Classic is dying due to faction imbalance

And Blizzard do nothing.

Every mega-server is dying at the moment because all players that don’t play in dominant faction stop the game.

My guild is dying because we can’t recrut new members, people that level and want to farm pre-raid bis migrate to empty server to finish their leveling and get gear.

Blizzard, save Classic please. Add a faction queue to balance 50/50 every server. Open free migration from dominant faction that stay in queue to empty server to balance them all, so if they don’t want to stay in queue, they have to migrate.

Do your job, or Classic is dead. Battlegrounds will never solve this issue, it’s a false solution that will solve nothing.


They don’t have to.

Great. Vanilla wasn’t about mega servers. Pirate servers are.

Soon as they ‘die’ they can be reverted to normal Vanilla levels of population caps and spring to life again.

Nothing else is needed, specially not unvoluntary 50/50 balance that will lock people out of their characters.

Just sit tight and let ‘nature’ do its job. :slightly_smiling_face:


None of the full servers are normal Vanilla levels of population.


-put a population cap of 4000 on each server

-use a 55/45 faction queue

-instore some real rules concerning wpvp to prevent griefing

And…oh wait, it’s too late for that isn’t it? Too bad :s


No they’re not stop crying, PvP happens get over it

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Such a shame. All these issues were predictable. Unfortunately, Blizzard catered to hardcore mofos and released stage 2 way too soon instead of taking it slow and resolving said issues preemptively.

Servers are still full, which is reassuring, but discontent is growing fast like a Chinese cabbage.

(Don’t know if it grows fast though, I suck at agriculture)


PVE servers are not impacted by this at all though, the only difference is world pvp is not that big there.

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Good. Classic has proved to be a failure in so many ways its honestly a good thing that it would die.


What a Load of Horse Manure…
Furthermore the current pop per server is multiple times what the servers had back then thus it would actually be welcome for pop to drop somewhat as that would make spawns and such balanced better. Even if 50% pop dropped it would still be more than the avg. serv had back then…

anyways what you say is false, people simply just logon for raid atm as no battlegrounds and many have farmed the gear they need from this phase.

And yet ur here… well i guess it failed at driving you away yet tho…

shoo shoo get lost dog :slight_smile: ur more bark than bite now then get lost ^^

I actually enjoy classic as i knew what it was so i knew what my expectations where rather than some retail scrubs who had over hyped their fantasies of something they never even tried to read up on :slight_smile:


dont worry your game will go down the drain soon enough

Why are you being so toxic?


Doubt it, since you know the term “vanilla” you know pservs have been around for over a decade and the most popular ones where retail & classic which both still exist and now that blizz also has classic and eluded to possible TBC in the future i highly doubt that classic would die out.

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pservs LOL who is the dog here hahah.

But for real blizz is coming with TBC and it will be a ride for all who keeps subs, no non-tbc servers for you on official server.

The dog is the one who barks the loudest and lacks the most bite.
As you are here complaining about the game being bad and dying you already displayed u hadnt left and thus those words where rather empty.

Eitherway your pressence simply proves me how hard you conflict with yourself and that you deep down don’t believe your own words :slight_smile:


Go back to World of IOcraft and stop trolling the classic forums. Don’t you have LFR to do?


Oh, please, stop being a drama queen.

Classic died 13 years ago already

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I’m litterly hearing that wow is dieng for 15years now.
Not sure if i should trust this claim.


you silly human the game is going down and you projecting onto me is not going to save your game

every site that tracks activity has noticed a hard decline since p2 released and its not coming up anytime soon

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Oh no the que is going from 2h to 1h. gaMe iS dIyInG