Classic French Servers

I have opened a ticket to get some statement from Blizzard officials, but I have been told by a GM that game developers are the only ones that can give me an answer, and they can only do so on the forums, and none has taken the time to answer my post in french.

I, therefore, create a post in English, hoping that more EN game developers are active on the forum than french ones, if there are any…

I tried to start Classic on launch, but queues got me out pretty quickly.

I’m coming back now and am willing to experience the game with French-speaking people (as it is my mother tongue).

Most people being 60, I would love to play on a PvE realm, to avoid being ganked all day.

The only problem: We have only one PvE server, and it’s locked.

When comparing the French situation to others, it seems pretty “unfair”:
We LITERALLY have half our servers that are locked.
I know, we only have 4 available. Maybe that’s the reason…?

Germans have 1 locked server, but 3 PvE ones available, oh and an RP one, how cool is that?

I would love some statement by a dev on why that’s the case.


After three month we still have no info and pve players have to wait… cmon blizzard at least open a new pve server

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I initially opened a ticket in order to avoid “making a scene” on the forums.
The friendly GM told me […] as we Game Masters can’t talk directly to them for you. What this means is that you will still have to keep trying on the World Of Warcraft classic forums as this is the only location an answer will be posted.

So… employees of the same company can’t communicate with eachother when a customer asks for answers…?

I understand that answering to “easy” topics gives the illusion that you are active and caring about the playerbase.
Take for example this answer from last week : Best class if you are playing solo - #13 by Rejuvithorn-2648

But when PAYING customers have genuine interest and concern about the state of the game they PAY for, I’m not sure that playing ostrich is the way to go.

I don’t care if the answer is : you speak French, we don’t care about you, just play on PvP server and stop crying about it.
At least I will have an answer.

Thanks for giving an answer then.

It’s a corporate group. They have protocols to follow that’s covered in their operations manuals.
Basically they report to their boss with things covered in the manual, and don’t go outside of their field of responsibilities. Get it? It’s a pyramid. They’re at the bottom. The devs are much higher.

Also, you need to post on the US forum, not on the EU-English forum. The EU-English forum is ignored just as much as the French forum, by the devs.

All of the EU forums in various languages are handled by their various Community Management teams. They’re also powerless.

The worst part about that is the Devs don’t read or post on the EU forums, the GM said that to get rid of you. There are no EU Devs.

The only way to get through to them is to make a suggestion ingame and the last thread on this just dropped out of view with no blue post.

The devs don’t really read there either, it’s all community managers.

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Well, they’ve ignored a lot, but they have had devs post in the past. Also, their community management team over there at least works directly for Lore, and he’s tight with the devs, so there’s also that.

Personally I don’t think they pass anything on. They know about the locked French PvE realm, singular, and are doing nothing about it.

Thanks for the insight.

A pyramid has all its stones connected, that’s what allows it to be so large. Same applies to big companies. Connection and synergy.
I guess they don’t see themselves as company and us as customers, just game-provider and gamers.

I don’t know. The GM stated that I had to post on the forums, I assumed that EU forums would apply to French Classic servers. You know, the stupid customer bias.

Since I saw a reply the day after I created my topic: Best class if you are playing solo - #13 by Rejuvithorn-2648

Anyways I’ll see if I get an answer with the in-game suggestions.

It’s more like a set of stairs, each step goes further up them. Actually a pyramids stones are only connected to the level above and the level below.

I think they do, they are a business with a product they sell.

The GM couldn’t help, they direct you to the forums so you can discuss it with other players not Blizzards staff.

They don’t reply to suggestions, you can only hope they forward them to the right person.

I see your point, and I’m not trying to be argumentative

Well, the top stone can’t stand high without the very bottom ones. The bottom ones aren’t a pyramid without the top ones. They are all connected, not adjacent.

An exchange between a company and a person (B2C) or another company (B2B) implies customer relation, and problem solving. Not playing ostrich and plainly ignoring questions/complaints.
Can’t think of any company that can simply ignore you, when you pay them every month.

They clearly stated that game developers would be able to answer on the forums. Was that poor employee training, or simply lies to a customer…? I’m wondering…

So they don’t answer in ticket, they don’t answer on the forums, they don’t answer to IG suggestions.
Do they answer ANYWHERE?
Do they actually have customer service…? Can’t find a link in the support page… :smiley:

I can understand the thought they are ignoring it but I don’t think no answer means they are ignoring it. They are just not bothered about it.

I wouldn’t go as far as lying, just not knowing.

Possibly on twitter

Customer service is not the same as contacting the Devs.

There isn’t one except the suggestions ingame.

They stack upon one another, each level relies on the level below. But Blizzard Devs don’t seem to be connected to their customer base, only the managers above them.

Definition of ignore: " to intentionally not listen or give attention to"
No, no, they are plainly ignoring.

Absolutely, but the Devs not answering legitimate questions of customers IS a matter of customer relation, therefore concerning Customer Service.
Again, we are PAYING CUSTOMERS, and ignoring doesn’t seem the way to behave for a multi-billion $ company.
That’s my Swiss snowflake mindset.

Anyways, thanks a lot to you for taking the time to converse, at least I got an answer on the forums :smiley:

Don’t worry blizzard, they’ll give up soon on making these threads, after all they are french

Is a joke, chill chill

I’m a greedy Swiss, I won’t give up!

Thank you @OP. We need this locked situation to be over. If you are in a good guild and raiding, sure, this is no problem. Nevertheless, finding groups for low-mid level dungeons is a nightmare and has been for weeks now. It’s even hard to find ppl for BRD now.

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