Classic is for a year, TBC is for life

And all this stuff - just so people can roflstomp bosses, rather than be challenged? Is it worth it? Does it truly make for a better game? A more enjoyable and immersive experience?

Clearly not, given that you seem pretty sick of it yourself.

But people continue to do it, because it’s the done thing, and if they don’t do it then groups aren’t prepared to pick them.

I’m so glad I didn’t jump onto the raiding train in Classic. I’ve not entered a single raid, not even once, and I’m fine with that.

I don’t think people fully understand what it will be like in TBC. While I personally consider it the best time period of World of Warcraft, there are a lot of things that people aren’t considering. Before I’ll write down some of these things, I’ll mention that I played since early vanilla, I spent 8+ hours a day logged on in TBC and I absolutely loved it. I ended up creating a lot of 70 twinks in WOTLK that I still have today, included this hunter I’m posting on. I’ve done everything there is to do in TBC, and I played a holy paladin in Arena back in the day.

  1. The world isn’t very large, not compared to classic at least. While all of the zones are unique, the artstyle can get tedious after a while. Netherstorm is a super cool area the first time you’re there, but eventually it gets dull, and starts feeling very repetitive. The same can be said for Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Shadowmoon Valley, Terokkar Forest. While I’m sure that raid loggers don’t care nor have noticed, there is a huge diversity when it comes to the fauna and geography of Classic. And if people haven’t figured it out yet, the ‘classic’ world in TBC will eventually end up feeling dead, just like it did back in the day. Sure there are a few people who will level up new alts, but the focus will be on getting to Outlands as fast as possible. Insert flying and it starts to feel quite empty and you lose some immersion.

  2. A lot of people will end up going horde, and this will cause a massive imbalance. It wasn’t so bad back in TBC, because we didn’t know as much as we do today, and we didn’t min-max the same way we do today. While people have complaints about classes/talents in classic, and I fully agree with your complaints, it doesn’t go away in TBC. There is far less issues in TBC when it comes to this, but you still have situations like Blood Elf Paladin Vs Alliance Paladin and warlocks in general.

  3. I adored arena in TBC, it was one of the best experiences ever. On my realm we had a 2x dwarf hunter team that in season 1-2 reached 2000+ rating and it was glorious. When I started in season 1, I signed up with a warrior (I know, OP comp), and we ran around in dungeon blues, and so did everyone else on my realm at that point. It was such a wonderful experience, with people trying it for the first time, entering arena with strange comps and none of us really had that good gear. This won’t be the same this time around, as people know what comps are strong, and they know what gear to go after. The arena will be dominated by the same people who run around on Mages/Warriors in classic and use consumables in every encounter. This in return will scare away the less ‘hardcore’ PvPers and you’ll end up just like in retail, with very few people who do arena. The people I read about in this thread who are saying “I’ll casually do some battlegrounds, get some gear and then get into arena”. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it won’t end up like that, and you won’t have a very good time in arena.

  4. The longevity of TBC will be lacking, compared to classic, and somewhat to WotLK as well. While there are a lot of good things to say about TBC, like:

  • The gameplay is wonderful
  • The heroic dungeons are fun the first few weeks/months
  • Arena/PvP gear and professions are worthwhile

There are a lot of things that aren’t as good. The heroic dungeons were a lot of fun back in the day, but part of the reason for this was that people didn’t gear up as quickly, so they stayed relevant for a longer time. If we have learned anything from classic, it is that people will crush content and aim for the best gear as soon as possible. This means that those heroic dungeons, won’t be that interesting to people a few weeks/months into the release. Then we ended up getting badges from the heroic dungeons for new gear, and while this was an amazing idea back in TBC, people won’t be needing this except for alts, as they already have the same or better gear from raids.

Some people are praising the daily quests of TBC, and I don’t think they have done those daily quests recently. The daily quests introduced in TBC were downright horrible. They are by far the worst implementation of daily quests in WoWs history. For Sha’tari Skyguards you have to fly around and avoid getting shot down, while trying to bomb a few eggs, and if you do get shot down, you’ll have to crawl your way out of a camp full of enemies. Ogri’la has more fly around and bomb stuff, then capture stuff, and last but not least the resonating crystals which I do believe deserve the spot for the worst daily quest ever inventet, especially if you consider that people will grief you and get in the way. The Netherwing daily quests are both dull, boring and repetitive. The only happy feeling I got from doing Netherwing quests were those times I would find an egg, and on these populated realms, that won’t happen a lot.

The world PvP takes a huge hit because of flying, Arena will end up being for the top 2% who do everything to min-max, and we’ll have battlegrounds left as the main viable PvP option for those who isn’t everything or nothing.

