Classic getting much more toxic every day

No, dungeons were removed from the game when people outgeared them and there was little reason to go back; this is why TBC introduced Heroic dungeons and the daily heroic system.


OP is talking about sub 60 dungeons and boosting. There are still many resons to run lvl 60 dungeons.

threats, harassment and encouraging mass false reporting are commonplace in for the “hardcore” on my server and from what I can see other servers as well.

honestly, I just think they get away with it because blizzard make much more money from this kind of ppl then the “normal” players

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what server is that?

Just play league of legends during some wow breaks.

You automaticly apriciate wow community again.
Work wonders for me.

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Whilst posting on an under geared lvl60 character and talking about AFKing in Orgrimmar; the logical conclusion being that the OP is having a hard time finding dungeon groups to gear up.

This also isn’t the OP’s first whine on this topic. Here:

Here again: almost the exact same thread:


Ah yes, the 2020 use of the word “toxic”, where everything you don’t like is toxic.


Classic has always been toxic :man_shrugging:


@miylee nice observation and no I am not really undergeared. just casual raid geared.

I came back to level an alt after a 2-3 month break and it’s insane how much the game has changed. I’m on Dreadmist which used to be quite busy even out of peak times but now… world chat is completely dead and I’ve not seen anyone running a normal dungeon. It’s just the occasional spam of boosting stockades or ZG. Probably gonna take another break and come back for TBC :cry:

What do you actually do in the game? As in, what do you play for? You had a thread about looking forward to p5, so I assume AQ20. Do you have any interest in joining an actual raid group or are you completely stuck to pugging?

If it’s the latter, that’s part of your problem. It’s late into Classic now, people have built up their communities. Whenever any of my guildies want to do a dungeon, whether max level or not, they always ask in /g before pugging; groups are usually full with just guildies.

Due to the large size of raid teams, it’s very plausible that the same happens for a lot of others.

A lot of people think that Classic is the most casual version of WoW, given how easy the content actually is. Whilst that is true in essence, it’s still the most sociable. And like most forms of socialising, things are done in pre-created groups consisting of people that said group maker knows.

Want some more examples of Miylee’s observations? You said in a previous thread that you suffer from depression, but depression isn’t the cause of you writing your threads. You were actually wrong.

There’s a timeframe between your threads and your posts, they’re usually monthly / bi-monthly rather than daily / weekly, which suggests that you create a post when feeling significantly down; depression has this habbit of causing mood swings. Classic itself may not be the cause of said mood swings, but those mood swings certainly are the cause of your threads and negative view.



  1. I mostly do dungeons sometimes 20 raids and pvp. 60 dungeons are basically dead so thats removed. I cant do pvp because of premades which premades basically removed solo queue from the game. I dont do AV anymore because of 2 hour queue it be easier and faster to farm REP as alliance instead, Wpvp is a gamble of difficulty depending on class. I only do 40 raids in guilds.

  2. Raids is more of ranked version of PvE because they only take speedrun metas sorry, I prefer a balanced core raids. I cant lead groups because of social anxiety.

20 raids is all I got to play now.

1: count the amount of time u write “i” and “me”.
2: research what mmporg means.
3: ponder abit if you should have written this, or just left to a game that suits u more.
4: share the result you came up with.

So you are not playing the game by standing online in that very same game doing nothing?

I have a tip for anybody who feels like not playing due to whatever: Just stop playing, we didnt care before if you did and we dont care now if you dont.

Me me me me

The bitter spite in you is palpable, even from small chunks of text posted on the net.

Ah hell yeah!

Flex simulator!

This is the first time in a very long time that I see someone saying they are quitting WoW for Runescape unironically.

I’m sorry, who are you? I have nothing to be spiteful of.

That’s actually not true. The top guilds of each server are typically into speed running, because that’s the modern way of E-peen measurements. Not every guild is a top end speed runner; you can easily find guilds that aren’t using Warcraftlogs.

Here’s the ranking of guilds on your server showing speed clears:

The following guilds have around an hour and a half clear of AQ40, which means that they’re casual and likely don’t care for min/maxing:

Dyslextic Untied Wed
Adults in denial
The Valour Legion
Beast Mode Main

You can easily ask for an officer of any of those guilds and discuss their approach to raiding.

I’m sure there are guilds around who don’t care about speedrun metas. I’m in one on Pyrewood Village.

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