to mention the raidleader who gets all the g during the run.

Just because it is flagged because it is suspicious does not mean Blizzard will ban him because is not against the rules itself the large trade of gold.

Obviously, because if you snapshot and still able to transfer from classic era to TBC you are doubling your gold and other ressources.

A big no.

Did you think the consequences through before you started posting?

How many times!

You are not doubling anything or transferring from Classic to TBC by doing ANY transfers, it will be on the same realm. Current realms are BECOMING TBC realms. Just like all the realms did in 2007.

Learn how it’s going to work before posting.

Main question was not about duping gold, by all means limit how much gold you can bring from Classic Era to TBC (once u commit to first go to Classic Era) - 1k sure, reason for such feature is not gold but experience content at your own speed.

How it should work:

  1. Xfer your char to Classic Era (not copy but xfer)
  2. Finish all content u want in classic Era with your char
  3. Xfer (not copy) your char to TBC server (same realm) with limits what you can bring with you (gold, items, mats etc etc…).

Yes it could be paid service, but it would give you as player to enjoy any Era of the game until u are done with it.

And who knows, maybe I want to check out Warlock, and I want to start it from Classic Era and then move to TBC? So now what? if I’m new players and start in Classic Era after I’m done and killed KT, then I need to make new warlock on TBC server and level it again?

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Exactly my point thanks.

Well, as far as I understood their statements, this can be summed up like this:

  • They (shadow-)clone each server the day before the pre-BC release. That’s how they can track gold amount, stuff, level of the Classic Era characters.
  • As early as the pre-BC release day - Everyone is granted a choice between either check in the pre-BC clone-server (the version with playable Blood Elves and Draenei) or check in the Classic Era clone-server.
  • (At this stage, one can pay for checking in both clone-servers, to go on playing a version of the character on Classic and another version of the very same character on pre-BC.)
  • In theory one can do the choice (even “clone back” to Classic Era an existing Classic->BC toon) at any time later.
    Unless the data are scrapped at some point.

If they proceed as you said and as they “explained”, it seems very weird and unpractical, data-wise. Like, Classic Era people with postmail and auctions would get their stuff lost to BC? Weird and fussy.
That’s why I think it’s a hidden mass-cloning of the servers that can handle this. They can not confess because they want people to make a strong marketing choice, to “keep the community focused”, and they fear people would complain the cloning isn’t free (as it should be).

As I wrote last year in a thread reply,

The solution have been given on another thread already. (Sorry but yours is flawed.)

Clone each existing Classic server.
One clone stays as perpetual Classic.
The other one evolves into BC.

No problem of transfers between servers Classic->BC or BC->Classic, because they’re not allowed, this way.
No problem of forcing people to disband guilds and be torn apart between Classic and BC servers. Both would be playable (the play time would be the only limit).

No problem of “economy” about cloning player-characters individually, because the whole server is cloned. So everyone stays the same, each side.

Very poor communication and lack of clarity from Blizzard. They try to handle the complains against their endless greed.

Nope. It may look like that but ALL current realms are being upgraded to TBC and you can MOVE or COPY onto a Classic forever realm. So you are MOVED or COPIED to the Classic forever realm,not to a TBC realm.

Nope. It will be done on one day at a set time, and WILL NEVER BE SNAPSHOTTED AGAIN, otherwise people can cheat like crazy.

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, how many times, they will not allow you to move back.

Tell me do you think the covid jab puts a tracker into your blood as well?

Then you have understood incorrectly.

Impossible. This is what they said in one of their clumsy explanations but it makes no sense. Because if it were true, then the characters “moving back” to Classic Era would have got the post-patch progression, yet they precised it will not be the case.
Moreover, if so, that means Blood Elves and Draenei from the pre-patch would be able to move to Classic Era, which is nonsensical. I mean, not only BE and Draenei characters that could be prevented from that, but all BC stuff dropping from their starting zones would “contaminate” Classic Era.
Thus I’m sorry, the data is cloned right before the prepatch.

Incorrect, that is not what I’m saying, please stay focused.

If they don’t, lol, players on a subscription-break during the pre-patch but still wanting to stay on Classic to play again later would be scrapped. Nonsensical worst idea ever.
Plus you have no source to support your claim.

Low IQ take.

Snapshot to prevent duping. Otherwise, it would be possible to duplicate gold and items by mailing them to the character that is getting copied - unless the transfer wouldn’t let you keep your character on Classic, but in this case, it would be a better option to just progress all Classic servers to TBC and start fresh Classic.

So they said it and you still don’t believe them?

Since they won’t be in the snapshot then they cannot move, come on think about it a bit more. The snapshot is going to be made BEFORE the pre-patch.

It’s not what YOU are saying but what Blizzard are saying that counts.

You have no source to claim you can, but it makes complete sense as they are FOREVER Classic realms, so you cannot move back from them and double your gold.

Transfer off of their current realm to a “Classic Era Realm”, which will always be on Phase 6 Naxxramas Patch on Classic. This means they will not be able to play in Burning Crusade.

So no transfer back.

So you believe even if it contradicts itself? Curious.
You think you do but you don’t.

Thanks for recognizing I was right.

Stay focused, you’re speaking about things that where never a matter here.

Ok, bye Mr Troll.

But if they snapshot before you can make Blood Elves and Draenei then HOW can they be able to be moved. Your logic is all messed up.

You are the one claiming you will be able to move back to TBC, which I proved you can’t so now I see you either a) have no idea what you are talking about or b) you are trolling.