This leads me to…

  1. What will the casual player be doing in TBC? The world is smaller, and there are less ‘alive’ zones for you to explore. It’ll be harder and harder to find people for heroic dungeons, as just like in classic, people will move on to raids instead. The daily quests are a chore and there is no fun to be had there. You won’t be welcome in Arena, so you’ll end up in battlegrounds again. If you aren’t interested in raiding, there isn’t that much to do. One of the few positive things that I can think about are the professions. While I am fully aware of the fact that many of these issues are in classic, my point isn’t that TBC is bad, it’s that TBC isn’t this perfect world people paint it up to be.

As sad as it makes me to say, between Vanilla, TBC and WoTLK, I’m certain that TBC will have the least longevity of the three, even if originally it was the best experience.


Classic and Wotlk are simple the best addons of wow .I dont see any actul good reason to create tbc severs

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Who cares about Retail? There’re more fundamental problems that disqualify Retail as an option than “bad arenas”. The whole point of this thread is to compare TBC to Classic, not to Retail. That’s a topic for another thread - and I severely doubt Retail would win out for most players.

Very subjective, I personally still love most Outland zones and, even in BFA, always chose Outland over Northrend to level up.

If we can carry our chars into TBC, many will opt to stick to their Classic chars rather than roll on a new faction and possibly abandon their guild in the process. Heck, I’m on an Alliance-dominated server, and I wish many players rerolled Horde, but I just don’t see it happening.

Not sure what season you were reminiscing of, but by Season 4 of TBC there definitely was such a thing as a meta. On the other hand, if we get only one xrealm battlegroup, the player pool will be so large that even players with nonmeta comps will likely be able to reach high ratings, even if not Gladiator/Duelist range.

I can understand the comparison with WotLK, but not at all with Classic. If there is a game that lacks longevity in the Classic trilogy, that’s Classic. And the current state of the game is a testament to that.

Putting aside the fact we’re getting the ability to turn BoJ into gems and Nether Vortexes in SWP phase… yes alts is a pretty big point. Right now in Classic, even with alts, dungeons are pretty much a wasteland because (1) they tend to take quite a lot of time, (2) they’re dull gameplay-wise, and, most importantly, (3) much of the gear there doesn’t even compare to ZG gear, except for a few especially rare pieces.

This isn’t the case in TBC, especially once ZA releases. Many BoJ items are simply amazing, and alts will be able to almost skip T4 and, partly, T5 just with their BoJ gear. I remember seeing chars able to get into T6 raids just with BoJ gear alone, especially once SWP BoJ weapons/chests/legs are added to the mix. So yeah I do expect heroic dungeons to stay relevant for much longer than Vanilla dungeons.

I’ll give you that much, but at least TBC dailies didn’t gate anything important (except maybe the Netherwing stamina trinket for tanks, but even that is roughly equal to the Engineering one and still worse than Darkmoon Cards), unlike in future versions of WoW where these dailies become more compulsory.

He will do heroic runs, which will be a lot easier to find than a dungeon run nowadays and a LOT more rewarding lootwise
He will do raids, which again will be a lot more rewarding lootwise and also more fun and interesting since, unlike MC, even T4 TBC raids have mechanics
He will do Arenas, because even with meta etc. they’re still much more “newbie friendly” than the premade-dominated BGs of Classic

Meanwhile, in Classic right now, he’d be stuck running MC pugs for the nth time without getting a thing, spending hours to find single Scholo or Strat run (let alone one where what he needs isn’t reserved), and getting his face melted in BGs (assuming he can bear with the lifelong queues)

Though I do agree that, even if I prefer TBC to WotLK, WotLK is the best experience of the three for casual players. But both TBC and WotLK are much better than Vanilla in that regard.


Being better than Classic is already good reason enough to create TBC Classic servers.

I never got sick of them, I love the art style. Jack never got sick of them Jane never got sick of them. YOU got sick of them. Therefore this is merely a personal opinion, relevant only to you, and thus completely subjective.

A lot of people will end up going horde**, and this will cause a massive imbalance. It wasn’t so bad back in TBC, because we didn’t know as much as we do today, and we didn’t min-max the same way we do today. While people have complaints ab… etc…

How do you know most people won’t simply transfer their alts over to TBC? You don’t, this is pure assumption.

The people I read about in this thread who are saying “I’ll casually do some battlegrounds, get some gear and then get into arena”. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it won’t end up like that, and you won’t have a very good time in arena.

Once again YOU won’t have a good time. Jack will, Jill will, maybe I will, or maybe I’ll despise every second, what does it matter, it’s a tiny fraction of the game content. I play to have fun, win or lose.

The longevity of TBC will be lacking, compared to classic

Lacking? Classic gives mostly four options once you hit level cap. Level an alt, run the same raids and dungeons over and over again forever, farm rep (i.e. Timbermaw), Battleground ranking, and that’s basically it.

TBC adds daily quests, arena and heroics into the mix, along with all the stuff above. Plus the dungeon and raid mechanics tend to be far more interesting.

