I initially opened a ticket in order to avoid “making a scene” on the forums.
The friendly GM told me […] as we Game Masters can’t talk directly to them for you. What this means is that you will still have to keep trying on the World Of Warcraft classic forums as this is the only location an answer will be posted.
So… employees of the same company can’t communicate with eachother when a customer asks for answers…?
I understand that answering to “easy” topics gives the illusion that you are active and caring about the playerbase.
Take for example this answer from last week : Best class if you are playing solo - #13 by Rejuvithorn-2648
But when PAYING customers have genuine interest and concern about the state of the game they PAY for, I’m not sure that playing ostrich is the way to go.
I don’t care if the answer is : you speak French, we don’t care about you, just play on PvP server and stop crying about it.
At least I will have an answer.
Thanks for giving an answer then.