Classic target audience: likely dads with busy life (like me) who completed all the content 15 years ago are not level 60 for most.
I know we don´t have the official data, but still from the data collected by the players the faction ratios are getting worse every week as the people are quitting or rerolling. In few weeks or months, there will only be 80:20 servers. So Blizzard really should start doing something about it. They did not care back then, but still there is no reason to repeat the same mistake now.
I admit it - I won´t play a weaker faction on such server for several reasons. It´s frustrating, time consuming, impossible… So if Blizzard does not do anything, I will delete all my characters and will simply re-roll Horde. It´s not crying or threatening. It´s adapting and the only solution.
Exactly, yet Blizzard set the pace to be comfortable for tryhards, not their true audience - guys who were teenagers back in Vanilla days, grew up, got families and finally got a chance to relive the experience.
Blizzard won’t do anything because Horde is enjoying their PvP game on easy mode and they do anything they can to defend it. Imagine how much Horde monkeys would cry if the situation was reversed, and Blizzard would’ve done something in an instant. Just look at Vanilla. Why are there so many Horde towns and guards, and none for the Alliance? Because Alliance dominated wPvP in vanilla, forcing Blizzard to add more guards to make the game playable for them.
But now that the roles are reversed, they cry out go PvE SERvReER NOOb and #nochanges, because they want to keep their game easy.
Dying? Nope.
People left? Yeah. My guild has left, multitude of reasons, but, as we are casual and people were getting tired of not doing anything in their time that was free, they’ve left. But I feel this tail off would have happened anyways.
“They are doing nothing”
What are you on about? They released BGs before it was due. They have been listening to the community alot in Classic and people just keep complaining.
Faction imbalance is not that big of an issue since only a couple of servers are having a bad time. Shazzrah and Gandling are sinking ships but other servers are healthy tbh. You can find stats on
Most servers are around 40/60 and 50/50. Now, W-pvp has been killing classic and that may be true in a sense of faction balance. But all of that will go away in 2 weeks.
Are you kidding me? Pretty big on Nethergarde Keep
It’s the opposite problem on Nethergarde Keep. Horde: Alliance ratio is 1:4. Ratios need to be optimised for both factions ,
Stop crying little ally kids already
why is it that alliance players think they are the only ones who cant enter BRM? Or are the only ones who get killed the second they land in X zone?
Or the ones who cant do a single quest ?
yeah all this sht happens to horde players too
Trololol /10char
What is happening right now has nothing to do with world PVP.
Due to absurd faction imbalance and the introduction of phase2 combined, I’m getting farmed so hard I can’t even level and quest. So I stopped playing just today and unsubscribed. I feel super sad, Classic was so much fun before this mindless honourgrind. If Blizzard ever makes a nice solution to faction balance/honour system I’ll return, otherwise it’s Dark Souls or other actually fun pvp games for me. Even if DS can be sometimes ganky, it’s nowhere close to this level of ridiculousness.
Only pvp servers will die, due to horde players greed for honor points in dishonorable way.
Meanwhile, pve servers are doing very well, a nice place to experience vanilla, both wpvp and raid in nondisruptive fashion.
Not true, had you said every “PvP server is dieing” you have been closer to being right.
This won’t work reasons outlined here
Players are unlikely to leave there cosey life.
Probably true,
Personally - Called it!
What can we do -
Its a problem in both retail and classic and they will not sort it .
My classic char started on a full server with nigh on 50/50
Its now 70/30 horde with more players either quitting the game or rerolling .
But you have people here who say its fine and to gitgud and lol about it.
We already have a solution that unfortunately the majority of people are loathed to accept - PvE server.
I can already here the response from someone ringing my ears that they want the PvP ruleset.
When you agree to role on a PvP realm you agree to that rule set, the game is old enough and the repercussions were made available enough…
We you role on a PvP set, you agree you do so for better for worse, fair or unfair 1v1, 1v2 or 1v10, You agree to the possibility that every flight master is camped, you agree to the possibility of being corpse and graveyard camped you agree to be ganked by a player 20+ levels higher than; all of this with no realistic chance of success.
Your only salvation is that is it true that if you are on lower pop faction you will likley have a get into BG’s however the whole world will likley be camped by high pop faction queing for BGs.
40/60 is not healthy.
Mograine is pretty much unplayable with that ratio for Alliance.
Shazzrah is unplayable.
Did you read though ?
I was on a balanced server and now it is not and i like PvP but when every flight point and dungeon/raid entrance is horde owned its sicking and you cant call up others to help because there isnt anyone.
Players left because economy ruined early on due to layering also lack of content p2 came to late and plus p2 should imho come with Bgs on start.
But sure blame us and tell us to gitgud or suck it up .
This, i mained alliance in vanilla and tbc.
I dont understand why it’s always alliance complaining, i am getting ganked wherever i go despite being horde.