And over to the comment I I most disagree with…

Some people are praising the daily quests of TBC**, and I don’t think they have done those daily quests recently. The daily quests introduced in TBC were downright horrible. They are by far the worst implementation of daily quests in WoWs history.

They are ‘horrible’ for YOU. Jack likes them, Jill likes them, YOU dislike them. You’ve stated that they are ‘horrible’ as if it’s absolute fact, rather than qualifying it as an opinion. If you’re written something like “In my opinion the dailys are horrible”, then fine, but you stated it as a self-evident fact.

I happen to love the TBC dailys, with the exception of Ogri’La, which I can’t do anyway due to colourblindness. Above all I love the Netherwing daily quests, which I did on four different characters back in 2008, and intend to do so again in 2021.

You are basically holding up a thing you personally dislike and claiming everyone else dislikes it too.

Whilst you’re entitled to your opinions, I do not share them. In fact your entire post reads in an eerily similar fashion to some of the ‘wall of NO’ posts I read back in 2012 when people were asking for classic realms - constant claims that Classic realms would be impossible, because everyone would finish Naxx and get bored, and there was nothing to do in Classic, and it was boring etc. etc. etc. etc…

I don’t think people fully understand what it will be like in TBC

Effectively you’re saying ‘you think you do, but you don’t’.

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U dont need tbc if u have already classic .Everything new that does tbc we can see in Wrath

There’re a lot of reasons to prefer TBC to Wrath.

From a PvE perspective, TBC offers a lot more variety than Wrath - both because we get more raids for each tier and because each tier doesn’t fully obsolete every previous tier. When SWP comes out, for example, you still have reason to keep raiding MH and BT because a lot of BiS items for several classes still come from there. Meanwhile, in endgame WotLK all you do is ICC (and RS when it comes out), and that gets tedious much faster from my experience.

TBC heroics are also much better than WotLK heroics. Aside from FoS/PoS/HoR, WotLK heroics become a faceroll incredibly early in the game, whereas even in lategame TBC you still must exercise some caution in heroics because a lot of the CC abilities of enemies (mind controls and such) don’t care about your stats, and your Stamina doesn’t ramp from T4 to SWP anywhere as much as from T7 to T10 so you’re a lot more vulnerable - a SWP-geared melee DPS can still get clapped by a mob, while ICC hc geared chars can often tank enemies even as DPS.

Even in terms of class gameplay, while WotLK adds more rotations and stuff to the mix, I also enjoy the strategic aspect of actually building up a TBC raid, whereas in WotLK it feels more like in Classic - where you just need to cross a few checks and then the rest of the slots can be assigned to w/e shows up. In TBC instead you have to carefully consider group compositions and make choices based on that.

And that’s just off the top of my head.


Not true actually, there are a ridiculous amount of buffs that last for 30 minutes or so and are every bit as stupid as Vanilla’s world buff meta.

Look them up, some that buff spell damage by up to 350 for 30 minutes attack speed by 30% for 5 minutes which may not seem long but consider you can port people into the instance I believe. Abusing Vael buff may also be a thing.

there will definitely be a buff meta and it will definitely be as garbage if not worse than Vanilla’s buff meta.

AV is one third of the available BGs and if Blizzard didn’t intend to make PvP miserable they would have gone with the older incarnation of it.

Still better than anything Arena has to offer.

I get what you’re saying, though, realistically I have difficulty seeing how, logistically, an an entire raid can make a five minute buff viable for downing a raid boss. Even if they were super-efficient, and had x-number of Warlocks in the group that remained in the dungeon and were prepared to sacrifice their own world buff I still suspect that by the time everyone was organised it would have worn off.

The 30-minute one might be slightly more viable I guess, but even then, it’s a stretch.

has 50x the players of classic? those people?

How is possible that Retail has 50x the players of Classic when in August 2019 Classic had 3x the players of Retail?

I’m sorry but… no, just no.

for a whole week at launch? wow dude. How are those servers doing now buddy?

Those people are probably already on retail and if they didn’t switch to Classic they wouldn’t switch to TBC most likely. Again, read the damn OP before wasting your time replying with offtopic remarks. Or just go back to Retail forums whence you came from.

they will play tbc for 1-2 weeks and then quit, just like with classic

If everyone quit Classic, why I can’t find a single uncontested farming zone on my server?

Anyway if you wanna have a convo about why players prefer Classic or TBC to Retail, feel free to make a thread or w/e. I’m not gonna bother with you anymore here as this isn’t the topic of the damn thread in case you haven’t noticed.


Leeeeets doooo the tiiiiiiiiime waaaaaaaaarp agaaaaaaaaain

Welcome back to 2012. Massive call for classic realms, 250 page thread on the forums, and full of kneejerk naysayers and Wall of No people typing “everyone will get bored after two weeks and quit

Except it didn’t happen.
Won’t happen with TBC either.


I think you know the answer, bots.